of Dwell.
Preterit and past participle of dwell.
Downy came and dwelt with me, Taught me hermit lore. columbian.com
News Sports One Last Point: dwelt in a tent. currypilot.com
In rural Missouri, Mormons visit the place 'where Adam dwelt . sltrib.com
Not so long ago, in a land called Portlandia, dwelt a knitter who loved sock yarn. blog.oregonlive.com
In its '70s heyday southern rock was huge but hardly monolithic — under its pillars dwelt the guitar swagger of the Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Dixie Dregs' jazz fusion and Sea Level's literate funk. rollingstone.com
Who knew that behind the brick walls and frosted glass of the Blue Sushi Sake Grill in the Old Market there dwelt an abandoned brew house, including a 7-foot-tall brew kettle and a grain hopper half-filled with stale, 5-year-old barley. omaha.com
New coach Kyle Smith took over Columbia men's basketball, which has dwelt mostly in the Ivy League's middle or bottom ranks for four decades. amny.com
The afternoon sessions dwelt on numerical relativity, with Harald Pfeiffer, Mark Scheel, Robert Owen, Ilya Mandel, Luisa Buchman, and Frans Pretorius; and the meeting closed with Mihai Bondarescu (delivering Pavlin Savov’s talk), Richard Price, David Meier, Craig Hogan, Gary Horowitz, and Martin Kaplan.
Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the Topical Group in Gravitation of the American Physical Society
Having dwelt so long on the 0++ light–quark mesons, let me simply mention that the situation about 2++ tensors is no better.
Summary of Experimental Meson Physics
On the other hand, as far as stability is concerned, this approach has been in perfect qualitative conformity with earlier studies which have dwelt on the question of the stability of the flow solutions.
Perturbations on steady spherical accretion in Schwarzschild geometry
Although most of the recent activity in this area has dwelt on Yang-Mills in the Curci-Ferrari gauge since it has properties in common with the maximal abelian gauge, we have chosen to fix the gauge with the usual linear covariant gauge fixing.
Two loop effective potential for < A^2_\mu > in the Landau gauge in quantum chromodynamics
And Jerubbaal the son of Joash went and dwelt in his own house. "Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature" by
Thus for some moments her eyes dwelt upon me, without motion or change of direction. "The Quadroon" by
For where she dwelt there was neither day nor night. "Museum of Antiquity" by
In a small house of the third Municipality, in the street called Casa Calvo, dwelt Don Ignacio Valverde. "The Free Lances" by
But my eyes dwelt not upon this. "The Wild Huntress" by
In the reign of Pompey there lived a fair and amiable lady, and near to her dwelt a handsome, noble soldier. "Mediaeval Tales" by
Among the rushes and reeds and in the quiet water there dwelt a large tribe of Frogs. "Wigwam Evenings" by
God seemed infinite and dwelt in their midst, and spoke to them from the dust as well as from the stars. "When Dreams Come True" by
Men loved unto death and beyond it the physical house in which the soul dwelt. "A Man's Value to Society" by
And so he dwelt happily with the good monks, one of the most honored brothers of the monastery. "The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts" by
Wed a New England mate:
They dwelt and did and died here,
Nor glimpsed a rosier fate.
Who dwelt in such a light,
Her presence made the spirit's shade,
Look bright.
And thoughtfully once more
Had dwelt upon my mother's words
Of just the day before,--
So many 'wildering years,
And had my part of happiness
And sorrowed with their tears.
As ever dwelt on earth;
Oh sure my worship was too deep,
Even at that shrine of worth.
From childhood have I dwelt,
And for his wily murderer too,
A filial fondness felt.