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A.S.H.O.S. Eleven: Day One (Final Colony 0.5)
A.S.H.O.S. Eleven: Day One (Final Colony 0.5)
A.S.H.O.S. Eleven: Day One (Final Colony 0.5)
Ebook75 pages47 minutes

A.S.H.O.S. Eleven: Day One (Final Colony 0.5)

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Even his name was a mystery. A catastrophic event he had no part in creating left him alone and damaged beyond repair according to his annoying companion. He was stranded on an alien planet, lost forever or so he thought. In order to survive he had to learn everything about himself and the final objective and then decide, if given the choice that is, which road he wanted to follow.

This is the first story in the Final Colony series.

Release dateMay 8, 2012
A.S.H.O.S. Eleven: Day One (Final Colony 0.5)

Angelo Tsanatelis

Angelo (Aggelos) Tsanatelis was born in Athens, Greece on October 24th 1979. He lived for seven years in Bulgaria, where he studied Law at the University of Sofia. During his studies he traveled in Europe and Africa, undertaking 'daring expeditions that no one ever heard about, visited mysterious locations or simply searched for hidden treasures in the most unlikely of places' as he quoted himself in a interview in 2012. After he finished his studies he worked in the private sector for several years before he realized his childhood dream and became an author. His first novel already many years in the making was Origins, the 1st episode in the Living Sword Chronicles series and it was published in April of 2011. It was followed by the novelette, the Rootless set in the same universe and the sequel to Origins, the Lodge & the Tribe.

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    Book preview

    A.S.H.O.S. Eleven - Angelo Tsanatelis



    Day ONE


    Final Colony 0.5

    By Angelo Tsanatelis



    Published by Saphire Realms

    Copyright 2012 Angelo Tsanatelis

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This ebook is a work of fiction. Though some towns, cities, locations and historical persons may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences are the product of my imagination or my own interpretation of a historical figure and should not be considered a faithful likeness.


    version 1.4

    More books from Angelo Tsanatelis









    The Living Sword Chronicles Book I:

    Origins -

    More books from Angelo Tsanatelis & Saphire Realms

    The Living Sword Chronicles Book II:

    The Lodge & the Tribe -

    Discover other titles by Angelo Tsanatelis at

    Songs of Sorrow-

    Songs of Loss-

    The Dark Notes Book I-

    & also by Angelo Tsanatelis

    Published by Saphire Realms

    The Rootless-

    Dark Hunter series

    The Ghost of the Cazador-

    The Shadow & the Blood Assassin

    It is high time we (Terrans) rise to the challenge, leave behind all that holds us back; our petty differences and decide what we want to be in the Cosmos. What do we want to stand for… I have a clear view of that future in my mind. I see an Earth that shines as a beacon in the stars, an Earth that becomes more, and an Earth that fulfills the role bestowed upon her in the Fourth Testament. Yes we will expand, yes we will colonize the distant planets, we will do whatever is necessary to spread our enlighten values, our noble culture, our civilization beyond the borders of our solar system. No matter the hardships, the setbacks… we will not wither away. We will fight if we have to, as our ancestors did in the past. Through fire and ice and the vastness that awaits us. We will prevail. We will have our way.

    There is no other road but the one I’ve shown you.

    Thank you.’


    Willard T. Martin (2045-2131)

    1st U.E.M.P. Legatus.

    1st President of E.A.

    Speaking at the Valetta Forum of Nations on 21st May 2079.




    There is no other road but the one I’ve shown you.

    There is no other God but the one before you.

    There is no other truth but what is written in the Word.


    Willard’s Word

    (The Fourth Testament)




    The last recorded message never reached its supposed destination. The one before that, was almost twelve light years away when the hyperdrive regulator’s shield collapsed, the magnetic forces ripping apart the huge engine. The big battleship shuddered like it was a living thing, cracks appearing on its outer, dimentium/862 protected, hull, with fires erupting one after the other in all of its compartments. Emergency lights were lit all over the Terran ship and the alarms sounded in an ever increasing cacophony.

    Perhaps the earlier damages they’d sustained from the Stargoth Class Battleships of the Cygns, were responsible for the malfunction of the drive and the delayed reaction of the ships Master-C. Whatever was the reason the ship continued to travel blind until it was violently expelled from hyper to normal space, nine minutes after the first alarm was heard. It was now stranded in an unknown part

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