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The figure of the VJ or visual jockey is key for understanding the appearance and current uses of what we shall call the “environment-image”, a kind of image which is produced for an audience in situ, whose emotional reaction has a... more
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας ΜΔΕ συνιστά η αναδρομική ισχύς του ηπιότερου νόμου υπό το νέο Ποινικό Κώδικα (Ν. 4619/2019) και μία σειρά από ζητήματα που απορρέουν από την εφαρμογή του άρθρου 2 ΠΚ. Η μελέτη αυτή, ορμώμενη από τις ιστορικές... more
Il lavoro si propone di analizzare la disciplina del principio di retroattività nell'ambito delle interferenze che la Convenzione europea ha avuto con l'ordinamento italiano. La florida giurisprudenza nazionale sul tema, infatti, ha... more
The paper faces the issue of relations between administrative sanctions and time under two different perspectives. On the one hand, the prevailing acquisitions of doctrine and jurisprudence regarding the application of the principle of... more
Contemporary debates between phenomenology and the philosophy of mind are dominated by the discourse around the minimal self. In the present study, we distinguish the minimal self from the affective identity from a phenomenological point... more
Nachträglichkeit Nachträglichkeit der Verräumlichung Die Dinge liegen nicht einfach vor uns, wir wer-den ihrer in einem Prozess der vielfachen Ver-schränkung mit der Welt erst gewahr. Doch wenn wir sie uns dann gegenüberstellen können,... more
The present article stipulates on various disputable issues of applying the general legal maxims on overcoming the conflict of lex posterior derogate priori and lex specialis derogate legi generali based on the empirical examples of... more
Exploration of the concept and practice of translation in Rissho Kosei-kai, both domestically, within Japan, and the new challenges of carrying RK discourse over into foreign cultures. I'm particularly interested in how the phenomenon of... more
L'article s'efforce de lire Nicolas de Cues à la lumière de la crise écologique actuelle. Ne pourrait-on se tourner vers Nicolas de Cues pour penser la nature non comme un simple terrain d'activités pour l'homme mais comme un vis-à-vis de... more
It is generally accepted that most of the modern legal principles derive from the sources of Roman law. With regard to this, some of the principles have received more attention and their historical backgrounds have been more thoroughly... more
Η διατριβή καλύπτει την προβληματική των χρονικών ορίων εφαρμογής των ποινικών δικονομικών. Αρχικά εκτίθεται το πλαίσιο ρύθμισης και λειτουργίας της ισχύος των νόμων προκειμένου αυτή να διακριθεί ακολούθως από την έννοια της εφαρμογής των... more
Two notable criticisms have been recently raised against research on retroactiveinfluences (RIs). First, researchers have rarely tested the measurement properties oftheir methods to gauge RIs, and it is still relatively unknown whether... more
This Article deals with a predicament inherent in judicial review: Under the traditional view, judicial declarations of unconstitutionality apply retrospectively, meaning that the law is treated as void from its inception—as if it was... more
Covid-19 presents itself as a strange catastrophe. It has neither destroyed the planet nor has it erased humanity… but it has, in many ways, served to upend and alter what was previously considered ‘normal.’ As a result, what is perhaps... more
(English version below) Lex mitior retro agit. Lorsque, entre la commission d’une infraction et son jugement, le type d’infractions en cause fait l’objet d’une loi nouvelle, le juge devra appliquer cette nouvelle loi si et seulement si... more
Firstly, the author explains what motivated him to write this article, because Swiss-francs loans issue is very important for almost all Balkans states. After that, the essence of Swiss-francs loans is explained and what caused... more
Recent state and federal decisions significantly influenced Texas criminal procedure at both the trial and appellate levels. These decisions generally affected three main areas of the punishment stage of Texas criminal trials. First, they... more
Estudio sobre la jurisprudencia del tribunal Constitucional sobre el alcanc del principio de irretroactividad del art. 9.3 de la Constitución española. Aplicación de la doctrina constitucional al caso concreto de ls ppensiones a cargo de... more