subject to political, religious, or moral censorship "This magazine is censored by the government" -
forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper) -
a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable -
someone who censures or condemns
A critic; a reviewer. "Received with caution by the censors of the press." -
One given to fault-finding; a censurer. "Nor can the most circumspect attention, or steady rectitude, escape blame from censors who have no inclination to approve." -
(Antiq) One of two magistrates of Rome who took a register of the number and property of citizens, and who also exercised the office of inspector of morals and conduct. -
One who is empowered to examine manuscripts before they are committed to the press, and to forbid their publication if they contain anything obnoxious; -- an official in some European countries.
One of two superior magistrates of ancient Rome, who in the latter half of the fifth century b. c. succeeded to certain powers which had before been exercised by the consuls. Their functions included -
An officer empowered to examine manuscripts, books, pamphlets, plays, etc., intended for publication or public performance, in order to see that they contain nothing heretical, immoral, or subversive of the established order of government. See censorship. Formerly called licenser. -
One who censures, blames, or reproves; one addicted to censure or faultfinding; one who assumes the functions of a critic. -
In old universities, the title of certain masters chosen by the nations to visit the colleges and reform the administration, discipline, and instruction. -
In the university of Cambridge, a college officer whose duties are similar to those of dean; at Christ Church, Oxford, one of two fellows having similar functions, called senior and junior censor. -
In China, one of a body of officials stationed at Peking, under the presidency of a Chinese and a Manchu, who are charged with the duty of inspecting the affairs of the empire, and, if need be, of censuring any of the officials, and even the emperor himself, for any act which they consider illegal, extravagant, or unjust. They are called the “eyes and ears” of the emperor. -
To subject to the examination, revision, or expurgation of a censor: as, to censor a book, periodical, play, or the like; especially (military), to subject (press despatches, etc.) to scrutiny with a view to suppressing information which, if made public, might embarrass military operations.
sen′sor in ancient Rome, an officer who kept account of the property of the citizens, imposed taxes, and watched over their morals: an officer who examines books or newspapers before they are printed: one who censures or blames
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. censor, fr. censere, to value, tax
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L.,—censēre, to weigh, to estimate.
The History Of Heavy Metal Exhibit, Unreleased Skeletonwitch And The Decibel Tour Censored – Brutal News. 1063thebuzz.com
Student's traditional family mural censored . ashingtontimes.com
Remember back in 2008 when Sarah Palin was trying to censor some books from the Wasilla, Alaska public library. blog.seattlepi.com
Pebble science bought, not censored Representatives of partnership, consultants address concerns, talk about mounds of data. homernews.com
That too, turned out to be a glitch, but it fed into the Apple stereotype of censoring subject matter that might be considered offensive. pcworld.com
Twitter announces it will be able to censor tweets on a country-by-country basis. usnews.com
Should Twitter Be Censored . usnews.com
Research on Bird Flu May Be Censored on Security Concern. businessweek.com
Tom Hanks and other self- censored celebs. variety.com
Top officials at the commission proceeded to edit the paper to censor its references to human-induced climate change or future projections on how much the bay will rise. motherjones.com
Professor says state agency censored article. chron.com
Project Censored celebrates 35 years as media watchdog. kboo.org
Theresa Mitchell of Presswatch and Per Fagereng of Fight the Empire co-host a special program with Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips of Project Censored to talk about the release of Censored 2012, which Celebrates 35 Years of Project Censored . kboo.org
"Corporate media is the information control wing of the global power structure," former Project Censored director Peter Phillips writes in the introduction to Censored 2012: Sourcebook for the Media Revolution. inlander.com
Ten stories the mainstream media ignored in the past year, according to Project Censored . inlander.com
Note that a particular case of a map is a triangulation, and the experience for censoring maps on a surface with fixed genus shows similar asymptotical behaviour for different classes of maps.
Gibbs and Quantum Discrete Spaces
Knowledge of the moments is not sufficient to determine infinite divisibility of the measure; we show also that infinitely divisible, and in particular lognormal, distributions lose infinitely divisibilty when censored in certain ways even if all moments are arbitrarily close to those of the uncensored distribution.
Measure convolution semigroups and non-infinitely divisible probability distributions
We show that censored lognormals can produce noninfinitely divisible distributions with the same critical ratio as a lognormal.
Measure convolution semigroups and non-infinitely divisible probability distributions
The same is true for gap-censored lognormal distributions.
Measure convolution semigroups and non-infinitely divisible probability distributions
Gap-censored compound Poisson distributions are not infinitely divisible.
Measure convolution semigroups and non-infinitely divisible probability distributions
He was practically critical censor of London for ten years. "Masques & Phases" by
He is his own critic and censor. "Jethou" by
Their representative lecture must be censored by the clerk of the Mother Church. "McClure's Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1, May 1908" by
Though our periodical censors have been uncommonly lenient, I confess a tribute from a man of acknowledged genius is still more flattering. "Life of Lord Byron, Vol. I. (of VI.)" by
It makes the censors the masters of the city. "History Of Ancient Civilization" by
So I remained behind and censored letters. "At Ypres with Best-Dunkley" by
And here, though it be a digression, let me conjure you never to undertake the unthankful office of censor. "A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females" by
Such, at its inception, was the office of the censors. "Dio's Rome, Volume 1 (of 6)" by
But here was a censor that felt deeply what he was saying. "Soldier Silhouettes on our Front" by
He feared in Roland, whose austerity displeased him, a censor for himself, and a tyrant for his child. "History of the Girondists, Volume I" by
As a literary censor!
He pointed out that there were too few Es
In Lyly’s Euphues.
I heard the sighing Censor tell
That ev'ry charm of life was gone,
That ev'ry noble virtue long
Had ceas'd to wake the Minstrel's song,
And Vice triumphant stood alone.
The fair cheese of my mind
He rifles till there's nothing left
But atmosphere and rind.
That fair, round cheese, formed lovingly by me,
From milk of thought and curds of poesy.
To her from women's weary homes;
The wronged and erring find in her
Their censor mild and comforter.
The world were safe if but a few
Could grow in grace as Mary Grew!
That lurks within the grass,
And rears to sink his poison-fangs
In heedless babes that pass -
Dear Children of my brain; wee, tender things,
That sink and swoon and perish when he stings.
Upon the Inky Sea,
In fear, my poor, frail craft I launch;
Then, with unholy glee,
He makes the winds tear howling through the shrouds,
And sends fork'd death and shipwreck from the clouds.