a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly
One who has been or is confined in jail; a malefactor.
Steelers' jailbird bumblebee throwbacks causing a stir (PHOTOS). usatoday.com
THE best-selling books here these days are all by jailbirds. nytimes.com
Lionel the Jailbird at Rumba Cafe. columbusalive.com
From Jailbird To Embroidery Artist. cbsnews.com
Criterion releases Jim Jarmusch's jailbird gem on Blu-ray. austinchronicle.com
Arpaio and former jailbird "Randall" share a moment. phoenixnewtimes.com
The druggist, Mr Gower, would be a rummy jailbird and Jimmy Stewart's little brother would have fallen l through the ice and drowned as a boy. blog.mlive.com
Flickr creative commons by jailbird 12. mix941kmxj.com
"Jailbird Won't Fly", " Sales Pitch BOMBED" & "High Caliber Food". radiousa.com
On Aug 26, 1973, with the headline " Sea Gull Becomes Downtown Jailbird," The Dispatch reported that a bird had been weaving in and out of traffic on the East Freeway (I-70) and was picked up and taken downtown to police headquarters. dispatch.com
From jailbirds to dancing skeletons, THV's Tom Brannon, Ashley Blackstone and. todaysthv.com
James Wolcott's engrossing view of Jailbird by Kurt Vonnegut ( NYR, November 22) contains a passage that could be misconstrued. nybooks.com
They would never have me, a branded jailbird, in the Imperial Yeomanry! "Raffles" by
He saw Paul in a jailbird's uniform, but while he agonized he didn't believe the tale. "Babbitt" by
Tell them Billy is a jailbird and that I am a bad woman whom all men desire. "The Valley of the Moon" by
You ain't dividin' up with the blasted jailbird? "Shavings" by
A.," Peter had said, "and you can bet your boots no jailbird will ever roost on it if he thinks twice. "West Wind Drift" by
I've got to take to a life that fits me, an ex-jailbird, a man that's been in prison for killing! "No Defense, Complete" by
A jailbird in the family! "Philip Winwood" by
In the meantime Mexico had sent many of her jailbirds to settle in Texas. "For the Liberty of Texas" by
Got no papers for jailbirds. "Alarm Clock" by
Men, you are jailbirds as you say, but you are American seamen. "The Wreck of the Titan" by