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Dans cette note de l'Observatoire franco-russe, Igor Delanoë décrypte et analyse la "Doctrine nucléaire" de la Russie publiée le 2 juin dernier.
A review of Brian Davies' The Russo-Turkish War, 1768–1774: Catherine II and the Ottoman Empire
Монография посвящена 170-летию со дня рождения видного государственного и военного деятеля Российской империи, патриота Отечества Алексея Николаевича Куропаткина [17(29).03.1848 – 16.01.1925]. Впервые усилиями группы авторов при поддержке... more
Статья посвящена рассмотрению армии как социального института, выполняющего общественную функцию в обеспечении безопасности личности, общества и государства военными средствами. Проанализированы место и роль Вооруженных Сил Российской... more
Russia has been using an advanced form of hybrid warfare in Ukraine since early 2014 that relies heavily on an element of information warfare that the Russians call “reflexive control.” Reflexive control causes a stronger adversary... more
Russia has modernized its forces to execute what it calls New Generation Warfare. Ukraine is the frontline, but Putin declared in 2014 that Russia has the right and the obligation to protect Russians anywhere in the world. What does this... more
Ukraine has become a conflict zone between the West and Russia resulting in disastrous consequences for Ukrainian society. The roots of the conflict stretch far beyond Ukrainian national intentions. It is a conflict between the Western... more
O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as políticas e mecanismos adotados no mandato do presidente russo Vladimir Putin (2000 – 2008), e sua “diarquia” com Dmitry Medvedev (2008 – 2012) com a finalidade de realocação das receitas... more
The entire concept of the Western world to install a “moderate” opposition government in Syria has hopelessly failed. The strategic analysis of the Russian intervention takes into account the assessments of the so called “Arab Spring”,... more
This is a polemic. It is a polemic against the use of the term the ‘Gerasimov Doctrine’ to describe a supposed dramatic turn in Russian strategic thinking. It is a polemic against the way that pseudo-technical terms and jargon can be... more
The article describes the author's approach to the interpretation of development of military sociology. In Russia this branch of sociology has gone through the periods of rapid development and upswing and periods of complete oblivion and... more
Les interventions russes lors des crises en Ukraine et en Syrie ont mis en évidence le saut qualitatif franchi par la Russie dans la modernisation de son armée.
Foreign policy towards Russian Federation. Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been considered major ally of the United States since its emergence as an independent state 14 August 1947. It participated in pro- Western Alliances as SEATO... more
A revisionist Russia is increasing its military capabilities and threatening U.S. allies and partners across Eurasia and the Middle East. In multiple theaters Russia is conducting sophisticated campaigns that combine economic pressure,... more
We are witnessing a new era where NATO and Russia are engaged in deep a confrontation, including its military dimension. The West – especially the US and some countries on the Eastern borders of NATO – equal the Russian threat against... more
M.A.D. The concept of 'Mutually Assured Destruction' which posited the prospect of a global catastrophe in the event of a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union was one which permeated the popular consciousness of... more
The Russian Federation is involved in at least three continents (Europe, Asia, Africa) where it owns military facilities. Their infrastructure in foreign territories includes airports, bases, proving grounds, radar stations and navy... more
This paper is liable to update from time to time as details of evolving Russian bases  in the High Arctic are identified.
Russia’s military intervention in Syria is the only direct military intervention there by a state from outside the region. Iran was there first, but its intervention took different forms. No state, be it Arab or foreign, has sent experts... more
Since its foundation after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian Federation has experienced numerous (attempts of) military reforms. Until the restructuring initiated by President Dmitry Medvedev in 2008 the previous... more
The Obama administration had made firm commitments: to no longer send men on the ground to fight in the indescribable chaos of the Near and Middle East. Combat drones, or soldiers of their Sunni allies would do the dirty work in Iraq,... more
В статье выявлена позиция журнала «Вестник Европы» по проблемам войны и мира в период 1903–1905 годов. Проанализирована эволюция взглядов издания на причины, ход и последствия русско-японской войны с позиций миротворчества. / The article... more
El objetivo del presente análisis es revisar la evolución que tuvo el llamado complejo militarburocrático-industrial soviético y el desarrollo que ha tenido, en la posguerra fría, el complejo militar-industrial ruso, así como los desafios... more
Last year, the Russian Federation unleashed a non-acknowledged war on Ukraine. In February, Russian Armed Forces’ units covertly occupied Crimea, facilitating an illegal annexation. In April, Moscow sent proxy forces to fight in Eastern... more
В статье выявлена позиция журнала «Вестник Европы» в отношении проблемы войны и мира в период восточного кризиса 1875–1878 гг. и русско-турецкой войны 1877–1878 годов. / The position of the magazine «Vestnik Evropy» on the issues of war... more
Makalede Rusya’nın özellikle 2008 yılından başlayarak askeri alanda kaydettiği kayda değer yetenek sıçramaları ve bu sıçramaların Türkiye açısından yarattığı zorluk ve komplikasyonlar ortaya konmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ortaya çıkan tablo,... more