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In 2003, the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing (Hartford Institute), in collaboration with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, conducted a survey of baccalaureate schools of nursing in the United... more
Increasing attention has been paid to the lack of services and support afforded older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) women in same-sex relationships, including caregivers. This study was designed to investigate the... more
1 Un programme de formation de trois jours sur le sommeil a l'hopital a ete cree en 2008 a l'initiative de l'Association nationale pour la formation permanente du personnel hospitalier, en collaboration avec le ministere de la... more
Objective: To identify the efficacy of group-based nutrition interventions to increase healthy eating, reduce nutrition risk, improve nutritional status, and improve physical mobility among community-dwelling older adults.Design:... more
L’article porte sur la représentation des premiers diplômés et doctorants d’un programme de formation doctorale en gérontologie sur la place de la composante interdisciplinaire dans leur cursus. Celle-ci est représentée comme une source... more
Background and Objectives: There is a lack of understanding of how older adults’ involvement and participation matters in actual design practice. This systematic literature review investigates existing empirical studies involving older... more
ObjectivesTo compare the efficacy, safety and tolerability of a novel rivastigmine transdermal patch with conventional rivastigmine capsules and placebo in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD).To compare the efficacy, safety and... more
W procesie planowania „dobrej starości” ważne miejsce zajmuje profilaktyka pomyślnego starzenia się, określana jako profilaktyka gerontologiczna. Działania te odnoszą się przede wszystkim do procesów sprzyjająych podejmowaniu aktywności... more
RESUMO: “Ser avô” é um acontecimento marcante, apesar de ser cada vez mais raro. Os netos são uma fonte de estimulação para os avós, contribuindo para a luta contra o declínio do envelhecimento e proporcionando-lhes uma melhor qualidade... more
SUMMARY Background Dental health is an important determinant of nutritional status, but has not been investigated as a risk factor for dementia. This study aimed to investigate the association between number of teeth, use of dentures and... more
The purpose of this brief note is to present a discussion of the first two sessions of a poetry group conducted with moderately to severely cognitively impaired adults in a nursing home. Exercises and techniques used with this population... more
Older people are often assumed to be both asexual and de-gendered, meaning that sexuality is often overlooked in the older population (Barrett and Hinchcliff 2017). Moreover, even when sexuality is acknowledged within gerontology,... more
Background: India has begun to feel the burden of an aging society. Aging individuals are now living longer with increasing life expectancy and availability of better health facilities but are also requiring more assistance or care to... more
This chapter focuses on introducing ideas of the creative ageing policy in the context of international and national strategies. It also overviews the best practices at regional and local levels. The chapter suggests that the roots of the... more
This report analyses and evaluates the Keep Singing Keepsakes project run by award winning community music charity Plymouth Music Zone, which is funded by a number of organisations including the Arts Council. The project takes singing... more
Introduction: Elderly constitute rapidly growing proportion of our population. About 10-15% elderly have mental health problems Aim: To study the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in elderly persons attending the outpatients department... more
OBJECTIVES: To determine the relationship between health literacy, demographics, and access to health care.DESIGN: Cross-sectional study, Health, Aging and Body Composition data (1999/2000).SETTING: Memphis, Tennessee, and Pittsburgh,... more
Introduction: Hearing, vision, and cognitive impairment commonly co-occur in older people. However, the rate of recognition and appropriate management of combined hearing and vision impairment in people with dementia impairment is low.... more
Though only for few people old age is the best part in their lives, it is not per definition the worst. Good ageing, as I understand it, is simply making the best of growing old. (1) first I want to make some remarks on my... more
Alzheimerova bolest pogađa sve aspekte života oboljele osobe, njene vještine i izvedbu aktivnosti dnevnog života. Skrb za osobu oboljelu od Alzheimerove bolesti ili nekog drugog oblika demencije opisana je kao najzahtjevniji oblik skrbi s... more
The elderly not only face the problem of physical changes but also undergo emotional, psychological and social changes. Some individuals cope with these changes effectively but others will experience extreme frustration and mental agony.... more
En este documento se reflexiona sobre el trabajo realizado en el proyecto europeo intergeneracional “Compartir la Infancia”, Sharing Childhood durante este curso escolar 2013-2014. Este programa tiene una duración de 2 años y pretende,... more
The majority of Vietnamese Australians migrated to Australia as refugees to escape a war and this unique migration background may affect their ability to access and utilize healthcare services in Australia. Inability to utilize dementia... more