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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
R.C. Gaitlan, 21, walked up to two patrol officers who were showing their squad car computer felon-location equipment to children in a Detroit neighborhood. When he asked how the system worked, the officer asked him for identification. Gaitlan gave them his drivers license, they entered it into the computer, and moments later they arrested Gaitlan because information on the screen showed Gaitlan was wanted for a two-year-old armed robbery in St. Louis, Missouri.
  1. (n) felon
    someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
  2. (n) felon
    a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Felon
    (Med) A kind of whitlow; a painful imflammation of the periosteum of a finger, usually of the last joint.
  2. Felon
    A person guilty or capable of heinous crime.
  3. Felon
    (Law) A person who has committed a felony.
  4. Felon
    Characteristic of a felon; malignant; fierce; malicious; cruel; traitorous; disloyal. "Vain shows of love to vail his felon hate."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) felon
    A wicked person; a cruel, fierce person; one guilty of heinous crimes.
  2. (n) felon
    In law, a person who has committed a felony. The term is not applicable after legal punishment has been completed.
  3. (n) felon
  4. (n) felon
    Synonyms Criminal, convict, malefactor, culprit, outlaw.
  5. felon
    Wicked; malignant; malicious; treacherous; proceeding from a depraved heart.
  6. felon
    Obtained by felony or crime; of goods, stolen.
  7. felon
    Wretched; forlorn.
  8. (n) felon
    In medicine:
  9. (n) felon
    An acute and painful inflammation of the deeper tissues of the finger or toe, especially of the distal phalanx, generally seated near the nail; paronychia; whitlow.
  10. (n) felon
    A sort of inflammation in quadrupeds, similar to whitlow in man.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Felon
    fel′on one guilty of felony: a convict: a wicked person: an inflamed sore
  2. (adj) Felon
    wicked or cruel

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE., adj., cruel, (n.), villain, ruffian, traitor, whitlow, F. félon, traitor, in OF. also, villain, fr. LL. felo,. See Fell, (a.)

Usage in the news

Felon escapes from Polk County Sheriff's cruiser.

Because of the previous felony arrest and since he was in possession of a knife and gun, he was charged with Felon in Possession of a Firearm and Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon.

(AP) The Polk County Sheriff's Office is seeking the public's help in locating an escaped felon .

Felon Captured in Stolen Car.

Felon sought in Harvey shooting.

A convicted felon is under arrest again, according to Colorado Springs police.

Police made contact with the man, who admitted he owned handgun and he was a convicted felon from out of state.

Arson Case Against Firefighter and Felon Waived to Grand Jury.

Felon on probation allegedly ditched cocaine, ran from cops.

Felon accused of stealing 14 cars in Spokane.

Wilmington police say a convicted felon and drug offender is behind bars after leading officers on a chase in a car and on foot.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A 27-year-old Anchorage man has been charged in federal court with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Felon in possession of firearm.

Two convicted felons were arrested and their three children were taken into protective custody after an apparent accidental shooting early Tuesday.

Felon faces new charges in Norwich, New London.

Usage in literature

A child of felons, scorned by all! "Modern Icelandic Plays" by Jóhann Sigurjónsson

You have tried to conceal it from me, but I know you have a felon on your hand. "Frank Merriwell's Races" by Burt L. Standish

Marc's friends, who warn him, are traitors and felons, vowed to scorn and hate, as were formerly Gannelons, who betrayed fair France. "A Literary History of the English People" by Jean Jules Jusserand

This Sir Turquine is a felon knight. "King Arthur's Knights" by Henry Gilbert

All felons against judges will exclaim, As harlots tremble at a Gonson's name. "The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings" by John Trusler

The worst felons are bold. "The False Chevalier" by William Douw Lighthall

Grotius and Vattel were quoted; writers, who have discoursed upon the relations of man, and distinguished the felon from the enemy. "The History of Tasmania , Volume II (of 2)" by John West

Then he crept back to his room as if he were a felon, and though he went early to bed, sleep refused to visit him till the day began to break. "The Nebuly Coat" by John Meade Falkner

Had it come to this; that there was a question whether or no she should be locked up in a prison, like a felon? "Orley Farm" by Anthony Trollope

Germaine was a philosophic felon. "Captain Canot" by Brantz Mayer

Usage in poetry
"But dearer to my injured eye
To see in dust proud Murray roll;
And mine was ten times trebled joy,
To hear him groan his felon soul.
Between the twilights of his end
He made his fellow-felon friend:
With swollen tongue, and blinding eyes,
Invited him to Paradise . . .
She stood beneath the felon rope —
Her beauty felt the hangman's hand;
But, steadfast in her life-long hope,
She only saw “the promised land!”
Soul-pierced with sword-like agony,—
Not felon’s taunt nor soldier’s jest;
Beside the God-forsaken Cross,
Could drive thee from it like the rest.
He first of all condemn'd him to be stripp'd,
And after that to be severely whipp'd,
He then was sentenc'd to be crucify'd,
Like a base slave or felon, 'till he di'd.
Pale Death still follows at our heels,
And like a silent felon steals
Along, with trembling pace, and footsteps slow,
Still ready, with unerring dart
To pierce each unsuspecting heart,
And give, amidst our vain pursuits, his blow.