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Fine Dictionary


Four smugglers are waiting by a tree. Eleventh print from the Los Caprichos series.
Four smugglers are waiting by a tree. Eleventh print from the Los Caprichos series.
  1. (n) smuggler
    someone who imports or exports without paying duties
Sheet with 10 images about soldier Ranselaar who arrests two smugglers. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No 403.
Sheet with 10 images about soldier Ranselaar who arrests two smugglers. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No 403.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Smuggler
    A vessel employed in smuggling.
  2. Smuggler
    One who smuggles.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) smuggler
    One who smuggles; one who imports or exports secretly and contrary to law either contraband goods or dutiable goods without paying the customs; also, in Scotland, an illicit distiller.
  2. (n) smuggler
    A vessel employed in smuggling goods.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (ns) Smuggler
    one who smuggles: a vessel used in smuggling

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Low Ger. smuggeln, cog. with Ger. schmuggeln; Dut. smuigen, to eat secretly.

Usage in the news

Drug and human smugglers make the trek across the Rio Grande each year .

A pursuit through the streets of Mission ended violently yesterday morning after authorities exchanged fire with two suspected smugglers.

Police chased the vehicle for miles dodging several bundles of marijuana that were thrown out by the smugglers.

Using cannon, smugglers shoot marijuana into U.S. Opposition activist discusses life in Syria.

Fatal incident reflects new boldness among offshore smugglers.

Ramp jump ends with smuggler's jeep stuck on border fence .

Smugglers Flocking to US Bringing Endangered Species.

Fast and Furious Link to NM Border Town Smugglers.

Africa smuggler swallowed 220 gems .

A memorial service was held in San Pedro on Saturday afternoon for a US Coast Guardsman who died in a confrontation with suspected drug smugglers.

Troopers are regularly involved in high-speed pursuits, often chasing drug smugglers into the river and back to Mexico.

Stopping drug smugglers on the ground is one thing.

Africa smuggler swallowed 220 gems.

Desperate Smuggler Puts Own Child's Life in Danger.

The alleged smugglers knew her routine — where she lived, where she worked.

Usage in literature

They are inveterate poachers, and the more industrious of them are habitual smugglers. "France and the Republic" by William Henry Hurlbert

Those Yarmouth men are great smugglers, there's no doubt about it. "Will Weatherhelm" by W.H.G. Kingston

I thought you would never have finished with those odious smugglers. "The King's Own" by Captain Frederick Marryat

Nevertheless, it requires that smugglers should be good seamen, smart active fellows, and keen-witted, or they can do nothing. "The Three Cutters" by Captain Frederick Marryat

He says, that if once clear, the smugglers would put him on the other side of the water. "Percival Keene" by Frederick Marryat

At the barking of the dog the smugglers backed water to step their way. "Snarley-yow" by Frederick Marryat

Smugglers bring guns to we, an' pooder. "The Settler and the Savage" by R.M. Ballantyne

Without uttering a word the smugglers sauntered towards the mound, assuming a careless air, as though they were passing that way by chance. "Deep Down, a Tale of the Cornish Mines" by R.M. Ballantyne

Not many years ago the hovellers were notorious smugglers. "The Lifeboat" by R.M. Ballantyne


Usage in poetry
Her tender nerves confess'd a shock,
To hear a sudden gun!
A smuggler's vessel from the rock,
She now perceives to run.
Well, well, children!
But you've heard all my stories. Let me see,--
Did I never tell you how the smuggler murdered
The woman down at Pill?
And his best friend General Vang Pao
Ran the Meo army like a sacred cow
Helicopter smugglers filled Long Cheng's bars
In Xieng Quang province on the Plain of Jars
To be drowned or be shot
Is our natural lot,
Why should we, moreover, be hanged in the end—-
After all our great pains
For to dangle in chains
As though we were smugglers, not poor honest men?