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Fine Dictionary


View of the Cloaca Maxima, the large sewer in Rome that flows into the river Tiber. Title and list of explanatory letters in the bottom margin.
View of the Cloaca Maxima, the large sewer in Rome that flows into the river Tiber. Title and list of explanatory letters in the bottom margin.
  1. (n) sewer
    a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water
  2. (n) sewer
    someone who sews "a sewer of fine gowns"
  3. (n) sewer
    misfortune resulting in lost effort or money "his career was in the gutter","all that work went down the sewer","pensions are in the toilet"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Sewer
    A drain or passage to carry off water and filth under ground; a subterraneous channel, particularly in cities.
  2. Sewer
    One who sews, or stitches.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) sewer
    One who sews or uses the needle.
  2. (n) sewer
  3. (n) sewer
    In bookbinding, the operator, usually a woman, who sews together the sections of a book.
  4. (n) sewer
    In entomology, the larva of a tortricid moth, one of the leaf-rollers or leaf-folders, as Phoxopteris nubeculana, the. apple-leaf sewer.
  5. (n) sewer
    A person charged with the service of the table, especially a head servant or upper servant in such a capacity.
  6. (n) sewer
    A conduit or canal constructed, especially in a town or city, to carry off superfluous water, soil, and other matters; a public drain.
  7. (n) sewer
    In anatomy and zoology, a cloaca.
  8. sewer
    To drain by means of sewers; provide with sewers.
  9. sewer
    To empty as a sewer; discharge sewage.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Sewer
    sū′ėr an officer who set down and removed the dishes at a feast.
  2. (n) Sewer
    sū′ėr an underground passage for draining off water and filth
Junk is the ideal product... the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessary. The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy.
William S. Burroughs
Mayor Jimmy Walker
A reformer is a guy who rides through the sewer in a glass bottom boat.
Mayor Jimmy Walker

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. sewiere, seuwiere, ultimately fr. L. ex, out + a derivative of aqua, water; cf. OF. essevour, a drain, essever, esseuwer, essiaver, to cause to flow, to drain, to flow, LL. exaquatorium, a channel through which water runs off. Cf. Ewer Aquarium

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. seuwiere, a canal—L. ex, out, aqua, water.

Usage in the news

The money could be used only to provide new construction, street or sewer improvements, or for vehicle or property purchases.

COMMERCE — The construction crew currently working on Harlow Road completely severed a four inch sewer line Monday morning, according to Interim Commerce Fire Chief Jack Berni.

Michael Hesse , the former chairman of the Simpsonville Sewer Board, wants to continue serving the city by being elected to the Simpsonville City Commission.

City OKs sewer hookup for Goldie businesses.

Pikeville approves Northwest School sewer hookup .

The Pikeville Town Board unanimously approved an agreement with the Wayne County Board of Education on Monday night to allow Northwest Elementary School to join Pikeville's new sewer system.

Water and sewer authority installs pH control system in new force main.

John Mannella (left) and Mak Kader work in the city of Vancouver's sewer department.

My mother survived the Holocaust, living 14 months in the sewers of Lvov, and emerged to become an eloquent representative for the victims and survivors of the Nazis.

On Monday, Aug 6, the Bayonne Municipal Utilities Authority unanimously voted to approve a contract that would turn over the daily operation of the city's water and sewer services to United Water for the next 40 years.

In Roddy Doyle's A Star Called Henry (1999), Henry Smart escapes the British by fleeing to the sewers after the Easter Uprising of 1916.

Kapp awarded bid for sewer repairs.

Wooster City Council granted extending sewer services to a home on Melrose Drive, currently situated in Wayne Township.

Sewer users in South Abington Twp.

Clarks Summit and Clarks Green will see a spike in sewer rates once funding is secured for the multimillion-dollar project to upgrade and expand the treatment plant.

Usage in scientific papers

A change of stability of the Σ−singularity, i.e., Zλ+ presents a Σ−attractor and Zλ− presents a Σ−repeller. (iv): A change of orientation on Σ1 (the sewer region), i.e., Zλ+ and Zλ− presents distinct orientations on Σ1 .
Bifurcations of Non Smooth Vector Fields on $\R^2$ by Geometric Singular Perturbations

Usage in literature

The Germans were here six days ago; got into a big sewer that goes under the line, and blew it up. "Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915" by Anonymous

The brick sewer was replaced temporarily by one of riveted steel pipe. "Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910" by James H. Brace and Francis Mason

You might say that the lower part of the alimentary canal is the sewer of the body. "Vitality Supreme" by Bernarr Macfadden

Then the next year they started the Sewer Contract, and I worked in that and I worked on the first water plant they started. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves" by Work Projects Administration

Similar stories have been told of men in the sewers of Paris. "Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon" by Robert A. Sterndale

For sewer work and arches, bricks shaped as voussoirs are supplied. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3" by Various

Just like fallin' into a sewer and findin' a gold watch where you lit. "Overland Red" by Henry Herbert Knibbs

Very dirty seems this channel, sewer, bath tub, as you please. "Civilization" by Ellen Newbold La Motte

But one difficulty after another arose: the tank leaked; the sewer clogged; nothing would work. "A Busy Year at the Old Squire's" by Charles Asbury Stephens

The country boy has so much the greater chance for enjoyment and is not so soon warped by restrictions and tarnished by the sewers of vice. "Pocket Island" by Charles Clark Munn

Usage in poetry
A Christian soldier has to be,
Endurin, bold an brave;
Strong in his faith he'll sewerly win,
As sewer as my name's Dave."
Your baby is perfik'ly happy
He won't need no bathin' no more
He's workin' his way through the sewers
Not lost, just gone on before
Aw've nooaticed, 'at allus befoor
If aw kussed thi, tha smiled an lukt fain;
Ther's summat nooan reight, lass, aw'm sewer,
Tha seems i' soa gloomy a vein.
Aw nodded an walked bi her side,
To mak misen pleasant aw tried,
But shoo smiled as shoo sed,
'Aw wor wrang i' mi heead,'
An aw'm sewer aw dooan't think 'at shoo lied.
Says Sally, "its cappin to hear thi awm sewer,
For tha tell'd me befooar we wor wed,
Tha'd be happy wi me, an tha wanted nowt mooar
If aw nivver stirred aght o' mi bed."
Soa it's sattled, an tha's won;--aw've to dee,
But aw think it weant meean mich to thee
If aw dull;
For if awm poor, life is still sweet to all,
Deeath's walkin raand, he's pratty sewer to call,
Sooin enuff.