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This article presents the newly started project “Water at ancient Greek sanctuaries: medium of divine presence or commodity for mortal visitors?”, the aim of which is to explore water usage at Greek sanctuaries in Archaic to Hellenistic... more
La doctrine du purgatoire est souvent remise en question. L'article donne d'abord un aperçu des problèmes: représentations vulgarisées par la prédication populaire, histoire des doctrines, débats œcuméniques, anthropologie. La seconde... more
The project aims at solving the alarming issue of water scarcity and sterilization by developing a system that would utilize solar energy which is a renewable source for the purification of unclean water from various water bodies to... more
This study was designed to find the best method to separate proanthocyanidins from other phenolic compounds extracted from pomegranate’s peel and to investigate their radical scavenging capacity. Water is used as an effective solvent... more
Bromelain is a plant protease present in different parts of the pineapple [Ananas Comosus (Linn.) Merr.] plant. It is an enzyme of high commercial interest which can be attributed to the wide therapeutic and industrial applications it... more
Bromelain is a plant protease present in different parts of the pineapple [Ananas Comosus (Linn.) Merr.] plant. It is an enzyme of high commercial interest which can be attributed to the wide therapeutic and industrial applications it... more
The Theogony of Epimenides of Crete and the origin of the Orphic-Pythagorean doctrine of reincarnation It is commonly believed that the epic Theogony of Epimenides of Crete derives from the corpus of pseudepigrapha under his name and... more
Wenn Pontius Pilatus am Ende des Prozesses gegen Jesus seine „Hände in Unschuld wäscht“ (Mt. 27,24), dann zitiert er damit ein altjüdisches Entsühnungsritual für einen unaufgeklärten Mord (vgl. Dt. 21,7). Es ist sowohl eine Form der... more
This paper recapitulates the actual use and the degrees of iconization vessels receive in depictions of festive and ritual contexts from the Late Uruk to the Old Babylonian periods. The diachronic perspective reveals partially consistent... more
La presente investigación se ha centrado en el análisis de macro y micro restos de especies vegetales asociadas con los componentes (disco-soguilla-lastre) de un “objeto purificador” y fogones de tipo plano, empleado por los moche en el... more
An examination into (A) the effect of feeding heavier crude oil on the efficiency of the petroleum separation process and (B) the extent to which increasing the feed rate of crude oil emulsion minimizes the volume fraction of oil loss
El capítulo forma parte de un volumen que recoge la mirada de Plutarco sobre figuras relevantes de la historia política, literaria y filosófica de Atenas. Epiménides de Creta es un personaje a medio camino entre la historicidad y la... more
Ayurveda advocates Shodhana (Purificatory procedures) for poisonous substances to render it safe and effective for therapeutics. But mentioning of Shodhana for a non poisonous plant like Vacha is a matter of great curiosity with regards... more
Çalışmada, 1978 yılında Türk Dil Kurumunca yayımlanan Özleştirme Kılavuzu ele alınarak Türkiye’deki özleştirme çalışmaları sırasında sürekli tartışma konusu olan ‘özleştirilen kelimelerin kökenleri’ sorununa yönelik veri sağlanması... more
This paper discussed the problem of purification in the sense of salvation. In the cases of Plotinus and Iamblichus, my analysis presented the Neoplatonists' two distinct approaches to solving the question of purification: the... more
 PROOFS. While numerous scholars have compared the Priestly regulations in the Pentateuch to ancient Near Eastern " ritual texts, " the Priestly legal material more generally corresponds in form and style to ancient Near Eastern... more
Al-Fiqh Al-Islami written by Muhammad Akram Nadwi is a collection of the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) of Imam Abu Hanifa and his school of thought. The author, generally, follows traditional subdivision and ordering of topics regarding... more
The basic of the support-free liquid liquid chromatographic technique improperly called Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) or better called centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) with a tentative nomenclature list and simple examples.