having the head uncovered "caught bareheaded by the downpour","with bared head"
Bare your heart - If you bare your heart to someone, you tell them your personal and private feelings. ('Bare your soul' is an alternative form of the idiom.)
The first cold day is filled with sledding and snowballs, and the icicle hanging from the nose of a town statue is barely there.
As Joshua Spooner stumbled home on March 1, 1778, he could barely make out his feet hitting the gutted, frozen ground.
He was barely 20, walked like a pirate and threw words like "anarchy" into the wind.
Kaetlyn Osmond barely stopped smiling as she signed autographs, posed for pictures, and talked to reporters Saturday.
In a hilarious and heated debate in the world of cocktails, love won over hate today – but barely.
Many of the features she heralded to students were barely functional or didn't exist.
The Cardinals won 6-2 to win the series after barely escaping elimination during Thursday's Game 6.
Their figures barely cause for a second look.
Barely four years ago, Paul Greengrass was some British guy making socially conscious movies about the Irish troubles.
Looking through our eyeglass of American History, we note that The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has barely addressed the Third Amendment, because the problem of troops forcing themselves into our homes for refuge hasn't happened.
Prices at grocery stores barely changed.
Barely over a month ago, Monica Pope unveiled her newest restaurant creation – Sparrow Bar + Cookshop – in Houston's Fourth Ward.
The ink was barely dry on Wednesday's edition when I started hearing from the naysayers: We've got to get Mifflin County out of the Mid-Penn Conference.
A deep, athletic USC basketball team that bared little resemblance to last season made its debut Friday night at Galen Center.
Mencken said that Puritanism was "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy," he was barely grazing the iceberg of the titanic fundamentalism to come.
Figure 14. a) Creating an analogous cold ‘energy’ using Tc and Nc /Nw does not correlate at all with L60 in contrast to Fig. 12b. b) Multiplying the cold ‘energy’ by dust mass to create the cold luminosity is only barely dependent on L60 via the relationship between dust mass and luminosity.
The SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey II. 450 micron data - evidence for cold dust in bright IRAS Galaxies
This theory uses for a bare Green function (GF) the appropriate mean-field oneelectron GF.
Activation Energy in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet and Non-Hartree-Fock Skyrmions
In the work of Ref. 7 both n = 0 and n = 1 LL’s are used for the presentation of the bare one-electron GF.
Activation Energy in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet and Non-Hartree-Fock Skyrmions
For simplicity, we now set all bare cumulants except B to zero.
Functional renormalization group at large N for random manifolds
If αsy ≥ 1 the bare dipole will become dressed with additional left-moving gluons so that O2 would not represent a physical dipole.
A Simple Derivation of the JIMWLK Equation
There were no footprints on the few bare patches of snow. "The Camp in the Snow" by
The floor, on which a smaller child was playing, was bare except for a few rag rugs, but shining. "Land of the Burnt Thigh" by
The tide was low, leaving bare the curious caves and headlands along shore, and I secured a number of excellent snapshots. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906" by
The little white-curtained room was bareness and neatness itself. "Robert Elsmere" by
He could barely make out the syllables. "Stubble" by
She wore pale green chiffon with floating sleeves that left her arms bare. "Black Oxen" by
She was rolling the potatoes into a heap on to the bare table. "The Manxman A Novel - 1895" by
The woman lived in the house in which Susan had her bare room. "In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim" by
It was May and the keen light raked her room, laying its bareness still more bare. "The Creators" by
A ship under bare poles and her helm a-lee, driving from wind and sea, stern foremost. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by
Seemed bright as heaven's bare brow
With hope of gifts withholden
But now.
An element man-made,
Shaping upright the bare
Clear gouts of water in air.
Sunshine in fitful gleams,
May smile
And dispel poets' dreams.
That porter drooped his head,
With teardrops in his eye,
"A many, sir," he said.
A step but barely three,
When up and at her richt hand
There stood Man's Enemy.
To have me does he care?
Why should he seek my poverty,
My selfishness so bare?