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The Rootless
The Rootless
The Rootless
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The Rootless

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He appeared seemingly out of nowhere. They were calling him, the Rootless, because he wasn't a member of the Tribe, although he was almost like them. He traveled alone, with no clear plan and a voice in his head that was always there, a remnant of a distant and forgotten past.

This story is set in the same universe as the Living Sword Chronicles

2nd revised Edition

Release dateApr 27, 2011
The Rootless

Angelo Tsanatelis

Angelo (Aggelos) Tsanatelis was born in Athens, Greece on October 24th 1979. He lived for seven years in Bulgaria, where he studied Law at the University of Sofia. During his studies he traveled in Europe and Africa, undertaking 'daring expeditions that no one ever heard about, visited mysterious locations or simply searched for hidden treasures in the most unlikely of places' as he quoted himself in a interview in 2012. After he finished his studies he worked in the private sector for several years before he realized his childhood dream and became an author. His first novel already many years in the making was Origins, the 1st episode in the Living Sword Chronicles series and it was published in April of 2011. It was followed by the novelette, the Rootless set in the same universe and the sequel to Origins, the Lodge & the Tribe.

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    The Rootless - Angelo Tsanatelis

    The Rootless

    The Rootless

    By Angelo Tsanatelis


    Published by Saphire Realms

    Copyright 2011, 2012 Angelo Tsanatelis



    2nd Edition revised

    August 6, 2012

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This ebook is a work of fiction. Though some towns, cities, locations and historical persons may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences are the product of my imagination or my own interpretation of a historical figure and should not be considered a faithful likeness.




    To the myths that keep everyone going.


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    The Lodge & the Tribe -

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    You can’t be serious about this.

    The plump body, of the first Magistrate of the Lodge Jan Peterbas, moved surprisingly fast and handed him the old manuscript. He could barely make out the Carolingian writing and he grimaced, showing his annoyance to the expecting man.

    Is this another list? He asked him and witnessed his round face, forming a satisfied smile.

    Have you noticed the difference?

    He could tell him that he hadn’t. Let him gloat for a little while, that he had bested the Keeper of the archives, in an observation match. All people were basically the same, even after so many years, nothing changed that. Stuff happened of course. He noticed that once in every fifty or so years, something always popped out of the pile of insignificant events and stirred the waters of the great cosmic lake. Like this time, his ever-vigilant mind jumped in.

    The Magistrate was waiting for his answer. His greedy eyes locked on him, watching his every move, ready to catch his reaction to the news he had brought him. The problem was that although he’d noticed, the difference between the two manuscripts was in the number of entries, he couldn’t give him a satisfactory explanation.

    The first, the one he had read no more than fifteen minutes ago, written in a Turkish dialect, the Qipchaq, was a list of prisoners taken by the Mamluks after the fall of Ruad, ninety years ago. The second, the one he still had in his hand, was also a list of prisoners. These two lists were almost identical, except for the number of entries. The Mamluk list contained forty one names, while the Christian list, only forty. He read again the manuscript, he held in his hand. His eyes narrowed slightly and reaching, he grabbed the other one, from the big table he’d left it moments ago and examined them together, more thoroughly.

    That is strange. He murmured after a couple of minutes, frowning.

    Yes it is. He heard the Magister answering from across him.

    One of the captured knights, in the Mamluks manuscript, was not named. All the other names appear on the other list, so I assume that they are correct but that said list is still a name shorter. Have we forgotten someone Jan?

    The man shook

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