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Fine Dictionary


The discoverer
The discoverer
Above a fresco of the explorer, below a fresco of the carriage of the Night.
  1. (v) explore
    examine (organs) for diagnostic purposes
  2. (v) explore
    examine minutely
  3. (v) explore
    inquire into "the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project","He searched for information on his relatives on the web","Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness"
  4. (v) explore
    travel to or penetrate into "explore unknown territory in biology"
In the center, two Dutch explorers and two cartographers bow to the throne of a queen (the personification America?) And her retinue. The queen points to all kinds of treasures that the delegates may receive. In the foreground, two tritons flanking the title of the book.
In the center, two Dutch explorers and two cartographers bow to the throne of a queen (the personification America?) And her retinue. The queen points to all kinds of treasures that the delegates may receive. In the foreground, two tritons flanking the title of the book.
Sheet with two images. Top left a depiction of the explorer Henry Stanley with African men in rowing boats at the Boyoma Falls (formerly the Stanley Falls) in Congo. Bottom right a depiction of European soldiers fighting with mounted warriors from the Sahel (formerly Sudan). Top right and bottom left boxes with captions. The whole is surrounded by a decorative border. Numbered top right: No 189.
Sheet with two images. Top left a depiction of the explorer Henry Stanley with African men in rowing boats at the Boyoma Falls (formerly the Stanley Falls) in Congo. Bottom right a depiction of European soldiers fighting with mounted warriors from the Sahel (formerly Sudan). Top right and bottom left boxes with captions. The whole is surrounded by a decorative border. Numbered top right: No 189.
Portrait of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, below his motto in Latin. In the margin a six-line poem in Latin.
Portrait of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, below his motto in Latin. In the margin a six-line poem in Latin.
Higuchi Jirô Kanemitsu climbs a pine tree to explore the area. Scene from a kabuki play. Poem by Fujiwara no Okikaze.
Higuchi Jirô Kanemitsu climbs a pine tree to explore the area. Scene from a kabuki play. Poem by Fujiwara no Okikaze.
The crew of the Terschelling explores the island and sees deer and cows, but also two large snakes. A group of men try to loot the snakes to eat the meat.
The crew of the Terschelling explores the island and sees deer and cows, but also two large snakes. A group of men try to loot the snakes to eat the meat.
Portrait of the Dutch explorer Jan Huygen van Linschoten, in oval with edge lettering. In an ornamental frame with four horizontal ovals with images of places that Van Linschoten has visited: Goa, Mozambique and twice the island of Saint Helena.
Portrait of the Dutch explorer Jan Huygen van Linschoten, in oval with edge lettering. In an ornamental frame with four horizontal ovals with images of places that Van Linschoten has visited: Goa, Mozambique and twice the island of Saint Helena.
Portrait of the Dutch explorer Jacob le Maire. His hands rest on a map of the Cape Horn and Le Maire Strait he discovered. Top left his coat of arms. At the top are age (31) and date of death (indicated here as December 14, 1616). Below the portrait a poem in Latin.
Portrait of the Dutch explorer Jacob le Maire. His hands rest on a map of the Cape Horn and Le Maire Strait he discovered. Top left his coat of arms. At the top are age (31) and date of death (indicated here as December 14, 1616). Below the portrait a poem in Latin.
Portrait of Captain and Explorer James Cook.
Portrait of Captain and Explorer James Cook.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The word "America" comes from the European explorer "Amerigo Vespucci
  1. Explore
    To seek for or after; to strive to attain by search; to look wisely and carefully for. "Explores the lost, the wandering sheep directs."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Twelve men have landed on and explored the moon
  1. explore
    To search for; look for with care and labor; seek after.
  2. explore
    To search through, examine, or investigate, especially for the purpose of making discoveries in general or for the discovery of some particular thing; hence, to examine or search into with care, for the purpose of ascertaining the appearance, nature, condition, circumstances, etc., of; inquire into; scrutinize; specifically, to traverse or range over (a part or country) for the purpose of geographical discovery: as, Moses sent spies to explore the land of Canaan; to explore a gunshot-wound to find the bullet.
  3. explore
    Synonyms Scrutinize, etc. See search.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The first American satellite in orbit, Explorer I, was launched February 1, 1958.
  1. (v.t) Explore
    eks-plōr′ to search for the purpose of discovery: to examine thoroughly
I am not a glutton -- I am an explorer of food.
Erma Bombeck
Anyone can look for fashion in a boutique or history in a museum. The creative explorer looks for history in a hardware store and fashion in an airport.
Robert Wieder
We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.
T. S. Eliot
Accept failure as a normal part of living. View it as part of the process of exploring your world; make a note of its lessons and move on.
Tom Hobson
Jose Ortega Y Gasset
The good is, like nature, an immense landscape in which man advances through centuries of exploration.
Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Roger Von Oech
It's important for the explorer to be willing to be led astray.
Roger Von Oech

Explore all avenues - If all avenues are being explored, then every conceivable approach is being tried that could possibly get the desired result.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. explorare, to explore; ex, out+plorare, to cry out aloud,prob. orig., to cause to flow; perh. akin to E. flow,: cf. F. explorer,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. explorāre, -ātum, to search out—prob. from ex, out, plorāre, to make to flow.

Usage in the news

Randy Metcalf/The Explorer, Canyon Del Oro senior Ka'Deem Carey helps girls from Prince Elementary School put on their new shoes.

Randy Metcalf/The Explorer, Sixth graders Emily Salazar and Jaycee Culberson work in art class on their sarcophagi projects.

Randy Metcalf/The Explorer, Nicole Melin works with fifth-grader James Shaft in a small reading group Monday afternoon at Coronado K-8 School.

Roald Amundsen , His Polar Explorations, and the Quest for Discovery.

Long-distance swimmer and author Lynne Cox traces the path of polar explorer Roald Amundsen – just in time for the centennial of his arrival at the South Pole.

Exploring the neuroscience of success and failure.

Scattered just off the Wisconsin shore, the Apostles have been a paddling destination since the 1700s, when French explorers arrived there in enormous 36-foot canoes, having journeyed all the way from Montreal.

As American Catholic Radio continues to explore the Nicene Creed in our Easter Season series, I offer my "pastor's take" on the meaning of Church, and sacrament as I lead the assembly in the Creed each weekend.

Danforth artists explore aqueous imagery.

A group of evangelical explorers claim they have found evidence of Noah's… (Baker/Getty ).

Browns' brain trust explores new ground in NFL Draft.

This is the fifth and final part of a series exploring economic development efforts on the Olympic Peninsula.

'Action Comics' explores ' brash kid Superman'.

Sampling unfamiliar foods is a great way to explore the local culture.

As a Vail Resorts annual pass holder, I spend about half of my local ski days exploring the slopes of Breckenridge.

Usage in scientific papers

We then recursively explore the first problem, and when we have shown it has no solutions we explore the second problem.
Solving the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Generalized Precedences by Lazy Clause Generation

When considering the weighted flooding time, we consider a case where one exploration process is started from a typical vertex whereas the other starting point is chosen in order to get a bad scenario in the sense that the exploration process started from this vertex grows slowly.
Flooding in Weighted Random Graphs

Let τi denote the time of the i-th exploration step in the above continuous-time exploration process, i.e.
Flooding in Weighted Random Graphs

During the run of the algorithm, all vertices in V are in one of four states: explored-vacant, explored-occupied, not-explored or in-queue.
Giant vacant component left by a random walk in a random d-regular graph

On the other hand, if y ∈ ¯V , then the state of y changes to explored-vacant and all non-explored neighbours of y in G are placed at the end of Q, in other words, their state changes to in-queue.
Giant vacant component left by a random walk in a random d-regular graph

Usage in literature

We left the shops for further explorations. "The Luck of Thirteen" by Jan Gordon

The error of the British explorers was at once admitted by Mr. Quibell, in his volume on the excavations of 1897 at el-Kab, published in 1898. "History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery" by L.W. King and H.R. Hall

This noted explorer died May 9, 1904. "History Of Egypt From 330 B.C. To The Present Time, Volume 12 (of 12)" by S. Rappoport

This was certainly an improvement over the old, out-of-date method of desert island exploration. "Pee-Wee Harris Adrift" by Percy Keese Fitzhugh

He sent a party of a dozen men, Anders and Thorolf leading, to explore the forest, ascend some hill if possible and return the same day. "Days of the Discoverers" by L. Lamprey

Lake Superior, exploration of, by Radisson, 89; explorer's second visit to, 111-112. "Pathfinders of the West" by A. C. Laut

I have never seen it exploring the twigs of even the smallest of bushes. "Social Life in the Insect World" by J. H. Fabre

Cochrane expected to improve on the achievement of the earlier explorer's doings in these respects. "Operation: Outer Space" by William Fitzgerald Jenkins

Ten exploring fingers thrust in turn out into the blackness of space. "Star Born" by Andre Norton

Fuzzy had gone exploring and had found the laboratory a fascinating place. "Star Surgeon" by Alan Nourse

Usage in poetry
Not Phaeton-like, by rash Ambition hurl'd,
Too Young You Drove the Chariot of the World;
But Form'd by Nature, and Improv'd by Pains,
Explor'd the Road, e'er yet You shook the Reins.
When Lovers breathe the warm adieu,
And quit the haunts where passion grew
How Mem'ry then the past explores,
And ev'ry touching grace adores
That play'd around the brow of Yesterday !
A finer Flax than what they wrought before,
Thro' Time's deep Cave the Sister Fates explore,
Then fix the Loom, their Fingers nimbly weave,
And thus their Toil prophetick Songs deceive.
Thine was unstinted zeal, unchilled devotion,
While the blue realm had kingdoms to explore,--
Patience, like his who ploughed the unfurrowed ocean,
Till o'er its margin loomed San Salvador.
Then the skipper plied his oar,
And from off the shelving shore,
Glided out the strange explorer;
Floating on, she knew not whither,—
The tawny sands beneath her,
The great hills watching o’er her.
And staggering up to the brink of the gulf man will look down
And painfully strive with weak sight to explore
The silent gulfs below which the long shadows drown;
Through every one of these he passed before.