consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare","analyze the evidence in a criminal trial","analyze your real motives" -
question closely -
question or examine thoroughly and closely -
observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect "The customs agent examined the baggage","I must see your passport before you can enter the country" -
put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to "This approach has been tried with good results","Test this recipe"
To inspect or survey carefully; look into the state of; scrutinize and compare the parts of; view or observe in all aspects and relations, with the purpose of forming a correct opinion or judgment: as, to examine a ship (to learn whether she is sea-worthy); to examine a composition (for the purpose of correcting its errors). -
To subject to legal inquisition; put to question in regard to conduct or to knowledge of facts; interrogate: as, to examine a witness or a suspected or accused person. -
To inquire into the qualifications, capabilities, or progress of, by interrogatories: as, to examine the candidates for a degree, or for a license to practise in a profession; to examine applicants for office or employment. -
To try or assay by appropriate methods or tests: as, to examine minerals or chemical compounds. Synonyms To scrutinize, investigate, study, consider, canvass. -
To interrogate, catechize. -
egz-am′in to test: to inquire into: to question
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. examinare, examinatum, fr. examen, examinis,: cf. F. examiner,. See Examen
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. examināre—examen (=exagmen), the tongue of a balance.
Technicians examine the $2 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer instrument in a work stand ahead of its planned launch on NASA's space shuttle Endeavour. foxnews.com
Interbody Fusion Devices —examines several test parameters used in the evaluation of interbody spacers and other fusion devices (ASTM F2077). astm.org
Get all the latest news on my Upstate Restaurant Examiner column and check out what's coming up on my NY Drinks Events Calendar. blog.timesunion.com
Role of Texas Shooter's Muslim Faith Is Examined. online.wsj.com
A survey done by New York University's Center for Entrepreneurial Studies examined those issues that venture capitalists feel can make or break a deal. inc.com
National Gallery's 'I Spy' examines the assumed reality of candid photography. ashingtonpost.com
The latest novel of award-winning Nigerian author Sefi Atta examines the gap between two continents with this story of a Nigerian working in the London offices of an international charity. csmonitor.com
On Thursday, July 14, the ACC San Diego Chapter will examine the attorney-client privilege in a brown bag seminar, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, at the offices of Baker & McKenzie, 12544 High Bluff Drive in San Diego. metrocorpcounsel.com
One of my favorite intellectual exercises, often with the help of others, is examining a business through a different lens. ashingtonpost.com
Examining ZLD Options for Electric Power Facilities. aterworld.com
Until then, examine the cornea using a barrier filter. clspectrum.com
Doctor prepared to examine the patient. 710keel.com
"The Saturday Early Show" hosts Chris Wragge and Erica Hill examine some of this week's wildest and wackiest news stories. cbsnews.com
'Bully' film examines consequences for families. timesfreepress.com
You can read her column at www.examiner.com/x-43799-Chicago-Career-Coach-Examiner She also writes for Western International University on student retention and have published over 100 articles. grandmagazine.com
It is, therefore, important to examine the ω (φ) → ∞ limit of ST theories.
General relativity limit of the scalar-tensor theories for traceless matter field
We will examine an important class of f (u) and g (u), for which Pη=1 (k) can be explicitly computed from equation (10).
An Algorithm Generating Scale Free Graphs
To this end, we also examine other approaches in order to justify the design of · ·.
Typed Generic Traversal With Term Rewriting Strategies
In large domains, users typically examine and evaluate only a small percentage of all items.
A Connection-Centric Survey of Recommender Systems Research
They examined these real world networks to test the existence of small-world properties.
A Connection-Centric Survey of Recommender Systems Research
In each case, he holds, all the circumstances of the case must be examined and considered. "Custom and Myth" by
To be sure, he himself does not apply it when he comes to examine the Myth of Cronos. "Modern Mythology" by
Bid me wait a month, a year, any time, till you examine more closely your own heart. "Hatchie, the Guardian Slave; or, The Heiress of Bellevue" by
Both men examined the chart in silence. "The Wings of the Morning" by
Let us examine the point with a little more attention. "The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. I. (of 12)" by
Also to ascertain whether a substance under examination will sublimate volatile matter of a certain appearance. "A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe" by
I should really like to examine it! "Ishmael" by
The case was examined in 1882 and 1883, and was again specially examined very thoroughly and critically in 1885. "A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents" by
EXAMINE THE COAST TO THE NORTH OF THE GASCOYNE. "Journals Of Two Expeditions Of Discovery In North-West And Western Australia, Vol. 1 (of 2)" by
Messrs Gore and Roberts sent to examine its Extent. "A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16" by
Up into the light of day,
To examine the surroundings
And show the rest the way.
This matter I've been blind in it:
Examine, please, MY skull,
And tell me what you find in it."
Then Hymen's cause moves gently on.
To grasp his torch he will not faulter,
That he may light them to the altar.
Examine whether 'tis in case right,
Give it a rap to make it blaze bright.
See which are rotten, which are sound
You'll find the first, when through you've gone,
Rather resemble two to one.
Then is that state a state of bliss
Where one shall hit and two shall miss?
The crows make a black bridge across the milky sea,
And then these two poor stars
Can run together in gold and be at peace.
Darling, for my sake work hard
And be received with honour at the Examinations.
And the man with the light stooped to examine it immediately;
And in doing so he dropped fhe lamp while in a state of amaze,
And, oh horror! in a minute the forehold was in a blaze.