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GARCÍA GALLARDO, F. J.; ARREDONDO PÉREZ, H. (2012): "Danzas de espadas y toques de tamboril en la Sierra y el Andévalo Onubenses", En IGLESIAS, I,; ROXO, P.; MORENO, S. (coords.). Músicas e Saberes em Trânsito. Lisboa, Ediçoes Colibri,... more
Volume a carattere archeologico ed etnografico sul rapporto tra arte rupestre e danze armate tradizionali della Valle di Susa e della Valcenischia; pubblica gli atti della Giornata di Studi del 23 maggio 1998 a Novalesa (TO), integrati... more
DANZAS DE LA PROVINCIA DE HUELVA Juan Agudo Torrico, Celeste Jiménez de Madariaga, Francisco J. García Gallardo, Herminia Arredondo Pérez Edición: Huelva, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Diputación Provincial de Huelva, 2010.... more
Abstract for the interdisciplinary conference "The Sword - Form and Thought", to be held at Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen (German Blade Museum) November 19th-20th, 2015.
It’s no secret that since Man had the ability to shape stone and metal starting thousands of years ago, they’ve also been slashing, stabbing, hitting and basically wreaking havoc on each other ever since. When did the first knife fight... more
This research investigates the practice of fencing by the actor in western theatre and performance, and explores whether fencing can be adapted for use as actor training. The interpretations of the techniques of the sword in the context... more
L'intervento si propone di analizzare le origini, i significati, le forme e i metodi con cui si sono perpetuate, tanto da essere presenti e vitali tuttora, le cosiddette “Danze delle Spade” (o “morische”) nelle Alpi Cozie e nelle terre... more
Mock combat dances were performed in Malta by both the knights of the Order of St John as well as by groups of Maltese men. It is not certain whether the knights introduced this type of dance when they arrived in the sixteenth century or... more
ARREDONDO PÉREZ, H. y GARCÍA GALLARDO, F. J. (2011). "Toques de flauta y tambor en las danzas de Alosno". En VV.AA.: El Andévalo. Territorio, Historia e Identidad. Huelva: Diputación Provincial de Huelva. pp.265-275. Presentado en... more
La danza de espadas constituye uno de los estilos de danza tradicional más extendidos en Europa en los últimos siglos. Sus orígenes atendiendo a la documentación conservada, se pierden en el siglo XV. Con cada una de nuestras aportaciones... more
Tras una visita episcopal en 1715 del obispo Pedro Aguado (1648-1716), se estableció una prohibición de financiación por parte de las iglesias del Valle del Baztán de los danzantes y escopeteros que acompañaban a las procesiones del día... more
A reflexive account of research conducted over the course of a year on the Thomas J. Watson Fellowship studying sword dance.
Presenting the findings of a year-long documentation project on hilt-and-point sword dance. Short film with accompanying discussion. The talk covered dances from 11 European countries and over 30 dance groups.