open to or abounding in fresh air "airy rooms"
Air your dirty laundry in public - If you air your dirty laundry in public, you reveal aspects of your private life that should really remain private, by telling a secret, arguing in public, etc.
Castles in the air - Plans that are impractical and will never work out are castles in the air.
Dead air - When there is a period of total silence, there is dead air.
Full of hot air - Someone who is full of hot air talks a lot of rubbish.
Hot air - Language that is full of words but means little or nothing is hot air.
Into thin air - If something vanishes or disappears without trace, it vanishes into thin air; no-one knows where it has gone.
Air Force Airman Xavier Y Gaure graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
They have deals with HBO/Cinemax, Sundance Channel, Continental Airlines, Air Canada, Air New Zealand, Warner Bros Online, @home and a bunch of other places that don't usually come up in articles featuring exploding gerbils .
TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE — Col. David E Graff assumed command of the 325th Fighter Wing at Tyndall Air Force Base on Wednesday morning.
Seventy percent of the incoming US Army and Air Force families are expected to settle in and around Crestview, which lies just up the road from Eglin Air Force Base.
UK air traffic management group NATS is hoping to take the lead in helping Gulf states develop sufficient infrastructure to manage rapidly growing volumes of air traffic.
View full size AP Photo/Haraz N Ghanbari Members of the Air Force Honor Guard hold American flags to be presented to family members during a burial service for Air Force Col. Joseph Christiano, Col. Derrell B Jeffords, Lt Col.
MONTREAL — Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) president Warren Heeley and Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) senior vice president Dave Calabrese attended the Canada-U.
Air France-KLM Says EU States Should Harmonized Air Security.
It is basically a refrigerated air conditioning system in which the air flow is instantly reversible.
The News-Miner published an article Sept 16 titled "Grid plan prompts questions" regarding the Air Force plan connecting Clear Air Force Station to the Golden Valley Electric Association network.
MSG Network announced today that it will air two Kontinental Hockey League games, on Friday and Wednesday, Oct 31, both same-day tape at 1 pm with re-airs at 8 p.m.
REENA ROSE SIBAYAN/JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Nine Brazilian Air Force turboprop airplanes fly over the Statue of Liberty as part of Air Force Week in 2010.
SAN ANTONIO — An Air Force instructor charged in a widening sex scandal at Lackland Air Force Base has admitted to having a tryst with a boot camp graduate.
Air Force Airman Alexandrea Luckett graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.
Air Force Airman Thomas J Walser graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
Of course, each TL-state determines some landing state simply by forgetting how long each ball has been in the air.
Juggling probabilities
Es probable que, en muchos casos, incluso manipulen y distorsionen los datos globales de sus planetas (temperatura, composici´on del aire, etc.), para confundir a los observadores externos, con el prop´osito de disuasi´on8 .
Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and the Undetectability Conjecture
Verdet constant and Cotton-Mouton constant of the air are measured as a test.
Building a 3.5 m prototype interferometer for the Q & A vacuum birefringence experiment and high precision ellipsometry
We measure the Faraday rotation of air (polarization rotation angle ψv = CvB0Lef f ) and determine the Verdet constant Cv using the 3.5 m prototype interferometer.
Building a 3.5 m prototype interferometer for the Q & A vacuum birefringence experiment and high precision ellipsometry
We will illustrate a preliminary analysis of selected air showers.
Performance of the Pierre Auger Fluorescence Detector and Analysis of well recontructed events
He sees, perhaps, a white column of smoke rising in the clear air. "The Western World" by
One flew to pieces in mid-air. "Space Platform" by
Where did they find that the air came in which crowded the warm air up the chimney? "Rollo's Philosophy. [Air]" by
There is probably a vaster difference between air and ether than between water and air. "Pharaoh's Broker" by
There was never a sound in the air above the rustle of a leaf, and Pete's imagination could carry him no further. "The Manxman A Novel - 1895" by
Neither has it the air of stupidity. "Popular Adventure Tales" by
Jasper went along singing, for his heart was happy, and he felt the cheerful influence of the vernal air. "In The Boyhood of Lincoln" by
A ventilating machine to draw off the foul air from the hold of a ship, and induce a current of fresh air into it. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by
He assumed an air of indifference. "A Son of Hagar" by
This air had all the properties of a pure fire-air. "Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2" by
So jaggèd and bare—
Indeed would the dew
Keep her mansion of air!
Clear the sky,—
Hurrah! onward, she is nigh,
She is nigh.
More than water
More than lips
Light light Your body is the trace of your body
Of my song, O my own!
Soft airs of evening
Join my song's murmuring tone.
With frail blue wings.
The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings.
Alone, aloud,
A verse of bells takes wing
And flies with the cloud.