Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
ĕs*tō"vẽrz (Law) Necessaries or supplies; an allowance to a person out of an estate or other thing for support; as of wood to a tenant for life, etc., of sustenance to a man confined for felony out of his estate, or alimony to a woman divorced out of her husband's estate.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
In law: So much of the wood and timber of the premises held by a tenant as may be necessary for fuel, for the use of the tenant and his family, while in possession of the premises, and so much as may be necessary for keeping the buildings and fences thereon in suitable repair. Bingham. See bote, 2 . -
The right which the common law gave a tenant to take such wood. -
In a more general sense, supplies, as alimony for a wife, or supplies for the use of a felon and his family during his imprisonment.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
es-tō′vėrz (law) necessaries allowed by law, as wood to a tenant for necessary repairs, &c
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. estoveir, estovoir, necessary, necessity, need, prop. an infin. meaning to suit, be fit, be necessary. See Stover
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. estovoir, necessaries.
Usage in literature
The various kinds of estovers were thus known as house-bote, cart or plough-bote, hedge or hay-bote, and fire-bote respectively. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 9, Slice 7" by