made known or openly avowed "their declared and their covert objectives","a declared liberal" -
declared as fact; explicitly stated
Avowed; proclaimed; open; professed: as, a declared enemy.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. déclarer, from L. declarāre, -ātum—de, wholly, clarus, clear.
Martinez declares state of emergency for Whitewater- Baldy fire.
The Federal Reserve offered a grim assessment of the American economy Wednesday, declaring flatly that recovery was still years off and that even more aggressive measures were necessary to help stimulate growth.
The action was based on recommendations from the Bannock County Sheriff and local firefighting officials who determined the disaster declaration was no longer necessary.
On a recent day as he crouched in the dirt in a sliver of shade in a refugee camp here full of Somalis, Mr Ahmed declared just how little attachment he felt to the country.
Iraqi Prime Minister Declares State of Emergency in Basra .
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki declared a state of emergency Wednesday in the southern city of Basra , where 140 people have been killed in rival gang clashes in May alone, police said.
Rioters attacked a US Embassy in Belgrade , Serbia, Thursday, in protest of Western support of Kosovo's declaration of independence.
Edwards not guilty on 1 count, mistrial declared on others.
1870 – Christmas is declared a federal holiday in the United States (More info).
The front declares, "He's Back".
A high-grade example of the Peter Force 1843 printing of the Declaration of Independence, taken from the J.W.
(AP) — President Barack Obama has declared a major disaster in Rhode Island after Superstorm Sandy devastated homes and businesses three counties.
Rhode Island Gov Lincoln Chafee signs a request seeking a presidential disaster declaration following superstorm Sandy.
Rare group of all 56 signers of Declaration of Independence set for auction. The Declaration of Independence Deconstructed in Time for the Election.
When no input data is available, we declare w = 1 and the transmitter sends Cθ (1) through the channel.
A New Approach to Random Access: Reliable Communication and Reliable Collision Detection
One major vision of SocialScope is to enable uniform manipulation of social content graphs, leading to declarative, flexible, and optimizable graph an alysis and information discovery processes.
SocialScope: Enabling Information Discovery on Social Content Sites
Each time Zt (i) rings, we declare that the ith individual in the population dies, and is replaced by an offspring from a randomly chosen individual in the rest of the population.
Recent progress in coalescent theory
Instead of keeping all those N µ individuals alive, we declare that only N of them survive, and they are chosen at random among the N µ individuals of that generation.
Recent progress in coalescent theory
Their declarative nature supports the modular development of provably correct reasoning modules (Baral 2003).
Multi-valued Action Languages in CLP(FD)
But, as very frequently happens, the declaration of the panel or accused party herself was the evidence which bore hardest upon her case. "The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Vol. 1., Illustrated" by
But, as very frequently happens, the declaration of the panel or accused party herself was the evidence which bore hardest upon her case. "The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete, Illustrated" by
Her mother declared that she was so ill that it would be wicked to disturb her. "Mr. Scarborough's Family" by
The British declared continental ports closed to commerce, and Napoleon declared all British commerce to be unlawful. "A Short History of the United States" by
England declares war; Spain declares war; they all declare war. "The World's Greatest Books, Vol XII." by
And we would declare those institutions established for us, exact and undeviating as they are. "Sacred Books of the East" by
The earl declared the secular law and the bishop declared the spiritual law. "Our Legal Heritage, 5th Ed." by
He even then refused to sign the declaration of submission, but agreed to keep the peace. "Sketches of the Covenanters" by
I declare you ought to see her, Mademoiselle Aurelie! "A Love Episode" by
Juan Sami, master of Chinese letters, declared that he accompanied father Fray Juan Cobo to Japon. "The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898" by
In sounds of dreadful praise declare;
And the sweet whisper of his name
Fill every gentler breeze of air.
Though raven her hair,
Though her eyes were so dark and her body so slim,
She hadn't a thought for a man but him.
Answer our sacrifice by fire;
And by Thy mighty acts declare
Thou art the God Who heareth prayer.
Where children, pressing cheek to cheek,
With mute caresses shall declare
The tenderness they cannot speak.
Yon setting sun his race renew,
Inform me, Swains! my friends, declare,
Will pitying Delia join the prayer?
Toward Israel's God, angels are near;
His word declares they camp around
All those who look to him in fear.