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"How did painters and their public speak about art in Rembrandt’s age? This book about the writings of the painter-poet Samuel van Hoogstraten, one of Rembrandt’s pupils, examines a wide variety of themes from painting practice and theory... more
The book of Ecclesiastes, one of the books of the Old Testament, is thought by most to have been written around the third century BCE. Its influence has been enduring and far-reaching. Its sentiments are so universal that they remain... more
Lotteries, Art Markets, and Visual Culture examines the lotteries as devices for distributing images and art objects, and constructing their value in the former Low Countries. Alongside the fairs and before specialist auction sales were... more
In book five of the Mémoires d’outre- tombe Chateaubriand recalls Marie-Antoinette, superimposing the memory of her smile with that of her skull exhumed in 1815. Starting with this hallucinatory overlay (smiling woman / grimacing skull)... more
Impossible Desire and the Limits of Knowledge in Renaissance Poetry, forthcoming with Oxford University Press,, is about the intellectual life of sixteenth and seventeenth-century erotic poetry and its ubiquitous “carpe diem” invitations.... more
RÉSUMÉ – Si le babillard est celui “qui parle continuellement, et qui ne dit que des choses de néant” (Furetière), dans quelle mesure l’écriture babillarde peut-elle être une écriture du superflu, voire, du rien ? Écrire sur rien renverse... more
Art must reflect something that cannot be called trivial or perceived by rational means, as well as what we cannot experience in reality – the borderline between life and non-existence, death among other things. Certainly, ways of... more
ES - Ni el cine ni la moda pueden prescindir del cuerpo, de su imagen. Un cuerpo que se explora y reconstruye; que es un simulacro, una ilusión. A través del cine se disuelve, deja de ser materia para convertirse en fantasma de luz y... more
The "Allegory of Transience" by Philipp Sauerland (Gdańsk 1677 – Wrocław 1762), an artist specializing in still life and animal painting, was purchased in 2015 by the National Museum in Gdańsk. The painting allows us to deepen our... more
An English article published on DRY Magazine in Spring 2019. Vanitas without self-consciousness is only vanity.
In a chapter that hones in on certain Renaissance portraits by Hans Holbein, Giorgione, and Jan van Scorel, Hans Maes examines how it is that we can be deeply moved by such portraits, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that we don’t... more
Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas. Cette sentence célèbre du livre de l 'Ecclésiaste (Ecc 1, 2), que l ' on connaît également sous le nom hébreu de Qohélet, inspira de nom-breux artistes et donna naissance à bien des oeuvres d 'art. En... more
Artykuł mówi o sposobie, w jakim ks. Józef Baka - późnobarokowy polski poeta i misjonarz, jezuita - wykorzystuje estetykę brzydoty (turpizmu) w swoim zbiorze pt. "Uwagi śmierci niechybnej". Utwory z niego pochodzące zostały skrupulatnie... more
En el período barroco nos encontramos con una vasta producción religiosa, en íntima relación con la doctrina de la Contrarreforma. La Iglesia delimita y ordena las imágenes del período, en pos de evitar la deserción de los fieles. En este... more
Future pessimism in the Early Modern era? Reflections on Early Modern future imaginations exemplified by the baroque Vanitas motif: The following bachelor thesis is about the future imaginations of the Early Modern time. The paper... more
Um den deutschen Barock zu verstehen, beginnen wir mit einer Erklärung der sozio-kulturellen und politischen Voraussetzungen, die zum Dreiβigjährigen Krieg führten und ihre Beziehung zu dem wichtigsten Dichter der Zeit, Andreas Gryphius.... more
Philipp Sauerland (1677–ok.1760) to malarz aktywny w I połowie XVIII wieku w Gdańsku i Wrocławiu. Jego dzieła cieszyły się pewnym zainteresowaniem w wiekach XVIII i XIX, czego przykładem jest kilka wzmianek w ówczesnym piśmiennictwie o... more
Researching Vanitas iconographies, I was particularly intrigued by the complex and often inherently ambiguous meaning of paintings depicting the emblems and tools of the figurative arts –brushes, palettes etcetera - in a context... more
L’article propose une lecture comparative des natures mortes dites « de vanité » du XVIIe siècle et du recensement photographique des vestiges de l’industrie lourde du XXe siècle, entreprit par Bernd et Hilla Becher. Ces deux... more
Dans Madame Bovary par Gustave Flaubert, Baudelaire évoque deux critiques adressées au roman par ses contemporains: il y manquait une voix pour "diriger l'intelligence du lecteur"; il y avait des épisodes inessentiels, voire... more