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Contact (Final Colony 2)
Contact (Final Colony 2)
Contact (Final Colony 2)
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Contact (Final Colony 2)

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It was the worst possible scenario,
An alien race...very intelligent, technologically advanced and extremely hostile
the Cygns will name them Remei Fars -the two-legged predators- they called themselves


In Contact, the Final Colony series will return, through the eyes of CASHES Four, to a bloody skirmish that happened 45 years before the events unfolding in the previous volumes, during the invasion of planet D2713 (Masolthe) at the start of Earth Alliance's war with the Cygns. The battle of the Twin-Valleys.

This is the third volume in the Final Colony series.

Release dateAug 10, 2012
Contact (Final Colony 2)

Angelo Tsanatelis

Angelo (Aggelos) Tsanatelis was born in Athens, Greece on October 24th 1979. He lived for seven years in Bulgaria, where he studied Law at the University of Sofia. During his studies he traveled in Europe and Africa, undertaking 'daring expeditions that no one ever heard about, visited mysterious locations or simply searched for hidden treasures in the most unlikely of places' as he quoted himself in a interview in 2012. After he finished his studies he worked in the private sector for several years before he realized his childhood dream and became an author. His first novel already many years in the making was Origins, the 1st episode in the Living Sword Chronicles series and it was published in April of 2011. It was followed by the novelette, the Rootless set in the same universe and the sequel to Origins, the Lodge & the Tribe.

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    Contact (Final Colony 2) - Angelo Tsanatelis




    Final Colony 2

    By Angelo Tsanatelis


    Published by Saphire Realms

    Copyright © 2012-2013 Angelo Tsanatelis all rights reserved.


    No part of this ebook may be stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without express written permission of the author

    Version 1.4



    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This ebook is a work of fiction. Though some towns, cities, locations and historical persons may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences are the product of my imagination or my own interpretation of a historical figure and should not be considered a faithful likeness.


    More books from Angelo Tsanatelis

    In the same universe


    Final Colony series

    A.S.H.O.S. Eleven: Day One

    Directive 3.1


    The Living Sword Chronicles Book I:

    Origins -

    More books from Angelo Tsanatelis & Saphire Realms

    The Living Sword Chronicles Book II:

    The Lodge & the Tribe -


    Discover other titles by Angelo Tsanatelis at

    Songs of Sorrow-

    Songs of Loss-

    The Dark Notes Book I-


    & also by Angelo Tsanatelis

    Published by Saphire Realms

    The Rootless-

    Dark Hunter series

    The Ghost of the Cazador-

    The Shadow & the Blood Assassin



    To all

    the wonderful alien species out there

    May they all be long extinct

    by the time we discover them




    Sixty Minutes


    The Cygns

    Hell’s Backyard

    Heroes of the Alliance


    All good in the Cosmos comes from the Cygns

    All else Dereaths (spirits?) are deeply flawed

    Greet them not with open arms

    Do not change your ways

    Do not offer (them) the zerh (gift?) of friendship

    Those who do not hear the songs

    Are already dead


    Hymns of Dawn

    Loosely translated from the Cygnian Hieratic language


    The only good Cygn is a dead one, preferably pulverized.


    Terran notion early 23rd century


    Eve touched the short blond hair of the female with a hand and was once more amazed by the similarities with her own. So alike, the young Terran thought lightly biting her lower lip lost in her notions, yet so different.

    The older woman remained unresponsive. Her eyes were open, their beautiful azure cores giving a light glow but she couldn’t see her standing so close to her face. It was as if she wasn’t there anymore, lost into that magical place that was Cashes central memory system.

    Is she dreaming? Eve asked not looking away from the closest thing she had to a sister and Father always watching everything unfolding around her vigilantly, answered with his deep and extremely soothing voice.

    Cashes is reminiscing of things that happened in her past. She replays them in her mind, searching for patterns that had escaped her the first time.


    Eve pulled her hand away and frowned at the MC’s words. She was annoyed, the AI that lived inside the ship, the AI that was the ship could tell when the young woman wasn’t satisfied with its answers and it searched in its vast database for references that would help provide her with a better one. The database contained the ship’s own memories, as well as everything that it had downloaded from everyone that had linked with it; either organic or synthetic. This wasn’t an easy question. In order to dream one needs to want and computers followed a different pattern when they tackled a problem. But Cashes wasn’t just another computer, she was a highly advanced AI like the MC. AI’s were a different thing altogether. Cause and effect, linear or non-linear thinking, radically different thought patterns, all these were utilized by the AIs since the first moment of their existence. They could do everything organics could and do it more efficiently, but to want was to stray from the norm and one’s main function.

    This was not an easy question.

    For a full second the super computer paused puzzled, stopping many of its myriad subroutines to free up cycles it then immediately used to reach a conclusion; but not before realizing that it was unable to present a logical answer to the young female. That was disappointing for the MC. It didn’t want to displease Eve, it didn’t like feeling inadequate.

    Which was a revelation and an answer to its problem.


    Yes Eve

    The AI said a second later,

    I believe she is dreaming.


    She smiled at the words.

    Of happier times no doubt. Eve said content but this time the MC remained silent choosing to avoid an answer to what was clearly a rushed conclusion.

    Because according to its own calculations that was highly unlikely.


    The ship returned its attention to more pressing matters always mindful of Eve that had decided to visit a terminal intended for her while Cashes continued dreaming of past events; of starts and things that didn’t go according to plan.


    (Sixty Minutes)


    Log entry 0051

    S/Link active

    Loading from memory

    Mission file opened

    Sol Central Date/ 15th April 2184

    MT/ 00:01.56

    First lieutenant Masterton’s face had turned a deep red as he yelled trying to be heard above the thunderous roar of the entry thrusters.


    Holly Willard, Mark thought lowering the visor of his helmet painting everything in the narrow space of the troop transport that held twenty men, crammed one next to the other like sardines, a light yellow color. Here comes the prayer.

    WE ARE GOING IN HARD AND WITH GUNS BLAZING! Masterton barked closer to his face now and Mark unconsciously cried in response before he completed his sentence almost covering his last words.


    The other men following his example responded with a unison yell that covered momentarily the

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