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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) snatcher
    someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
  2. (n) snatcher
    a thief who grabs and runs "a purse snatcher"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Snatcher
    One who snatches, or takes abruptly.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) snatcher
    One who snatches, or takes suddenly or guiltily: as, a body-snatcher; specifically, formerly, in Scotland, a roving thief, especially one of a body of plunderers hanging upon a military force.
  2. (n) snatcher
    plural In ornithology, specifically, birds of prey; the Raptores, See cuts under Raptores.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Snatcher
    one who snatches

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary M. E. snacchen; cog. with Dut. snakken, Prov. Eng. sneck, a bolt; also conn. with snap.

Usage in the news

Suspected Wegmans purse snatcher 'Caught on Tape'.

Richlands police seeking purse snatcher .

Granny Defeats Purse Snatcher .

A woman chased down an alleged purse- snatcher until he dropped her property, police said.

Purse Snatcher Attacks at Daycare Center.

Woman Dragged on the Ground by Purse- Snatcher .

Video Released of Suspected Purse Snatcher .

Convicted purse- snatcher nabbed after trying theft again.

The woman believed to be a purse snatcher was photographed at an ATM.

Alleged purse snatcher hits pedestrian.

Attempted baby snatcher caught on video.

Needs your help catching purse snatcher .

Police in Seymour said two men answered a woman's call for help and stopped a purse snatcher Sunday night.

A purse snatcher was caught Sunday, Nov 25 after robbing a London woman who was loading her groceries in her car.

Purse- snatcher tackled outside Bellingham 7-Eleven.

Usage in literature

The Snatcher had been an orphan these many years. "The Toys of Peace" by Saki

Dry Valley kept indoors closely for a week except for frequent sallies after youthful strawberry snatchers. "Heart of the West" by O. Henry

Always you will have us, the Snatchers, beside you when you would still your ache of hunger. "The Golden Fleece and the Heroes who Lived Before Achilles" by Padraic Colum

But I do not see myself as a 'brand-snatcher' Besides, I am not ALTOGETHER at liberty. "Peg O' My Heart" by J. Hartley Manners

If I don't love you for your own sake, I'm the wretchedest turnip-snatcher in London. "Demos" by George Gissing

Bones, Snatcher, Victor and Snippets were all useful ponies. "The Worst Journey in the World, Volumes 1 and 2" by Apsley Cherry-Garrard

He wouldn't do nothing to save Snatcher, miss. "The Imaginary Marriage" by Henry St. John Cooper

Most notorious book-snatcher in all London, and the most barefaced. "In Luck at Last" by Walter Besant

He must plead with Reginald himself, confront at all risks that snatcher of souls. "The House of the Vampire" by George Sylvester Viereck

I was just ribbing the bat-snatcher here. "Breaking Point" by James E. Gunn