a holding device attached to a workbench; has two jaws to hold workpiece firmly in place
An indorsement made on a passport by the proper authorities of certain countries on the continent of Europe, denoting that it has been examined, and that the person who bears it is permitted to proceed on his journey; a visa. -
An instrument consisting of two jaws, closing by a screw, lever, cam, or the like, for holding work, as in filing. -
To examine and indorse, as a passport; to visa.
A screw. -
The newel, or central shaft, of a winding staircase. -
A gripping or holding tool or appliance, fixed or portable, used to hold an object firmly in position while work is performed upon it. The vise is closely allied to the clamp; both have movable jaws that may be brought together to hold any object placed in position between the jaws. Vises are made in two parts, forming jaws either joined together by a spring or a hinge-joint of arranged to move upon slides or guides. The jaws are moved by screws, levers, toggles, or ratchet and pawls, one jaw being usually fixed firmly to the bench or other support to which the vise is attached. Some forms are made adjustable at any angle: others have parallel motions, and are provided with swivels to adjust the jaws to the shape of the objects to be held in them. Vises are made of wood or metal, of many shapes, and supplied with many convenient attachments. They receive various names, descriptive of their use or method of construction, as bench-vise, saw-vise, sudden-grasp vise, parallel vise, pipe-vise. -
A tool for drawing rods of lead into the grooved rods called cames used for setting glass, especially in stained-glass windows. -
A grip or grasp. -
The cock or tap of a vessel. -
To screw; force, as by a screw. -
To press or squeeze with a vise, or as if with a vise; hold as if in a vise. -
Same as vese.
an iron or wooden screw-press, fixed to the edge of a workboard, for holding anything tightly while being filed, &c.: -
. See Vice (1). -
vē-zā′ an indorsement on a passport denoting that it has been officially examined, and that the bearer may proceed on his journey -
to indorse a passport.—Also Visa (vē′za) -
(Shak.) a grip, grasp
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. vis, a screw, winding stairs, OF. vis, viz, fr. L. vitis, a vine; probably akin to E. withy,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. vis (It. vite, screw)—L. vitis, tendril of a vine, anything spiral.
Reporter Daniel de Vise explained.
Wilton, North America's leader in industrial vises , wants to hear your story about Wilton vises in its Holding Strong Vise Story Contest.
Vises have played an essential role in American manufacturing.
10-Minute Tech: Never Without a Vise .
Another Use For Vise -Grips.
Bear arms lock TCU in vise , 7-1.
The US made the vise that's squeezing its economy.
The US put the economy into a vise by borrowing to fund bailouts.
Vise Squad Human Resource Executive Online.
Workers sorry Vise -Grip plant moving to China.
Weld a Portable Vise .
Centering accuracy for these vises from minimum to maximum opening is 0.0006 in.
An Excerpt From David A Vise 's Book.
Click below to read the transcripts of David A Vise 's Web chats on his book.
Kashmir a Crushed Jewel Caught in a Vise of Hatred.
This confirms the supposition that the sources of the random field of the first component destroy the long- range order of the second component and vise versa.
Random field based model of mixed ferroelectrics phase diagram
We conclude that a transversal for the set of descents in G is a vertex cover for F and vise versa.
More results on greedy defining sets
Remark 9.1 Note that by passing from C to C eq (and vise versa) simplicity, supersimplicity and unidimensionality are preserved (unidimensionality is less trivial, see [Claim 5.2, S1]).
Countable imaginary simple unidimensional theories
What matters to us is how ψ is affected by φ and vise versa.
Preemptive nematic order, pseudogap, and orbital order in the iron pnictides
Vise versa, lack of CPU power caused latch contention.
Exploring Oracle RDBMS latches using Solaris DTrace
The ends of the brass rods can be bent in a vise. "Mission Furniture" by
She felt her flesh grow cold, and her heart seemed gripped between the jaws of a mighty vise. "The Promise" by
The tool and piece to be tenoned are placed in a vise as shown in Fig. "Mission Furniture" by
The people of Japan, caught between the jaws of a closing vise, responded in a manner peculiar to themselves. "Greener Than You Think" by
Their great weight held them there as though in a vise. "The Camp in the Snow" by
Frightened Billy had been holding the smaller pole all this time, in a vise-like grip. "Cricket at the Seashore" by
After our papers have been viseed at the office of the commandant, we hurried back to our machines, eager to be away again. "High Adventure" by
Richard struggled, and Sandy struggled; but they might as well have attempted to escape from the grip of an iron vise. "In School and Out" by
George went to police headquarters, and giving a douceur to an attendant, had the "vise" put on his passport at once. "Bidwell's Travels, from Wall Street to London Prison" by
It regularly goes over a large proportion of the mail which has already been vised by company officers. "The Stars & Stripes, Vol 1, No 1, February 8, 1918" by
This Eighteen-forty-eight,
I was a great great man,
And king both vise and great,
And Munseer Guizot by me did show
As Minister of State.
Then- pressure round your neck—the hands you vised
To kiss—such arms—such hands—I never knew,
May I not weep with you?
A' old arn ramrod; an' one o' the ends
He screwed fast into the vise; an' smiled,
Thinkin', he said, o' when he wuz a child,
'Fore him an' Pa wuz mens.
Bright though upon his workshop shone a vise
central, moved in
while he was doing time down hospital
and growing wise.
He gave it the worst look he had left.