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Throughout the Pentateuch, God and Moses have done, before anyone else, what the scribes have always done: they have updated, amended, and supplemented. Through the projection of such characters in the narrated story, characters endowed... more
For about 150 years, scholars have attempted to identify the language of the world’s first alphabetic script, and to translate some of the inscriptions that use it. Until now, their attempts have accomplished little more than identifying... more
Detailed arguments for dating Genesis 1-11 to the exilic era. 1. There is no reference to Moses writing any of Genesis, Exodus 1-14, 15:20-19:23; 24:1-18; 32:1-34:35; 35:30-40:37, or Leviticus 24:10-23, and only Numbers 33:3-49 is... more
Argues parts of Exod 19; 20; 24 to comprise together a new ritual configuration that rallies Israelite nationhood around divine kingship, and circumvents and obviates human kingship.
The analysis of Ex 16 and Gen 1:1–2:4a shows that the Sabbath played no part in the early literary strata of the priestly text (P 1). Both the seven-day-pattern of the creation account and the priestly portions of the Manna story belong... more
The research presented in this book aims to interpret Exod. 3:14 within the context of Exodus and its literary composition. The story of how this verse was received in the West shows that it has more often than not been read through the... more
The article explores an unusual literary phenomenon in both biblical and Mesopotamian traditions: a consecutive order of clauses in a law collection serves to structure the plot of a later, narrative composition. The plot of Ruth follows... more
The papers presents actual tendencies in pentateuchal scholarship and reviews some newer publications (Stephen Germany, The Exodus-Conquest Narrative. The Composition of the Non-Priestly Narratives in Exodus-Joshua (FAT 115), Mohr Siebeck... more
Reviews: - thbeit 50 (2020) 56-57: Siegbert Riecker - AfeT-Rezensionen (1/2020): Walter Hilbrands - Gregorianum 102 (1/2021) 211-213: Marco Settembrini - JSOT 45 (2021): George Nicol - BiOr 78 (2021) 204-213: Jean Louis Ska - ETL 98... more
Dieser wichtige Beitrag zur Pentateuchforschung zeigt paradigmatisch, wie aus Gen 14 die politisch-geographischen und aus Gen 15 die verheißungstheologischen Konzepte in Gen 17 und der Endkompositionsschicht aufgenommen und spezifisch... more
This paper is a short review of some of the arguments regarding the relationship between the Proto Semitic / Sinaitic/ Canaanite inscriptions and Paleo Hebrew. It looks at the film of Timothy Mahoney with a disputation between such... more
The vision of dry bones is more interesting when we read between the lines. The dried bones convey a life giving message to the dejected ones. The prophet is not just credible but sufficiently audible.
The Flood Narrative (Gen 6:9–9:29) illustrates the composite nature of the book of Genesis more than any other passage. Despite the difficulties in discerning and identifying the sources behind the final form of the text, this narrative... more
Deut. 15:7-11 records instructions from Moses’ to the Israelites about the treatment of the poor in the promised land. The thesis of this paper is that although these instructions are found in the midst of civil and ceremonial laws, they... more
The purpose of this brief paper is to call attention to two developing lines of research in Pentateuchal studies that both, independently of each other, suggest that neither the Priestly Document nor the Pentateuch as a whole were either... more
La figure de Moïse, qui domine le Pentateuque, a donné lieu à d'innombrables interprétations et à des productions artistiques de toute nature. Face à cette réception foisonnante, l'A. se propose de remonter en amont : Que s'est-il passé... more
The similarities between Noah's ark and the saving boat in Mesopotamian flood accounts are widely known. Likewise known are the links between Noah's ark and the chest of Moses (Exod 2:3). However, the connections between the "chest" of... more
This article addresses the presentation of Hagar as "handmaid" (šipḥāh), "wife" (’iššāh), and "concubine" (’āmāh) in Gen 16:1-16 and 21:9-21. It is argued that these episodes contain three original stories that are complete, coherent, and... more
The article examines the works of the modern German biblical scholar Erhard Blum, devoted to the analysis of the history and contemporary state of the documentary hypothesis of the origin of the Pentateuch, which is still dominant in... more
There's a huge debate on Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 2. Biblical scholars trying to find out the proper proof on these verses. Although this a particular topic is debatable. However this brief paper will help you to know the... more
This essay attempts to define covenant as seen in the Old Testament. It will give an overview of some of the current and historical thinking on the subject and explain the types of covenant. Five covenants in particular shall be... more
PRIMO CAPITOLO del Toràh Project Italia dedicato alla Genesi, con dedica, introduzione, descrizione dell'Opera e tavola dei contenuti dell'intera opera. Estratto di un'opera in 3 volumi interamente realizzata dallo scrittore e... more
Praca doktorska: Pierwotny ryt Paschy w świetle schematu literackiego Księgi Wyjścia 1-18, Kraków 2008, Wydawnictwo Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej. Praca w języku polskim, streszczenie w języku polskim i angielskim. ISBN:... more
“The Sources of the Pentateuch: Their Literary Extent and the Bridge between Genesis and Exodus. A Survey of Scholarship since Astruc”, in: Christoph Berner / Harald Samuel (eds.), Book-Seams in the Hexateuch I. The Literary Transitions... more
This bibliographical review provides an analysis of the most relevant handbooks of Pentateuch and Old Testament historical books from the last 25th years. First, it reviews the main published works. Then, the approach of these works is... more
The presence of Numeruswechsel, the frequent switching between singular and plural in second-person address, is especially prevalent in Deuteronomy. Studies of the phenomenon as it relates to the book’s composition have led to mixed... more
This article argues that the contrasting attitudes toward tricksterism in Genesis 38 and 39 are relevant to the position of these chapters in the overlapping Jacob and Joseph narratives. The juxtaposition of Genesis 38 and 39 invites... more
Tiberias marshals cutting edge advances in the field of machine learning and computational linguistics to empower users to easily conduct their own experiments analyzing and classifying the texts of the Hebrew Bible through the measurable... more