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(Publicado  com capa diferente em 2011: Pedro Borges Graça (Coord.) Estudos de Intelligence, Lisboa, Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
This essay will criticize the notion of terrorism and asserting the extremist morphology to prevail in the issue and its impact in the context of the international peace and security in the contemporary controversies. It will weigh the... more
With cybercrime’s yearly revenues estimated at $1 trillion and national security networks probed daily and often breached, cyber security is a vital concern for public and private organizations globally. This research ponders the problem... more
2nd International Social and Legal Studies Congress Ataturk University (May 12-13, 2022, online)
Değişen güvenlik anlayışının doğal sonucu olarak çatışma ortamları da değişmiştir. Dolayısıyla İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) ve Silahlı İnsansız Hava Araçları (SİHA) günümüzün değişen çatışma ortamları için hayati derecede önemli görülen... more
Italy’s new Defence Minister Elisabetta Trenta has stressed that NATO should do more for the Southern flank, while reassuring partners of Italy’s intention to fulfil its commitments on the Eastern one. Grounded in an uneasy and... more
Society expects the heads of institutions to uphold an ongoing ethical commitment and to manage public and private organisations with the greatest level of responsibility possible. This expectation is reflected in legislative reforms in... more
Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung... more
There is now available a nonlethal brain-based, scientifically-verified, field-tested, human resource-based technology to create lasting peace. Armed forces and civilian groups worldwide have been and are currently deploying this... more
Artikel i Marineforeningens medlemsblad 'Under Dannebrog', Årg. 107, nr. 5 (oktober 2019), om NATOs plan for "Operation Hurricane" som led i forsvaret af Danmark.
It is observed that the biggest problem or complication that the cyber world is facing at present is not of its being a universal domain but being a domain which is still highly unregulated. For a domain which is clearly three decades... more
w: T. Kośmider (red.), Naczelny dowódca sił zbrojnych w systemie obronnym państwa polskiego, Wyd. AON, Warszawa 2014, s. 88-69.
"The aim of this monograph is to present the European Defence Agency (EDA), an institution of the European Union, established in July 2004. The author focuses on the description of the Agency as such, analyzes its activities until 2011,... more
2021. gads visā pasaulē turpināja ritēt COVID-19 pandēmijas zīmē, tostarp ietekmējot arī Latvijas aizsardzību ziskajā un virtuālajā telpā. Neskatoties uz pandēmiju, aizsardzības nozare turpināja līdzšinējo gadu a īstības virzienu, lai gan... more
This thesis is an investigation of the factors relating to the translation of United Kingdom strategic direction into military capability. Concentrating on decisions taken below the political level, by the military officers and civil... more
The participation of the Republic of Angola in the African Peace and Security Architecture represents, in the current sub-Saharan context, the example of a search for strategic affirmation of a rising regional power, through a... more
This article presents a critical view on the current situation with Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW). It analyzes a set of official documents in an attempt to empathize the reason behind the existing lack of field operationally useful NLW. On the... more
A Szovjetunió felbomlását követően a NATO keleti bővítése szinte végig teljes mértékben az USA és nyugati szövetségesei elképzelései szerint alakult. Az identitás-válságban szenvedő, útját kereső, súlyos gazdasági gondokkal küzdő, gyenge... more
Russia’s 2010 Military Doctrine highlighted NATO as a military danger to the Russian Federation. NATO was listed explicitly in first place among these dangers - specifically the “striving to ascribe global functions to the force... more
La Secretaría de Asuntos Estratégicos (SAE), dependiente de la Presidencia de la República Federativa de Brasil ha elaborado en 2004 el primer documento del Programa Brasil 3 tiempos (2007, 2015, 2022). A partir de lo cual se han... more
1800'lerde Aydınlanma Çağının bir ürünü olan bilimsellik ve aklın kullanımı, 30 yıl ve 80 yıl savaşlarından sonra gelen 1648 Vestfalya Anlaşması, Üniter Devlet felsefesinin yerleşmesine ve modern devletlerin tarihte boy göstermesine yol... more
Surrounded by a halo of confusing information and deliberate propaganda, the appearance of volunteer battalions in post- Maidan Ukraine and their continued engagement in military operations in the Donbas remains contentious. At a time... more
India is arming and modernizing its military with its land forces receiving equipment in an unprecedented manner while its navy is growingly becoming a blue water navy capable of projecting power way beyond its shores and is rapidly... more
Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) functions, include a wide variety of systems for acquiring and processing information needed by national security decision makers and military commanders, thus forming the principal... more
Il en va des mots et des idées comme des vêtements : ils sont sujets aux modes. Assurément, le concept « d’autonomie stratégique » est à la mode, à Paris comme à Bruxelles. La Revue stratégique sur la Sécurité et la Défense nationale... more
The aim of this thesis is to answer research question: How are USA and UK understanding and approaching strategic communications?
Is nuclear strategic reason rational? Barack Obama’s April 2009 speech looking towards a world free of nuclear weapons appeared to promise positive new directions in global disarmament and non-proliferation. Yet it came on the heels of... more
In May 2015, the Italian Ministry of Defence published its White Paper for International Security and Defence. In this article, Andrea Gilli, Alessandro R Ungaro and Alessandro Marrone examine the important domestic changes outlined in... more
The security landscape in and around Europe since 2014 has experienced significant changes. As a result, in the 31 European countries considered by this study defence spending will grow by an estimated average of 8.3 per cent in 2016,... more
This chapter briefly reviews and analyzes the key contributions on organized violence within historical sociology. It explores both the macro-and micro-level studies that have influenced recent debates within the field. The first section... more
This volume explores the way governments endeavoured to build and maintain public support for the war in Afghanistan, combining new insights on the effects of strategic narratives with an exhaustive series of case studies. In... more
RESUMO: Com a saída dos militares do centro do governo e o fim da guerra fria ganha corpo um debate sobre o papel das Forças Armadas no Brasil contemporâneo. Nessa direção, o presente trabalho começa abordando o que se convencionou chamar... more
A partir da formulação de uma genealogia do conceito de entorno estratégico brasileiro, este trabalho busca avaliar como a projeção brasileira para o Atlântico Sul, e os principais desafios estratégicos advindos desta ação, foram... more