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A volume in the Story of God Bible Commentary series (Zondervan). This work offers a new interpretation of both Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs, places them on the trajectory of theological development, and offers thoughts on reading these... more
What Really Matters in Life?  Reflections on a lecture by David Field.  The resurrection, redemption story, and nature of our personal identities make what we do of eternal significance.
Three commentaries on Ecclesiastes represent renewed academic interest in theological interpretation of Scripture (TIS), as well as the evolving relationship between biblical and contemporary theologies. Despite the focus on Ecclesiastes,... more
This study explores the timeliness of the book of Qohelet in Christian Apologetics. It follows a methodology of close reading in Qohelet conducted within the conceptual frame of Charles Taylor’s Secular Social Imaginary. This is an... more
Second Baruch is a Jewish apocalypse written in the wake of the Roman sacking of the Jerusalem temple. This essay examines how deliberately Second Baruch uses the biblical sapiential tradition and closely connects it with the apocalyptic... more
This English rendering of the full text of Ecclesiastes is mainly an updating of the version published in 1917 by the Jewish Publication Society. My main purpose has been to modernize the English. Sometimes, however, I have preferred an... more
If wisdom is the skill of living well, it seems prudent to ask what the end results of a life lived well looks like. If one heeds the advice of the sages, when can one expect their life to look like in the end? This paper attempts to... more
This paper has seeks to combine facts about the book of Ecclesiastes and its epilogue to show that there are solid reasons for reading this book as an undivided whole written by a single author. Likewise, because this author in the... more
Attending to ongoing debates about the "meaning of life" in Ecclesiastes, this article determines how Qoheleth addressed meaningfulness by drawing on a threefold scheme of definitions for life's meaning. These definitions are derived from... more
One’s approach to the book of Ecclesiastes often reveals more about the interpreter than it does this Bible book. Furthermore, this book, as any other section of Scripture, must be approached from the platform of faith (faith seeking... more
The ultimate purpose of this article is to show the value of Ecclesiastes by using the book's message to restate the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism in Christian terminology. To some degree, Christians relatively agree with Buddhists on the... more
While a more recent method for biblical study, Trauma Hermeneutics has helped provide greater context for our understanding of Scripture as a whole. Qoheleth, the author of Ecclesiastes, takes traditional wisdom literature and rewrites a... more
This paper has argued that the words of 12:8 are the repetition of a tensive symbol hebel which frames the end Qohelet’s first person speech. As the closing frame it encapsulates not just the key themes of his speech, but the entire book.... more
1. Einleitung 2. Text und Übersetzung 3. Exegetische Anmerkungen 4. Kanonische Betrachtungen 4.1 Buchinterne Bezüge 4.2 Das traditionelle Salomobild als Hintergrund 4.3 Koh 7,25–29 im Kontext der Weisheitsliteratur 5.... more
Noting the debates around whether ‘wisdom’ constitutes a genre, this chapter instead studies the multiple smaller genres of which wisdom literature consists. Texts use (and sometimes intentionally misuse) genres to communicate with... more
Table des matières A) Première partie : « Que vaut la vie humaine ? » 1. L’heure de la recherche 1.1) Remarque générale sur la notion de « vanité » 1.2) L’inconstance de la sagesse humaine 1.3) Le sage et le fou 1.4) L’inconsistance du... more
This is an analysis of the Book of Ecclesiastes to support the view that this OT book's main purpose was evangelistic for a Gentile audience, and that such a purpose makes this book very relevant for today.
The Days of Old Age and Death: Rabbinic and Patristic Interpretations of Qohelet 12:1 – 7. A careful study of Jerome’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes reveals that the text both contains specifically Christian exegesis and also quotes what... more
The consensus that Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job are the primary members of a 'Wisdom' collection is nearly universal, though the category's origin is unknown and its definition debated. This article identifies that origin and argues... more
Commentators frequently compare Eccl 10:5-7 to examples of the "topsy-turvy" motif in extrabiblical wisdom texts, especially Egyptian exemplars. The topos is found elsewhere, however, and a Neo-Assyrian letter from an unemployed exorcist... more
With increased interest in wisdom in the Hebrew Bible and beyond, new questions are being raised about the Wisdom Literature category, ranging from its setting to its boundaries and even its continued validity. Now, therefore, is an... more
Is the book of Ecclesiastes the introspections of a confused, pessimistic, cynical, aged man teetering on the brink of madness, or is this discourse the rational, sage advice of a realist akin to the preacher previously mentioned? Should... more
El autor propone una introducción al fenómeno de la sabiduría contestataria, concretamente en Qohelet, a partir de análisis de la antropología cultural y la filosofía.
Sermón Funeral dado en la clase de Homilética II Prof. Javier Goitía & Rvdo. José Morales