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Across the United States, voters in many states have enacted initiative constitutional amendments that abrogate protections for equality and fundamental rights. In most cases, state supreme courts have upheld the validity of these... more
This is a review of the novel FH Batacan. Relatively, this discusses how the concept of the "law" is present in the mentioned literature. A thorough discussion of how justice was attained and how it was hindered is the main goal of the... more
The willingness of constitutional courts to extend free expression protection to speech that criticizes the performance and/or character of courts and judges could be a more widely used benchmark for assessing the commitment of various... more
Constitutionality; Municipal Ordinances; J2825; Car audio System; modified muffler; noisy motorcycle; 1106; stationary test; 40CFR205; smart regulation; boom cars; State laws; norms americanisation.
A Comparison of the Influence of Religious Law in Israeli & Palestinian Basic Laws This study aims to examine to what extent the Israeli and Palestinian constitutions are based on or influenced by religious law and how that reflects on... more
In recent years, constitutional jurisprudence emerging from state courts has assumed increasing importance. The assertiveness of state courts, however, has generated considerable backlash, most often involving adverse reactions to... more
El artículo pretende reiterar, desde las aportaciones teóricas y académicas, el impacto que supuso la consolidación del Estado Social de Derecho en los Derecho Económicos, Sociales y Culturales que permite la construcción de un modelo... more
Not all federal systems permit their constituent units to adopt constitutions. This Article considers whether, and under what circumstances, subnational constitutions tend to contribute to the volatility or stability of their... more
Across the United States, voters in many states have enacted initiative constitutional amendments that abrogate protections for equality and fundamental rights. In most cases, state supreme courts have upheld the validity of these... more
Confronting persistent and widening inequality in educational opportunity, advocates have regarded the right to education as a linchpin for reform. In the forty years since the Supreme Court relegated that right to the domain of state... more
Constitutional doctrine has little addressed on the General Comptroller of the Republic and its controlling function of public resources execution and management. Efforts have been made to explain this situation in other realities,... more
This is an extremely ambitious book. Its point of departure is that the study of the origins, status and functions of constitutions was a central element of early sociology. It is argued that classical sociological scholars such as... more
Since its admission to statehood in 1819, Alabama has operated under six constitutions. The first state constitution gave broad powers to the legislative branch of government, including extensive power over the selection, tenure and... more
State constitutional amendment rules are often criticized for their poor design. The most common criticism is that the frequent use of direct democracy bypasses the virtues of representative decision making and effectively surrenders... more
The local election as a democratic practice at Indonesian area is Constitutional mandate contained in Article 18 paragraph (4) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The legal basic that is the referensec elections, whic... more
At this juncture in American history, some of our most hard-fought, state-level political struggles involve control of supreme courts. New Hampshire witnessed one of the most dramatic of these, culminating in the impeachment of Chief... more
John Adams is gaining new respect today both for his political shrewdness and his religious wisdom. Both these talents were on full display in the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution that Adams largely crafted. Striking a via media between... more
El presente artículo da cuenta de los resultados de la investigación terminada, que giró alrededor del análisis de las decisiones que con objeto de las acciones de inconstitucionalidad ha proferido la Corte Constitucional de Colombia con... more
In the American system of dual sovereignty, states have primary authority over matters of state law. In nonpreemptive areas in which state and federal regimes are parallel — such as matters of court procedure, certain statutory law, and... more
In most federal systems, constitutional decision-making occurs at both the national and subnational levels, and therefore, a more complete and accurate understanding of constitutional law requires careful study of subnational... more
This Article examines the significance of the New Jersey Supreme Court’s decision in Gallenthin Realty Development, Inc. v. Paulsboro for redevelopment and property rights in New Jersey. It suggests that Gallenthin has resulted in... more
The use of constitutional language and concepts has enjoyed a widespread expansion in recent decades. From the relatively narrow confinement within national constitutional law discourses it has, in the wake of globalisation, crept into... more
Conventional theories of constitutional design suggest that frequent formal amendment of a constitution’s text likely has a restraining effect on the practice of judicial review. On these theories, courts are more likely to favor the... more
"Across the United States, voters in many states have enacted initiative constitutional amendments that abrogate protections for equality and fundamental rights. In most cases, state supreme courts have upheld the... more
Beginning in the 1970s, scholars and judges became interested in state constitutional law, arguing that state constitutions had been too long ignored especially in cases involving rights arguments. Empirical studies discovered, however,... more
Indonesia adalah negara kesatuan yang melaksanakan sistem ketatanegaraannya pada Pancasila dan UUD 1945 sebagai negara hukum. Untuk melaksanakan negara hukum diperlukan instrumen hukum yang saling menopang dan mendukung dari tingkat... more
To most lawyers and judges, constitutional amendment rules are nothing more than the technical guidelines for changing a constitution's text. But amendment rules contain a great deal of substance that can be relevant to deciding myriad... more
When we think of “human sacrifice”, perhaps the ancient civilizations of the Mayas and Aztecs come to mind, and maybe to a lesser extent the Incas...So, what is my point? I want the reader to consider the images carefully, not so much to... more
The progress of judicial federalism, the independent interpretation of state constitutions, has generally been limited. This article explores how lawyers have contributed to the development of state constitutional rights law in the search... more
Exploring legal development requires more than simply examining the votes of judges because legal development embraces the actions of multiple actors. At a minimum, courts require lawyers to develop and present cases to them for... more