having been made square
Made square; also, marked off in squares: as, squared paper. See. coördinate paper.
All square - If something is all square, nobody has an advantage or is ahead of the others.
Back to square one - If you are back to square one, you have to start from the beginning again.
Fair and square - If someone does something fair and square, they do it correctly, following any rules or laws.
Four-square behind - If someone stands four-square behind someone, they give that person their full support.
Square meal - A square meal is a substantial or filling meal.
Square Mile - (UK) The Square Mile is the City, the financial area of London.
Alas, its midnight, and you're either too lazy, too square, or too bad ass to take part in Thirsty Thursday celebrations. kjhk.org
Cynthia McCormack, Medical Director for the Cheyenne VA says the new 22,000 square foot outpatient clinic will include 43 exam rooms and will enable them to provide more outpatient services. kingfm.com
It's to serve as anchor tenant for a three-story, 57,200-square-foot retail center dubbed Publix at 18Biscayne. miamitodaynews.com
In addition to the grocery store, the retail center is to house 8,000 square feet of retail facing Biscayne Boulevard. miamitodaynews.com
Occupiers reappear at Dewey Square for April Fools' Day. metro.us
It's really not a square job. lamag.com
All together, the companies have agreed to lease 600,000 square feet in Santa Clara. contracostatimes.com
In this file photo taken April 24, 2006, a 23,000-square-foot mansion in Mercer Island, Wash. csmonitor.com
The 91-room hotel re-development features 70 feet of beachfront and 900 square feet of water frontage. lhonline.com
With the debut of Three Squares Cafe, however, he believes he's found the perfect reinvention for the space near Santa Rosa 's Railroad Square, where he's cooking not only with his heart but for his heart. sfgate.com
Redico LLC refinanced One Kennedy Square in downtown Detroit for $27.3 million or $112 per square foot. crainsdetroit.com
Tata's new tiny studio and one-bedroom apartments will range from about $7,800 to $13,400 and will be between 218 square feet and 373 square feet. businessweek.com
Square One Aims to Place The Parking Spot on Travelers' Maps DALLAS--Square One has a new client seeing spots in a campaign that launches this month. adweek.com
The guessing game is over about 5 Times Square : Crain's reports that Boston Properties will sell the 1.1-million- square -foot, Class A office tower to AVR Realty for $1.28 billion. observer.com
For an overview of this grand square and the buildings that surround it, start from the west end of the square and follow along with this guide. smithsonianmag.com
Asymptotics of normalized traces like in (7) cannot be computed with free probability theory, because our random matrices are not square, and we cannot reduce the problem, as for M (1, n)M (2, n)∗ , to a problem which involves only independent square random matrices.
Rectangular random matrices. Related convolution
We choose a family F ′′ ⊂ F ′ of cA−2r−1R “4Ar-separated squares” (that is, all the distances between the centers of these squares are not less than 4Ar), and discard the rest of F ′ .
Transportation to random zeroes by the gradient flow
If the domain Ei with Ri 6 R intersects the square Q, then Ei is contained in the square with side length 4R + 1 homothetic to Q.
Transportation to random zeroes by the gradient flow
The proof of maximal theorems and noncommutative versions of Rosenthal’s inequality often uses square function and conditioned square function estimates, see and the references therein.
Theory of Amalgamated Lp Spaces in Noncommutative Probability
The following tail bound on the sum of squares of n independent Gaussians, also known as the chisquare distribution with n degrees of freedom, can be proved Chernoff-style using the moment generating function of the square of a Gaussian random variable.
Random measurement bases, quantum state distinction and applications to the hidden subgroup problem
The town is handsome, square in form, enclosed in a wall with towers. "Across Coveted Lands" by
The square dances were exceedingly vigorous, all jigging on the corners and always taking fancy steps. "Old Rail Fence Corners" by
The pressure in pounds per square inch = 0.433 x height of column in feet. "Steam, Its Generation and Use" by
You're a square chap and I can afford to be square, now that the job is done and paid for. "Joan of Arc of the North Woods" by
The above glasses may be had in sheets from 0.25 to 1 inch thick, and 6 to 12 inches square, at a cost of, say, 7s. "On Laboratory Arts" by
There was a small, square rug before every chair, and a large one before the sofa. "Rollo in Paris" by
Square, calm, strong, like the professional gambler he always seemed to have a winning card to play at the right moment. "The Heart of Unaga" by
Be sure to get the pieces for the posts with their surfaces square to each other and their ends sawed square off. "Mission Furniture" by
To make it, square up a piece to 16-1/2 by 16-1/2 in. "Mission Furniture" by
L. No; I mean a square, or a cross, or a diamond. "The Crown of Wild Olive" by
If you particklarly ask me where—
Vy, it vas at four-and-tventy
Guilford Street, by Brunsvick Square.
Familiar landmarks are not there.
Ploughed fields, like squares upon a chessboard,
Today are scattered everywhere.
And on their topmost turret stand,—
Still endless shining courts and squares,
And lanes of lamps on every hand.
Dark roll the whispering waves
That lap the piers beneath the hill
Ridged thick with ancient graves.
There is no crown of hair;
It has gone, it has fled!
And Echo sez "Where?"
And I asks, "Is this Nation a White Man's, and is generally things
on the square?"
The street and square where you went and came;
With shuttered casement your house stands bare,
Men hush their voice when they speak your name.