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This article argues that in Ben Sira 50 the high priest is a representative office, not a person. That office sums up and binds together in worshipful unity (at-one-ment), through liturgical and civil duties, multiple identities: those of... more
The topic of the Jubilee is a significant one, both in size and importance. In the present paper, I seek to trace its emergence and evolution in the course of Scripture, from Ararat to Sinai, Jericho to Judah, Naboth’s vineyard to... more
The analysis of Ex 16 and Gen 1:1–2:4a shows that the Sabbath played no part in the early literary strata of the priestly text (P 1). Both the seven-day-pattern of the creation account and the priestly portions of the Manna story belong... more
The chief aim of this essay is to posit a well-known Mesopotamian royal and divine epithet, ušumgallu "great dragon," as the source behind Ezekiel's enigmatic description of Pharaoh in 29.3, hattannīn haggādôl, "the great dragon." This... more
The research presented in this book aims to interpret Exod. 3:14 within the context of Exodus and its literary composition. The story of how this verse was received in the West shows that it has more often than not been read through the... more
Anthropologists and biblical scholars have long sought to understand the rationale for the categorization of animals in Leviticus 11. The text itself provides no overt answer; rather, it presents the reader with a systematic taxonomy.... more
The Hebrew Bible contains a variety of traditions concerning which meat cuts from animal sacrifices comprised the "priestly portion. " The variant textual traditions invite questions related to the historical situations that gave rise to... more
Dieser wichtige Beitrag zur Pentateuchforschung zeigt paradigmatisch, wie aus Gen 14 die politisch-geographischen und aus Gen 15 die verheißungstheologischen Konzepte in Gen 17 und der Endkompositionsschicht aufgenommen und spezifisch... more
This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the names of almost 1,700 diocesan priests, bishops, deacons, and seminarians who have died since the founding of the diocese to this day (1804 -... more
The correlation between the Priestly Blessing found in Numbers 6 and in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Priestly leadership according to the Book of Leviticus emerges subtly from the narrative of history led by God and by the specific way in which this narrative presents the legislation. According to the two-tiered introductory formula... more
A study about "don Camillo", a priest born by Giovannino Guareschi, famous italian writer of the middle of XX century: the priets of his books and the priests of his life.
This article responds to two gaps in the scholarship on the priestly or Aaronic blessing of Num 6,24-26. First, prior research has identified the later societal mediums through which the priestly blessing was performed, whereas the author... more
Wstęp: Od przynajmniej 150 lat dokument kapłański (P) znajduje się w centrum zagadnień związanych z autorstwem i przesłaniem Pięcioksięgu 2. Co prawda, w XX wieku ustępował w przyciąganiu zainteresowania dokumentom uważanym wówczas za... more
review article on J. Jeon (ed.), The Social Groups behind the Pentateuch, AIL 44, 2021, will be publ. in: Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte (ZAR) 28, 2022
Exact days are rarely identified in Scripture. Events we might think of as highly significant--the coronation of kings, victories in battle, etc.--are not assigned to particular days. Events of particular concern to the priesthood,... more
Purity is a cultural construct that had a central role in the forming and the development of religious traditions in the ancient Mediterranean. This volume analyzes concepts, practices and images associated with purity in the main... more
Abstract: Num 16 is a composite rebellion narrative that consists of three different strands: a non-P story of Dathan and Abiram and two stories with priestly flavor – one concerning the 250 chieftains of Israel and one involving Korah... more
For know the controversial history of the Druids in the Celtic world, will investigate the sources of its origin, through stories of classic texts and medieval legends of Gaul, Britain and Ireland. His role in Celtic society surpassed the... more
The paper offers a re-interpretation of the Late Babylonian historical-literary text BM 34062. The composition is seen as a typical representative of an apologetic strand of Babylonian literature originating in the need felt by Babylonian... more
forthcoming in: The Textual History of the Bible from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Biblical Manuscripts of the Vienna Papyrus Collection: Papers from the Fifteenth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea... more
The paper is devoted to one ostracon from Masada. It offers a new interpretation of the name that was part of the so-called “Lots” and suggests that it derives from Greek. This reading positions the ostracon as part of a large group of... more
This article presents the evidence that Num 20:1–13, 22–29; 27:1–13; 36:1–10; and Deut 32:48-52 were Holiness (H) scribal contributions that represent the language and conceptuality of the Holiness core of Lev 17–26. H has formulated and... more
The paper was read in June 2015 at Velletri's congress dealing with the relationship between food and holy, It attempts to analyze the priestly shares in the Bible, as described in the Book of Leviticus 6-7 as well as in 1 Sam 2. The... more
Genesis 17 is routinely identified as P’s covenant between God and Abraham. After reinvestigation of a few key exegetical features of Gen 17:1-22, I offer a different interpretation in light of recent developments in the study of the... more
The silken garments of the High Priest are an indication of just how specific G-d is regarding the necessary work of intercession. Intercession links the divine with the earthly and both interface in the process. Man is not able to rid... more
mum, "blemish" is explained as a loanword in Hebrew from Greek and as part of a redactional layer in H that reflects the reception of the ideal of
"kalokagathia" in circles H was familiar with.
Since the days of Wellhausen, pentateuchal scholarship has essentially agreed that Gen 1 and Gen 2 are from two distinct sources. Furthermore, they agree that Gen 1 was added in front of Gen 2 at a relatively late period during the... more
This article argues that Ben Sira chapters 24 and 50 are composed according to a carefully worked intratextuality between each other and according to a deeper intertextual relationship with Genesis 1 and Exod 25–40. These... more
Since we cannot determine with certainty the method used by the authors of the Pentateuch, this calls for independent examination of each biblical unit, rather than a priori determination of the authorial method employed in the whole... more
This paper examines how the Chronicler treats the Pentateuchal tradition of the priestly Tent of Meeting. The Chronicler consistently mentions the Tent of Meeting, but its cultic significance is reduced and put in an inverse relationship... more
Lev 9:1–10:3 contains two of the most memorable events in the priestly narrative: a public theophany at the tabernacle, and the deaths of Nadav and Avihu. It also contains a long sequence of sacrifices, the importance of which has often... more
This article considers texts in the Priestly Source and the Holiness Code that assign liability for wrongdoing by means of the clause nāśā’ ‘āwōn (“he will bear guilt”). It argues that some uses of this clause form a distinct group with... more
The sixth commandment has been translated into English as either, "You shall not murder," or, "You shall not kill," but the Hebrew word that has been translated as "murder" or "kill" is a relatively rare root throughout the Hebrew Bible... more
This article evaluates Jacob Milgrom's widely-cited argument that the Biblical Hebrew offering term חַטָּאת, by virtue of its derivation from a *qattalt noun pattern with gemination of the second root consonant, is intrinsically connected... more
Olfaction, namely the sense of smell, is a liminal sense that is difficult to name, describe, or localize. This difficulty is also what makes incense a complex, ambiguous, and richly implicative ritual means. The ancient Egyptian... more
An analysis of the Priestly story about the man caught gathering wood on the Sabbath. Highlighted are generic, intertextual, and ideological aspects of the passage and of the Priestly History. It also argues that though the story was... more
Leviticus scholars debate the reasons for the differences between the Old Greek (OG) and Hebrew witnesses. Leviticus 16:1 offers an intriguing example that raises the literary question, Did Nadab and Abihu draw near before Yhwh (MT, SP)... more
This commentary provides an interpretation of the Book of Leviticus through a feminist lens.
Theoretical considerations about law and narrative and their combination in biblical literature lead to a brief overview of biblical texts, prophetic and historiographical, advancing law (broadly construed), then to an analysis of four... more