(Eng. Stock Exchange) The aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan to government is now usually funded.
On the Stock Exchange, the aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan is funded. -
A piece of furniture with open shelves for receiving ornamental articles, etc. -
That which occupies the thoughts to the exclusion of all else.
om′ni-um a Stock Exchange term for the aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan is funded
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., of all, gen. pl. of omnis, all
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L., 'of all;' gen. pl. of omnis, all.
Lasse Norman Hansen of Denmark roars his way to Omnium gold.
Hansen wins gold medal in men's omnium .
Lasse Norman Hansen of Denmark won the gold medal in the men's omnium at the London Velodrome on Sunday after surviving a crash in one of the six races of the event.
Disappointed Zach Bell salvages win in omnium 's scratch race.
France's Bryan Coquard took a lead in the Olympic omnium thanks to a commanding win in the elimination race.
Disappointed Zach Bell salvages win in omnium's scratch race .
Various Artists Shite 'n' Onions Volume 2: What the Shite Omnium.
Track: Men's Omnium - 1km Time Trial.
One of six amateurs in the field, Pavan was invited after winning The Omnium Championship, a professional event on the Italian Tour, in October.
Laura Trott wins omnium gold in Glasgow .
Hammer won Silver with the US women's pursuit track cycling team on August 4 in London and won the silver in Women's Omnium Track Cycling.
Local Olympian Sarah Hammer smiles from the podium as she accepts the silver for cycling's omnium in London.
Sarah Hammer wins silver in women's omnium.
Hammer earns silver in omnium.
But nostrum and vestrum are regularly used in the place of the Possessive in the phrases omnium nostrum, omnium vestrum. "New Latin Grammar" by
Et ut multa breui concludam sermone, omnium uirtutum erat ornatus decore. "The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran" by
Index Moralium omnium, & eorum quae in ipsis tractantur, habetur in hoc quaternione. "Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collection of Early Books in the Library of Yale University" by
But the Duke of Omnium had never yet done a day's work on behalf of his country. "Phineas Finn" by
Cum celerius omnium opinione pervenisset, hostes ad eum obsides miserunt 5. "Latin for Beginners" by
Trumpeton Wood belonged to that old friend of ours, the Duke of Omnium, who had now almost fallen into second childhood. "Phineas Redux" by
Ad regem enim potestas omnium pertinet; ad singulos proprietas. "The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I." by
The Pallisers were to pass their Christmas with the Duke of Omnium in Barsetshire. "Can You Forgive Her?" by
Separatio autem dei mors, et separatio lucis tenebrae, et separatio dei amissio omnium quae sunt apud eum bonorum. "History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)" by
Butt of omnium at the same time? "The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane," by
Excepting when YOU choose to come
And share my dinner?
At other times be sour and glum
And daily thinner?