Preterit and past participle of kneel.
(pa.t., pa.p)
nelt of kneel.
A woman knelt beside the crushed legs of Paul Esposito, who lay on the ferry's floor in a pool of his own blood, told him she was a nurse, applied a tourniquet and then later disappeared.
When a schoolyard crush married someone else, he painted the groom's leather shoes with pink nail polish so when he knelt at the altar it would show.
Bree Morse, 19, mouthed, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it, I can't believe it," over and over again as she knelt to have her crown pinned on her head.
With the rest of the bar unable or unwilling to help, he left his table and knelt down to the afflicted girl.
More than 1,000 faithful knelt before the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima at Ss.
MINA, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Fortunate enough to squeeze his way through crowds into what Muslims consider one of the most sacred places on earth, Mohammed knelt in worship, put his head on the cold white marble, and wept for Syria.
L ina, 15, kicked off her sandals and knelt in the dirt next to her father.
LINCOLN—The Alcona football team knelt around coach Dave Schneider Senior at the end of their 34-33 win over the Manton on Friday.
LINCOLN-The Alcona football team knelt around coach Dave Schneider Senior at the end of their 34-33 win over the Manton on Friday.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged 9/11 mastermind, and other prisoners knelt in prayer and refused to answer the judge's questions.
He got up, appearing to have knocked the wind out of himself, and then knelt on the outfield grass momentarily.
The patient was being well cared for by his other team members, so he knelt down to talk to the kids.
When Matthew Crawley knelt in the snow before Mary Grantham in the season two finale of.
My husband and I knelt before the bathtub watching a pair of silly, soapy sisters play.
Players knelt in a circle near midfield and.
She knelt and prayed for her own soul as well as mine. "Robin" by
Jesus found a hollow where the bushes sheltered him from the wind and knelt to pray. "Men Called Him Master" by
She'd never knelt with me before. "Gideon's Band" by
The blessed saint went up on to the ramparts, knelt and prayed, and then, having prayed, spat upon the enemy. "The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2 (of 2)" by
Roma, who could not speak, put the wreath of chrysanthemums on the brave little breast, and knelt by the mother's side. "The Eternal City" by
As soon as the second saw that, he also knelt. "Moody's Anecdotes And Illustrations" by
Row after row of men knelt to receive the Bread of Life, and it was a rare privilege to administer it to them. "The Great War As I Saw It" by
He stepped to Cynthia and knelt beside her. "A Son of the Hills" by
Ernest Linwood, for it was he, knelt down by me, and putting his arms round me, raised me from the ground, without any volition of my own. "Ernest Linwood" by
Pani knelt and said a little prayer. "A Little Girl in Old Detroit" by
To Him who maketh strong,
That no returning thoughts of care
Should do my spirit wrong.
And knelt in prayer above us.—
Blessings be on thine aged head!
It showed how thou didst love us.
I had nor knelt nor uttered word;
But somehow felt that I had prayed,
And somehow felt I had been heard.
And as I knelt beside
My bud, it look'd up, as if knowing all,
And shook with modest pride.
And knelt down on the ground:
Then might the tanner have been away,
He had liever than twenty pound.
With her Albert by her side,
She has felt all thoughts that melt thee—
England's, Albert's happy Bride.