a member of the Zoroastrian priesthood of the ancient Persians -
a magician or sorcerer of ancient times
One of the members of the learned and priestly caste in ancient Persia, who had official charge of the sacred rites, practised interpretation of dreams, professed supernatural arts, and were distinguished by peculiarities of dress and insignia. Their origin may be traced to the Accadians, a Turanian race, the earliest settlers of the lower Euphrates valley. The first historical reference to the Magi occurs in Jer. xxxix. 3, 13, where a Babylonian rab-mag, or chief of the Magi, is mentioned in connection with the siege, capture, and rule of Jerusalem. -
In Christian history, one of the “wise men” who, according to the Gospel of Matthew (ii. 1, 2), came from the East to Jerusalem to do homage to the new-born King of the Jews. A tradition as old as the second century (resting on Ps. lxxii. 10; Isa. xlix. 7) makes them kings, and at a later period the names Melchior, Kaspar, and Balthasar become attached to them. As the first of the pagans to whom the birth of the Messiah was announced, they are honored at the feast of Epiphany; in the calendar, however, the three days immediately following the first of the new year are called after them. In works of art the youngest of them is represented as a Moor.
'The Magus ': A Thrilling, Chilling Guilty Pleasure.
Christofferson of Grand Magus Takes The Oath.
If you love old school metal as much as I do and you've never checked out Sweden's Grand Magus I highly recommend you do so.
The Gardener As Magus , from 'Beautiful and Abundant'.
The Magus of the North from the October 21, 1993 issue.
One must be grateful to Isaiah Berlin for his insightful article, "The Magus of the North".
The World of an Elizabethan Magus by Peter J French Routledge & Kegan Paul, 244 pp.
Miles davis tatu pt 2 ("calypso frelimo") dark magus.
Draweth Nigh, Symon Magus and Blue Powda Monkeys are also on the bill.
Both were recalculated from g∗ and r∗ integrated magnitudes where σinstr is the uncertainty in the instrumental magusing of equations from Smith et al. (2002).12 nitude calculated with equation (2).
Low-Surface-Brightness Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Search Method and Test Sample
They are the followers of Simon Magus, these humanitarians; they would buy the gifts of Heaven with a price; and their creed is the real Simonism. "The Jessica Letters: An Editor's Romance" by
He profited also by the superstitions abroad, and to the skill of Hippocrates added the roguery of Simon Magus. "The Humbugs of the World" by
His offer was treated by Hincoma as the boast of a Simon Magus. "The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election" by
Six came off, and four got their sentence to die at Magus muir. "Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies)" by
Thus they may be said to be a link between the barbarian shaman and the magus of medieval times. "Legends & Romances of Brittany" by
From St. Andrews we drove over Magus Muir. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 16 (of 25)" by
The prime exponent of the spurious religion is Simon Magus. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 4" by
This execrable superstition, they say, was brought to Rome by two brothers named Paulus and Simon Magus. "Valeria" by
Simon Magus, an Oriental magician, wonders related of, ii. "History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume II (of 2)" by
Another picture, the Fall of Simon Magus, is in the church of the Certosa. "The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 2 (of 6)" by
Like flowers of brittle stalk,
To haunted Magus Muir I go,
By Lady Catherine's Walk.
For private sale was advertised;
And many a parson made a bid;
At her side, in a gray gabardine,
With beard that floats to his waist;
It is Simon Magus, the Seer;
He speaks, and she pauses to hear
The words he utters in haste.