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The infrastructure of cinematic cityscapes manifests as spectacular utopian capitalist fantasies, or as the sites of detritus and abjection, usually stratified by visual metaphors of decadent heights or sewer-level depths respectively.... more
Tourism is one of the largest industries of the world. Bangladesh has many tourist spots, among the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) is the most attractive tourist place. As the area is full of geographical and cultural diversities, tourism... more
An incomplete draft of this text was published in Democracy and Nature; the final version was published  as Ch. 10 of John P. Clark, _The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism_ (New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2013).
Michel Foucault’s notion of “biopower” has been a highly fertile concept in recent theory, influencing thinkers worldwide across a variety of disciplines and concerns. In The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Foucault famously... more
Socialist and Social Democratic parties leave few political observers and citizens indifferent. For several years, a certain number of actors on the political scene have presented it as a political family in crisis, lacking in imagination... more
Introducción Durante la década del setenta, el lenguaje de "la participación" alcanzó por primera vez el mainstream de las teorías del desarrollo y desde entonces, su adopción se ha generalizado entre un espectro de instituciones bien... more
Genealogie e sviluppi della crisi borsistico-finanziaria statunitense e i suoi effetti nell'economia globale. In particolare si analizza la correlazione con la crisi dei debiti sovrani in Europa e l'implementazione di politiche di... more
Italian philosophy provides a long-overdue and much-needed supplement to continental thinking. This book offers some living and lively examples, some for the first time in English, of original thought from the Italian philosophical scene.... more
During Hugo Chávez's presidency, Venezuelan society underwent a sudden—and vicious—split between the Chavistas and the Opposition. What accounts for the extreme intensity of the split? How did differences so quickly become irreconcilable?... more
The Caspian Project is a weekly digital magazine organized by the online analytical resource, Modern Diplomacy. Dr. Matthew Crosston is the Senior Editor of the project, which aims to acquaint people with this critically undervalued... more
Masyarakat sering dibuat kesal dengan jalan rusak dan berlobang yang tidak kunjung diperbaiki. Banyak cara yang dilakukan oleh warga agar Pemerintah segera melakukan perbaikan jalan, namun tidak ada usaha yang lebih efektif dan efisien... more
Secular arabic traditions have emphasized the potential of dreams to foretell the future. Sometimes the prediction is seen as obvious and on other occasions elaborate systems of symbolic translations were consulted such as the tenth... more
Originally published in Drain, Issue 11,  Vol. 5, No.2.,  "Psychogeography" (October, 2008). Revised and published as chapter 2 of Surregional Explorations (Chicago: Charles Kerr, 2012).
This is a revised version of an earlier text written for the book Rêves et passions d’un chercheur militant: Mélanges offerts à Ronald Creagh (Lyon: Atelier de Création Libertaire, 2016), pp. 29-39.
Analiza el proceso de construcción de las políticas sociales destinadas a las trabajadoras en su cualidad de madres en Argentina. Para ello revisamos el corpus legal que le dio origen, los alcances de la normativa y las críticas a... more
From New Clear Vision (Sept. 21, 2015).  A reflection on the recent Katrina commemoration events, on the true legacy of the Katrina disaster, and on what has been silenced in the name of resilience and redevelopment.
This is the illustrated version of the article "“The Lesser of Evils Versus the Common Good: On the Poverty of Ideology in the Washington Post," a critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two... more
Africa in a Continent full of resources, but many people still so poor. The poorness is used by the governments as excuse to stole the public heritage.
Christian Anarchism is becoming a growing specter in some religious quadrants. It purports high ideals, as almost any religious think tank likes to consider the notion. However, I would like to entertain the subject and ask questions that... more
The comprehensive publication presents a selection of texts and images closely related to the permanent exhibition. The Solidarity story in this anthology is built of the accounts of those directly involved in the events, juxtaposed with... more
Özet Toplumda yaşanan sorunlar karşısında politika üretiminde “yama” diye kavramlaştırdığımız durum/yapı ile karşılaşırız. Yamalar, ya sorunların üstünü örten/kamufle eden; ya sorunları geçici bir süreyle dondurarak olduğu gibi kalmasını... more
International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity (ICOACI) 2019 : "Strengthening Transparency & Accountability for the Better Public-Private Governance". Host : Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Universitas Paramadina, Research... more
Sebagian besar konflik yang terjadi saat ini bukanlah perang antarnegara yang saling bersaing dengan gencatan senjata seperti di masa lalu, tetapi akibat dari biasnya konsep-konsep identitas, bangsa, dan nasionalisme. Negara Kesatuan... more
This text was published in the book _Between Earth and Empire_ (PM Press, 2019). A shorter version appeared in the collection _Sweet Spots: In-Between Spaces in New Orleans_ (University of Mississippi Press, 2018).
The authors measure large inequalities in public provision of social and territorial local goods in Bolivia. This is the best empirical application of the Finot's theoretical distinction between territorial and social goods.
Resumen Este artículo presenta la asociación entre la producción de relaciones sociales en la sociedad capitalista y las políticas so-ciales. Se muestra la estrecha unión entre ambas por considerar estas últimas como un mecanismo de... more
La transición del mundo offline al online no es un simple cambio de plataforma, es una metamorfosis. Los políticos pasan de una posición privilegiada, de discurso unilateral e incuestionable, casi desde un púlpito, a convertirse en un... more
In this article I will combine Erving Goffman's sociology with some of the main aspects of Actor-Network Theory in order to outline a theatrical conception of social power. My first aim is to try to summarize the sociological perspective... more
En partant du témoignage d’une travailleuse sociale œuvrant dans un service à domicile au Québec, nous nous intéressons dans cet article à certaines expressions actuelles des tensions significatives vécues par les intervenants sociaux... more
The processes of the region until now are oriented fundamentally to ensure the accomplishment of national social policies. How to make to orient them also to harness the local autonomy –and mainly to do it in conditions of equality– in... more
The authors measure large inequalities in public provision of social and territorial local goods in Bolivia. This is the best empirical application of the Finot's theoretical distinction between territorial and social goods.
This article explores discourses and debates on secularism, religion, and politics in social media in connection with the 2018 Fiji general election campaign, and in interviews with leading figures in churches and religious organisations.... more