Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(Zoöl) A small marine fish of the family Atherinidæ, having a silvery stripe along the sides. The European species (Atherina presbyter) is used as food. The American species (Menidia notata) is called silversides and sand smelt. See Silversides.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
A fish of the genus Atherina; a sand-smelt.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
ath′er-īn a genus of small fishes, allied to the Gray Mullet family, abundant in the Mediterranean—one species (Atherina presbyter), found on the south coast of England, is often sold as a smelt.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary NL. atherina, fr. Gr. a kind of smelt
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Gr.
Usage in the news
Atherine Anne Porter wrote letters of an astonishing intellectual sinew and clarity with an ease that escaped when she turned to fiction.
C atherine Capellaro and Andrew Rohn are no strangers to provocative topics—or theatrical success.