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Fine Dictionary


Flowers within round arch, with long drooping leaves
Flowers within round arch, with long drooping leaves
  1. (v) droop
    become limp "The flowers wilted"
  2. (v) droop
    droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
  3. (v) droop
    hang loosely or laxly "His tongue lolled"
  4. (n) droop
    a shape that sags "there was a sag in the chair seat"
Flowers within round arch, with long drooping leaves.
Flowers within round arch, with long drooping leaves.
The accompanying text (p. 290) states: Fig. 1: Velvet hat trimmed with satin, with drooping feather on the side. Douillette of pink Levantine. White gloves and (flat) white shoes. FIG. 2: Cashmere hat. Douillette by Lévantine decorated with satin piping. Sleeves with inserts. White gloves. (Flat) white shoes. The print is part of the fashion magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, published in Frankfurt as a copy of the French edition by Pierre de la Mésangère, (1798-1848).
The accompanying text (p. 290) states: Fig. 1: Velvet hat trimmed with satin, with drooping feather on the side. Douillette of pink Levantine. White gloves and (flat) white shoes. FIG. 2: Cashmere hat. Douillette by Lévantine decorated with satin piping. Sleeves with inserts. White gloves. (Flat) white shoes. The print is part of the fashion magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, published in Frankfurt as a copy of the French edition by Pierre de la Mésangère, (1798-1848).
A lying dog with a drooping head. A rope is attached to his collar and is placed around a pole. The print is part of a six-part series with prints of the same dog in different poses.
A lying dog with a drooping head. A rope is attached to his collar and is placed around a pole. The print is part of a six-part series with prints of the same dog in different poses.
Turban with a long drooping tip. Dress with train and a long scarf, both trimmed with striped bands of muslin and gold thread. Accessories: earring in the right ear, bracelet on the right upper arm, flat shoe with pointed nose. According to the caption, this costume is drawn from life at 'Théâtre Français de la Répub.'. The print is part of the fashion magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, published by Sellèque, Paris, 1797-1839.
Turban with a long drooping tip. Dress with train and a long scarf, both trimmed with striped bands of muslin and gold thread. Accessories: earring in the right ear, bracelet on the right upper arm, flat shoe with pointed nose. According to the caption, this costume is drawn from life at 'Théâtre Français de la Répub.'. The print is part of the fashion magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, published by Sellèque, Paris, 1797-1839.
Maitreya, seated on a lotus throne with a halo behind her; drooping crossed legs.
Maitreya, seated on a lotus throne with a halo behind her; drooping crossed legs.
The head with drooping mustache and imperial is slightly turned to the left; the right hand is held in front of the chest, the left to the side. A skullcap rests on the wig, the curls of which hang down to the wide collar. The cloak, which completely covers the shoulder and arms, is turned to the right and is held up in front of the chest with the right hand, so that only a small part of the button-closed jerkin is visible. The whole rests on a plinth.
Portrait of Andries de Graeff, mayor of Amsterdam
Woman to the right, fontange hat, slanting forward on the forehead, with drooping slips on the back. She is dressed in a manteau with a train, a bodice with wide 7/8 sleeves and an underskirt with falbala. Open folding fan in hand.
Woman to the right, fontange hat, slanting forward on the forehead, with drooping slips on the back. She is dressed in a manteau with a train, a bodice with wide 7/8 sleeves and an underskirt with falbala. Open folding fan in hand.
Black velvet hat with black iridescent rooster (?) Feathers. Flat bulb and drooping conical rim. Inner hat with two ear flaps and laiton reinforced. Silk lining. The edge is covered all around with small green / purple iridescent rooster or pheasant feathers that rotate in one direction. In a cream paper box (BK-1978-346-B).
Black velvet hat with black iridescent rooster (?) Feathers. Flat bulb and drooping conical rim. Inner hat with two ear flaps and laiton reinforced. Silk lining. The edge is covered all around with small green / purple iridescent rooster or pheasant feathers that rotate in one direction. In a cream paper box (BK-1978-346-B).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Droop
    A drooping; as, a droop of the eye.
  2. Droop
    To hang bending downward; to sink or hang down, as an animal, plant, etc., from physical inability or exhaustion, want of nourishment, or the like. "The purple flowers droop .", "Above her drooped a lamp.", "I saw him ten days before he died, and observed he began very much to droop and languish."
  3. Droop
    To proceed downward, or toward a close; to decline. "Then day drooped ."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. droop
    To sink or hang down; bend or hang downward, as from weakness or exhaustion.
  2. droop
    To languish from grief or other cause; fall into a state of physical weakness.
  3. droop
    To fail or sink; flag; decline; be dispirited: as, the courage droops; the spirits droop.
  4. droop
    To tend gradually downward or toward a close.
  5. droop
    To drip; be wet with water.
  6. droop
    To let sink or hang_down: as, to droop the head.
  7. (n) droop
    The act of drooping, or of bending or hanging down; a drooping position or state.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.i) Droop
    drōōp to sink or hang down: to grow weak or faint: to decline
  2. (v.t) Droop
    to let sink
  3. (n) Droop
    a drooping position
Eric Hoffer
The world leans on us. When we sag, the whole world seems to droop.
Eric Hoffer
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Icel. drūpa,; akin to E. drop,. See Drop

Usage in the news

Drooping and Slumping Toward Insanity Edition.

I have to remember that hydrangeas droop in the mid-afternoon sun right around the hottest point of the day, so when cutting them off the vine I do so early in the morning.

As record companies scramble to explain drooping sales figures (and stop the bleeding), Universal Music Group has found a new culprit: MySpace.

Drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion: weak.

Droop native a Nashville lyricist .

Proportional Droop Cause and Cure.

Geometry and the laws of physics dictate proportional droop must occur.

At a yard I once managed, I clearly recall watching a contractor, who specialized in this work, take a decidedly seat-of-the-pants approach to "calculating" shaft weight and the associated sag or droop.

Yesterday afternoon my eyes were drooping while I was attempting to get some work done, so I decided to lie down for a few minutes in the sun to rest before the kids got home from school.

Last month you read my complaints about drawers—the wearable kind—that won't droop the way I like and the fact that this nation now imports 95 per cent of all clothing available in our stores.

Sears 3Q net loss widens on tax expenses and drooping sales, but adjusted loss narrows.

An adaptive leading edge droop for light sport aircraft.

Ten days ago at Mesa Community College in Phoenix, Tuba City senior Billy Orman sat drooping at trackside after winning the Arizona state meet Division 3 1600m race.

Doing this will stop the axle from drooping when you jack up the vehicle and will keep it from being precariously high on the jack.

Civil War reenactors at the Battle of Droop Mountain.

Usage in scientific papers

This correction procedure was only applied to individual pulses and the longer term power inverse droop we observed was not corrected but should instead be handled by engineering robust pulses.
Randomized benchmarking of single and multi-qubit control in liquid-state NMR quantum information processing

Q1: Many types of house plants droop when they have not been watered and quickly "straighten up" after watering.
Biological Concepts Instrument (BCI): A diagnostic tool for revealing student thinking

Q1: Many types of house plants droop when they have not been watered and quickly "straighten up" after watering.
Biological Concepts Instrument (BCI): A diagnostic tool for revealing student thinking

However, a high cut-off frequency produces a droop which distorts the square wave.
A 2-20 GHz Analog Lag-Correlator for Radio Interferometry

The droop will invariably increase cross talk between baselines since demodulating a phase switched signal with an orthogonal function does not reject the signal fully.
A 2-20 GHz Analog Lag-Correlator for Radio Interferometry

Usage in literature

There was appeal for relief in the pathetic droop of the scarlet lips of the bride, but it was of no avail. "Making People Happy" by Thompson Buchanan

For a moment she stood quietly, with drooping head and uplifted eyes, her hands clasped, a picture of beauty. "The Art of Disappearing" by John Talbot Smith

She felt her cheeks burn with shame, and her eyes drooped before his steady gaze. "The New Tenant" by E. Phillips Oppenheim

The birds droop under the extreme heat. "The Wild Huntress" by Mayne Reid

But someone had suffered in the fight against want, and when the worst of the struggle was over the brave mother began to droop. "'Lizbeth of the Dale" by Marian Keith

The horses stopped with their forefeet in the water and drooped heads to drink thirstily. "Sawtooth Ranch" by B. M. Bower

His eyebrows were shaved, and a mustache drooped down to his sharp, flat chin like sea-weed. "Peter the Brazen" by George F. Worts

All the grace and mobility were gone from her face, and it was drooping and dull almost to impassiveness. "The Bridge of the Gods" by Frederic Homer Balch

His shoulders drooped and he spread his hands in a gesture of resignation. "The Copper-Clad World" by Harl Vincent

They were under the drooping branches of an elm that stood holding to the edge of the bank. "The Road to Frontenac" by Samuel Merwin

Usage in poetry
Drooping, sinking, failing,
Nigh to earth,
Mounting, whirling, sailing,
Full of mirth;
Lower drooped the lily,
And died at the feet of the weeds;
And only the tender mosses
Ministered to her needs.
While like an early summer plum,
Puny, green, and tart,
Droops upon its wizened stem
My lean, unripened heart.
My spirit homeward turns
And fain would thither flee;
My heart, O Zion, droops and yearns,
When I remember thee.
O pensive autumn! how I grieve
Thy sorrowing face to see!
When languid suns are taking leave
Of every drooping tree.
When nature sinks, and spirits droop,
Thy promises of grace
Are pillars to support my hope,
And there I write thy praise.