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O Brasil como potência regional: uma análise da sua liderança na América do Sul no início do século XXI O Brasil como potência regional: uma análise da sua liderança na América do Sul no início do século XXI Brazil as a regional power: an... more
This paper aims to assess and test the axis shift argument by adopting a political economy perspective. What drives Turkish-Russian bilateral trade and how has it affected the Turkish economy? While a plentitude of qualitative approaches... more
Resumo: Considerando a nova dinâmica geopolítica que se estabelece na América do Sul a partir dos anos 2000, o objetivo deste artigo é examinar a atuação do Brasil como potência regional a partir de evidências que corroboraram esse papel... more
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiculturalism, Powers and Ethnicities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In light of recent Saudi Arabian foreign policy, this article examines the valorization of public diplomacy in regional leadership struggles-a widely neglected topic in discussion on regional powers. Concentrating on regions with distinct... more
Az átalakuló világrend küszöbén Szerkesztette: Grünhut Zoltán – Vörös Zoltán Tartalom Előszó 7 Az Egyesült Államok: az önmagát korlátozva felül maradni képes, vezető hatalom Marton Péter 11 Az Európai Unió kilátásai Marján Attila 31... more
At a time of Arab uprisings, many set their eyes on Muslim populated Turkey with its successful economic development and nascent democratic political order, as what the peoples of the region can proceed along in their own transition to... more
Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization and Local Contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This thesis presents a comparative study of Turkish and Japanese foreign policy activities since 2002. By comparing their foreign policies over their activities to become regional power, this thesis aims to look upon the efficiency of... more
Abstract Turkey has been generally neglected thus far in most of the studies in IR on power categorizations such as middle or middle range power, regional power and rising/emerging power, despite its rising regional power status in the... more
South Africa is rapidly approaching the end of Jacob Zuma's tenure as president. This report examines South Africa's current diplomatic, economic and other relations and presents a set of broad priorities that could help guide a post-Zuma... more
Regional powers are not always benevolent leaders when it comes to the building of regional institutions. While powerful states – particularly the “new” rising powers – may have a vested interest in regionalism as a means of projecting... more
How do rising powers relate to international institutions? At the same time as rising regional powers from the South emerge as key players in international politics, they confront a highly institutionalised world order established and... more
This paper inquires into the effects of an emerging multipolar world on the international institution of regionalism. While IR scholarship has been making a strong case for the regionalization of world politics since the 1990s, the fact... more
Many optimists believed that the " Arab Spring " was a ripe moment for regional radiant Turkey with its pro-active stance that could trigger " demonstrative effect " and transform the conflict-ridden Middle Eastern (in) security complex... more
Her ne kadar Çin ekonomisinde 1970'lerden itibaren yaşanan yapısal dönüşüm ve gözlenen ekonomik performans; Çin'in uluslararası sistemde dominant güç olmaya yönelik ilerlediği izlenimi verse de yüksek nüfusunun yarattığı baskı, işsizlik... more
The Pacific Islands Forum has long held the title of the most dominant regional association with links in trade, politics and regional security. Following two political coups in the region the PIF was forced to shift its approach to... more
South Korea's rising status in regional and global affairs has received significant attention in recent years. In academic, media, and policy debates, though, South Korea is usually regarded as a mere middle power that, due to its... more
To understand the current character of the Middle East region, one must have a clear picture of the context in which the prevailing order was formed. One must take into account the relationships between parties, the dominant behaviour... more
Since the year 2000, several South American countries strongly invested in armaments. At the same time, they increasingly resorted to diplomacy and cooperative institutions to maintain peace. This paper establishes a nexus between... more
Around the world nation-states are struggling actors in the world arena who constantly struggle to become a regional power. This type of power can exist in nation state through means of control and influence. The way a nation state can... more
La diplomacia pública y la marca-país son herramientas de política exterior que permiten a los Estados gestionar su imagen en el ámbito internacional. A pesar de lo anterior, ambas herramientas tienen propósitos diferenciados, la primera... more
With the end of the Cold War and the subsequent events that culminated in the coming to power of Lula Da Silva in Brazil in 2002-2003, under the rubric of South-South diplomacy, Brazil attempted to manoeuvre the international system... more
This presentation covers rising international powers in the era of globalization.
Studies on South African post-apartheid foreign policy have evolved through four distinctive strands: the estimative, the new dispensation, the ambiguity and strategic engagement. In this article, I attempt to illustrate that a burgeoning... more
Recent trends demonstrate that states with sufficient capabilities to be granted regional power status by its peers (primarily other states within their region) can nonetheless renounce regional leadership. This article analyzes the... more
The last events demonstrated South Korea’s influence in the Central Asia and its significance for the great actors from the international stage. South Korea is a major player in Asia and its partnerships and collaborations with USA,... more
Saudi Arabia is regional power which shapes the international relations in the Middle East. The establishment of the state and the sources of its legitimacy through which proclaims itself as the protector of Islam shape its specific... more
In a contemporary multipolar (or uni-multipolar) world, powerful states in particular regions attempt to take a leading role in the region and sometimes to become a great world power. This is also the case of Brazil, India and Iran –... more
Today three external powers –the US, China and Russia– are the leading players behind great power rivalry in the Middle East. The consequences of the Arab Uprisings, the decline of the post-Cold War order and increasing global rivalry... more
In quale momento una potenza regionale inizia a lottare per l’egemonia nei confronti dei suoi vicini geografici e come ciò influenza la strategia di una potenza globale? A questa domanda hanno cercato di rispondere Sung Eun Kim e... more
Wydawnictwo Rambler opublikowało książkę Mirosława Sułka pt. Potęga państw. Modele i zastosowania. Rozważania w pracy ujęto w dziewięć rozdziałów, uzupełniając je wprowadzeniem, zakończeniem oraz bibliografią i indeksem nazwisk. Praca... more
Palgrave Studies in International Relations, produced in association with the European International Studies Association (EISA), will provide students and scholars with the best theoretically informed scholarship on the global issues of... more
Resumo: o presente capítulo fornece uma apreciação geral e um breve estudo comparativo do papel desempenhado pelas potências regionais no sistema internacional contemporâneo. Analisa-se primeiro a crescente influência desses atores... more
In her position as a rising power, India has reassessed and reinvigorated the entirety of her relations with Africa in the past decade. These relations cover the economic, political and the security spheres. They are the result of India’s... more
Este artigo mostra como o Brasil se tornou um caso atípico dentro de uma categoria atípica: é um estado bifronte, mas não está puxado entre duas regiões mas entre uma região (para mais, difusa) e o sistema global. Apesar de sua... more
Turkey is emerging as an important actor in world politics, exerting growing influence both in its immediate region and beyond. This book aims to understand and explain this phenomenon, utilizing a variety of perspectives from... more