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Perfectionists have shown increased negative affect after failure compared to nonperfectionists. However, little is known about how perfectionists react to repeated failure. This study investigated the effects of two forms of... more
Self-efficacy is regarded as one of the important aspects that could help teachers to achieve their learning goals and optimal work performance. However, in daily practice, there is only limited research that explores the importance of... more
Louis Charland’s claim that DSM Cluster B personality disorders are moral rather than clinical kinds has recently triggered a lively debate. In order to deliver a reliable report of the latter, both (1) Charland’s arguments concerning the... more
Encouraging further research on the dimensional assessment of personality disorders (PDs), Section III of the DSM-5 introduced a hybrid model for the assessment of six PDs employing self-reports on 25 maladaptive personality traits... more
Politics is a serious field that plays an important role in order for a country to attain progress and become successful. The concept of politics is vague. Different people have different view of what politics is. Some says that politics... more
This book discusses the psychological traits associated with drug consumption through the statistical analysis of a new database with information on 1885 respondents and use of 18 drugs. After reviewing published works on the... more
Memahami konsepsi mengenai Bakat dan Minat : Teori dan Pengukurannya
This conference presentation aims to provide a deeper understanding of the contribution of personality to the academic performance. This effect, however, can be divided at least into two parts: (1) personality can enhance the performance... more
In this paper, we look at the way key personality traits might interact. Specifically, we investigate whether performance on a standard task assessing the cognitive style of Field Dependence–Independence, the Group Embedded Figures Task... more
Dalam ilmu psikologi, kita sering berbicara mengenai persepsi. Persepsi adalah proses mengintepretasi yang dilakukan seseorang terhadap stimulus. Persepsi pada dasarnya mengarah pada tiga hal, yakni persepsi pada diri sendiri, persepsi... more
This article investigates a new hierarchical model of work effectiveness that integrates ability, personality and competency assessment models with overall measures of work effectiveness. A total of 308 participants rated their... more
Chpt in R. Kunzendorf (Ed.) Imagery: Recent Developments, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, p. 101-112.
In an effort to carve a distinct place for social facts without lapsing into a holistic ontology, John Greenwood has sought to define social phenomena solely in terms of the attitudes held by the actor(s) in question. I argue that his... more
This is the very first of its kind reviewer material for the Psychometrician Licensure examination in the Philippines, raved as a 4-in-1 book consisting of reader-friendly and easily-digestible format of the subjects Abnormal Psychology,... more
Presentation on the development of the Great 8 and the associated Team Role report. Saville Consulting Wave ® Team Roles Report Modelling Performance at Work Performance is the results of Person * Environment Interaction The ‘Great 8’... more
Background: The study aimed to elucidate previously observed associations between morningness-eveningness and depressive symptomatology in university students. Relations between components of depressive symptomatology and... more
The survey data measure the tendencies of cognitive self-control and deviant act behavior as a component to identify the personality factors as predictors of criminal behavior. It studies the impact of personality against the extended... more
Locke endorses a distinction between passive reflection and voluntary attentive reflection, which he occasionally labels contemplation. Failure to recognize this distinction properly has had an effect on interpretations of Locke’s theory... more
In his hierarchical model of personality, Eysenck tried to reduce psychological concepts and generalizations to neurophysiological ones. This indicates that people’s psychological features are, mechanically, explainable in terms of their... more
This is the very first of its kind reviewer material for the Psychometrician Licensure examination in the Philippines, raved as a 4-in-1 book consisting of 1,200 questions with answers and rationalizations, with 300 item each board... more
Sample Solution, Organizational Behavior: An Analysis of Mental Abilities & the Big 5 Personality Traits in Numb3rs (Numbers), S01E01
Die Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-Deutsch (FMPS-D; Stöber, 1995) ist die deutsche Version der Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale von Frost, Marten, Lahart und Rosenblate (1990) und erfasst Perfektionismus entlang der von... more
The Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) is a widely-used instrument to measure the two components of social desirability: self-deceptive enhancement (SDE) and impression management (IM). With respect to scoring of the BIDR,... more
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to introduce practitioners to the appropriate use of measures of unethical behaviour, evaluate the use of integrity-related assessments for use in personnel selection, and determine the validity of the... more
Abstract: This study explores the leadership actions-oriented behavior of school principals in Finland. Actions-orientated behavior enables the leader to appropriately articulate relations and task orientation to meet the immediate... more
This paper serves to discuss the biological, psychological, and social factors which may contribute to an individual’s propensity for violent criminal behavior. To do this, the history and definitions needed to understand Biopsychosocial... more
Background: Parents play an important role in shaping children’s emotional, behavioral and mental health, particularly during the early years of childhood. Authoritative parenting style has been consistently associated with optimal... more
Fischer's (1980) Dynamic Skill Theory provides an example of an integrative model of psychological development. Elaborated over the course of 40 years, skill theory evolved from a neo-Piagetian model of the development of action and... more
Peirce's account of the Self shows some of the main critics to the classical, cartesian, substantial conception. Peirce's conception of the Self is social and historical, it rejects any form of intuition and is based on a fallibilist... more
Psychoanalytic Social Theory is built on the assumption that social and cultural conditions, especially childhood experiences, are largely responsible for shaping personality. People who do not have their needs for love and affection... more
Abstrak: Identitas diri merupakan suatu hal yang sangat fundamental dalam diri individu dan seringkali mengalami krisis dalam pembentukannya. Identitas dapat dibentuk dan dipengaruhi oleh budaya yang melekat dalam diri seseorang,... more
While it would appear at first blush that Buddhism and Western Psychology speak different languages, beginning with the ideas of ego and non-self, it also can be argued that Buddhism encompasses important components of nearly all Western... more
The first person to propose a comprehensive theory of the human personality was Sig- mund Freud, a 19th-century clinical neurologist who formulated his ideas while treating patients in Vienna, Austria. His work, called psychoanalysis, was... more
With regard to the dynamics of human experience and behavior, Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy relies mainly on Kurt Lewin’s dynamic field theory of personality. This is done including a re-interpretation of Lewin’s theory in some... more
Vocation, which is one of the factors affecting personality, takes a large part of life according to the working conditions of today. The life of an individual is shaped according to the vocation he/she prefers. Due to the different aims... more