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When times are hard, it's natural not to feel like celebrating. The global pandemic has left many dancers feeling isolated and stressed. Without the joy and connection of dancing together in a circle, we may struggle to find meaningful... more
Master thesis about the how and why of using voice and vocalization in Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) in adult psychiatry.
Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit neueren Ergebnissen
aus zwei randomisierten Kontrollstudien
zur Körperpsychotherapie.
Die traditionellen Frauentänze des Balkans und des Nahen Ostens werden auch heute noch zu Hochzeiten und Dorffesten getanzt, doch ihre Wurzeln gehen auf die uralte Kultur des Neolithikums zurück. Damals wie heute ist eine ihrer... more
The research study at the center of this proposal focuses on Mind-Body Medicine strategies to improve clinical outcomes in inpatient psychiatry settings. More specifically, multidisciplinary approaches in the areas of clinical psychology... more
A peer-reviewed paper that evaluates and discusses the impact of a dance and health project in a setting for people with dementia in Nottinghamshire, UK that was designed and carried out by Tina Heeley. It discusses the importance of... more
Our journey through life is encoded in our bodies just as the rings of a tree encode the life-story of that tree. If we grow up in an emotionally supportive environment our posture will be secure, our movements fluid, and our speech... more
We take pleasure in inviting you to the World Congress on Dance Research to be held in Mumbai, India. The congress is open to all forms of dance:
Einkaufen-Gehen ist etwas, was allein in der Stadt wirklich geht. lm Dorf kann man nur Besorgungen machen, und in der Kleinstadt kann man darüber hinaus höchstens zum Einkaufen fahren. lch gehe Einkaufen meint im urbanen Kontext etwas... more
Building on C. G. Jung's early understanding of dance as a form of active imagination, Dreamdancing (Stromsted 1984) brings together the inner world of body sensation, feelings, dreams and images; moving through dreams can help us... more
The concept of embodiment, or the lived experience of the body, has become an important focus of scholarly attention across psychology, sociology, philosophy, and cultural studies. Addressing the inherent challenges of researching the... more
Integrative Performance serves a crucial need of 21st-century performers by providing a transdisciplinary approach to training. Its radical new take on performance practice is designed for a climate that increasingly requires fully... more
The purpose of this research was to explore the varied ways in which self-identified transgender people experience bodily identity, specifically feelings of dissonance between inner sense of self and visibly bodied self. Ethnographic case... more
iq ka or;a jh ú §u ks id we;s jk i;= g idfma la Ih' th mq oa .,dkq noa Oj jq ufkda uQ ,s l ia jrEmhla ys ñlr.ka fka h' ^The Psychedelic beauty& kuq ;a ta iq ka or;a jh fmdÿ rihla njg m;a ùfï È ta i|yd n,mdk jdia ;úl iq ka or;a jhla... more
This article discusses the embodied nature of physical literacy with specific attention given to the interconnectedness of embodiment, lived experience, and meaning (assemblage). Through the exploration of these concepts, it is possible... more
Die nachfolgenden Forschungsarbeiten repräsentieren drei Arten von Studien: Die Metaanalyse kalkuliert aus den Ergebnissen einzelner Studien eine Gesamtstatistik (Cochrane Library 2013). Das Scoping Review gilt als Vorstufe zum... more
Dance for Veterans, composed of physical, psychological and social elements, is a new patient-centered and recovery-oriented treatment modality for veterans diagnosed with serious mental illness; that is, chronic and functionally... more
This paper takes a new look at the methods of embodiment for psychotherapy supervision. It makes a rigorous distinction between knowledge derived by language and knowledge derived by the body without the intervention of conscious thought.
Environmental, organizational and attitudinal obstacles continue to prevent people with vision loss from meaningfully engaging in dance education and performance. This article addresses the societal disabilities that handicap access to... more
Note: please go to and scroll down to subscribe to emails, if you would like to stay in touch and learn about updates and applications of this work. This chapter presents a framework for understanding the knowledge,... more
Dit is een tekst die ik heb geschreven naar aanleiding van een wedstrijd rond het thema 'trauma'. In de tekst behandel ik eerst het fenomeen van langdurige vecht of vlucht respons op biologisch vlak, met behulpzame therapieën. De laatste... more
How can we understand the role of movement and kinaesthetic resonance in shaping our experience and knowledge? This paper gives a brief introduction to my current doctoral studies at Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University, where I am... more
It’s an interesting topic and how I dance with that depends on how I interpret the word ‘drives’ I suppose. I could talk about Freud’s aggression and sexual impulses in drive theory, but I’d rather address one of my main drives; as... more
Il lavoro di tesi dal titolo Danza Mimesis Educazione. Riflessioni per una danza che nutra l’umano nell’uomo cerca di trovare una risposta all’ ipotesi secondo cui, se è vero che l’influenza della società è forte e visibile nella danza,... more
Curator, researcher and lecturer, Helena Bonett, focuses on significant themes in Barbara Hepworth’s work, particularly drawing out the influences of music and dance.
The Book titled “Hasta Mudra Therapy – An effective aspect of Dance Therapy” deals with various disciplines like Dance, Therapy, Dance Therapy, Hasta Mudra Therapy, Hasta Mudras used in Dance, Yoga, Hindu and Buddhist religious practices;... more
Introduces the role of neuromaturational and dynamical systems theory in child development and ensuing adult movement behavior. Highlights the work of physical therapist, Irmgard Bartenieff (1900 - 1982) and occupational therapist Bonnie... more
This chapter explores an academic-creative collaboration that formed around 'The Confidence Project' led by Untold Dance Theatre, Bristol, UK, to evaluate the engagement of women in somatic movement workshops. I discuss how methods of... more
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
Over the years my work has taken me into a deeper investigation of how to re-inhabit ourselves and live a life guided by embodied wisdom, responding to the question: "Once we have experienced wounding, trauma, or loss that has resulted in... more
Snowber, C. Embodied Inquiry: Writing, Living and Being through the Body. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2016. Embodied Inquiry is offered to all who want to deepen the connection to their bodies. Here is the inspiration to see your body... more