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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) bedrock
    principles from which other truths can be derived "first you must learn the fundamentals","let's get down to basics"
  2. (n) bedrock
    solid unweathered rock lying beneath surface deposits of soil
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) bedrock
    In mining, the older crystalline and slaty rocks which underlie the unconsolidated gravelly and volcanic beds of Tertiary and Post-tertiary ages, along the flanks of the Sierra Nevada. The term is beginning to be used elsewhere to designate solid rock lying under loose detrital masses, such as sand and gravel.
  2. (n) bedrock
    Hence That which underlies anything else, as a foundation; bottom layer; lowest stratum.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Bedrock
    the solid rock underneath superficial formations

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. bed; Ger. bett, Ice. bedr.

Usage in the news

We often refer to the bedrock beneath Detroit as the foundation for what has been built here.

Big Ben is bedrock of ' Rosetta Stone ' attack.

I do believe this season could be the best Bedrock 66 Live series ever.

Urban Creep inch by inch is encroaching on the scenic beauty which is the bedrock our hillside lifestyle.

Throughout the Cold War, both staunchly opposed communism, laying the bedrock for U.S.-Vatican cooperation.

More and more teenagers these days support a bedrock of American democracy, the First Amendment .

Bedrock Resources to operate plant next to co-gen power plant.

So in the same vein, I urge Bedrock LLC to get off their fucking asses and build something awesome here, or sell it to someone who will.

Some of the RFC protocols that Microsoft asserts that it may have IP rights over, such as the TCP/IP protocols and the DNS (Domain Name System), form the very bedrock of the Internets network infrastructure.

Urban Creep inch by inch is encroaching on the scenic beauty which is the bedrock our hillside lifestyle.

CISPA will unnecessarily undermine decades of bedrock privacy law.

7 subway extension was ramped up Thursday as the 100-hundred-ton drill that will slice through Manhattan's bedrock was brought to 11th Avenue.

"Building tunnels through bedrock deep under Manhattan is a dangerous enterprise," Donovan said.

As Greenland warms, water from melting glaciers flows to the sea, reducing the weight of ice and allowing underlying bedrock to rise.

WASHINGTON – There is good reason why President Obama's campaign refers to the African-American voting bloc as the "bedrock" of the president's support.

Usage in scientific papers

Signal events consist primarily of up-going muons produced in neutrino interactions in the bedrock of Antarctica or in the ice.
The ICECUBE prototype string in AMANDA

Equation (C.11) together with eq. (C.16) provide the bedrock of local inertial coordinates: Coordinates in which the metric reduces to its Minkowski form g(µν ) (0) = η(µν ) at a spacetime point P , while the first partial derivatives g(µν ),(α) vanish at P , are called local inertial coordinates.
Rotation in relativity and the propagation of light

This condition is hardly fulfilled at the windward foot of an isolated dune, e.g. a barchan (crescent shaped dune, discussed in Section VII), where the bed changes rapidly from bedrock to sand.
A Continuum Saltation Model for Sand Dunes

This was avoided by an ad hoc smoothing operation, which led to a numerically stable simulation by hiding the problem at the phase boundary (bedrock/sand).
A Continuum Saltation Model for Sand Dunes

For the calculation of the sand flux we assume bedrock up to the dune’s foot (xin=25m), where erosion is not possible (q=constant).
A Continuum Saltation Model for Sand Dunes

Usage in literature

The men shovelled all the gravel from the moss down to bedrock into the sluice box as it was all pay gravel. "A Woman who went to Alaska" by May Kellogg Sullivan

He was watching the shadow cast by a shrub that sprang, shallow-rooted, from a crevice in the bedrock. "Laramie Holds the Range" by Frank H. Spearman

Weakened as he was, his perception told him that the ship had buried itself deep in a swamp until it rested on bedrock. "The Short Life" by Francis Donovan

It was there that the wall of water out of Dry Dollar had struck the track and scoured it to the bedrock. "The Daughter of a Magnate" by Frank H. Spearman

Cut down to bedrock, he had laid himself open to that. "The Pagan Madonna" by Harold MacGrath

Such a belief was indeed the bedrock of mediaeval political thought. "Progress and History" by Various

I'll strip that beach down to bedrock if I have to work the toes an' fingers off 'em. "A Man to His Mate" by J. Allan Dunn

The two set to work digging a shallow trench down to bedrock, rolling up loose boulders for a cairn. "Rimrock Trail" by J. Allan Dunn

But we prefer to make fewer statements and have those of bedrock certainty. "How to Analyze People on Sight" by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict

The puny flame showed him a curving passage hewn smoothly through the heart of bedrock. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, December 1930" by Various

Usage in poetry
And there, by hydraulicking his ground beside a bedrock ditch,
With eye aflame and savage aim was Riley Dooleyvitch.
In long hip-boots and overalls, and dingy denim shirt,
Behind a giant monitor he pounded at the dirt.