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Trophic Enrichment Factor (TEF) is the main parameter used in isotopic trophic ecology. TEF values can be derived from specimens subjected to experimental feeding or from free-ranging specimens whose dietary behavior is well monitored,... more
Analysis was performed on absorbed and visible residues from 21 New York State prehistoric pottery sherds dating from 2905 ± 35 bp (Intcal04) (1256–998 cal bc) to 425 ± 40 bp (Intcal04) (1417–1626 cal ad). The use of pine resin was... more
Книга посвящена опыту биоархеологического изучения палеоантропологических материалов, отражающих историю населения крупнейшего города Азиатского Боспора – Фанагории. Античный город в окружении местного населения – один из наиболее ярких... more
The island of Carriacou in the southern Grenadines, Lesser Antilles, has been the focus of interdisciplinary archaeological research since 2003, focused on ceramic-associated assemblages dating between c. AD 400 and 1300. Amerindians here... more
The histories of maize in New York have changed radically over the past decade based on the recovery of phytolith assemblages from directly AMS-dated charred cooking residues adhering to the interior surfaces of pottery sherds. We now... more
Contextual analysis of the Lazio diet and health in the early Iron Age (the IInd Latial period, ca. X-IX cent. BC) – The Latium Vetus, the region between the Tiber and Circeo, offers particularly favorable conditions for a survey on the... more
A escavação arqueológica de salvaguarda realizada em 2008 no Largo da Igreja de Sarilhos Grandes originou um projeto de investigação interdisciplinar que visa o estudo da sua população desde época Medieval. Este trabalho pretende discutir... more
This volume presents the results of current paleoethnobotanical research in northeastern North America, defined here as New England, New York, and Pennsylvania (Figure 1.1). Paleoethnobotany encompasses all aspects of the investigation of... more
Evidence for the histories of maize, bean, and squash in New York and the greater northeastern North America has changed dramatically over the past decade. Here I review the new lines of evidence and three models that can lead to better... more
The New Issue of MAA ( August 2016 with papers on : GIS, IT, Archaeoastroomy, numismatics, settlement archaeology and more..... FREE DOWNLOAD, REAL OPEN ACCESS....... 1. EXAMINATION AND ANALYSES OF A WOODEN FACE A THE... more
The adoption of maize in northeastern North America is often seen as a catalyst for the development of settled village life. In this review we develop a theoretical framework centered on shifting-balance theory (SBT) and domesticated... more
Previous research into the dietary habits and subsistence practices of Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium BCE) Anatolian populations utilising stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) demonstrated that there was a general homogeneity in... more
El marco de interacción que se establece entre el Homo sapiens y otras especies, es uno de los nichos de estudio en los que podemos profundizar a raíz de los restos materiales. La capacidad que tenemos de crear nuestro propio mundo con... more
The objective of this study was to develop, test and evaluate a specifically defined interdisciplinary approach—the human-centred approach—as applied to a case study, Iron Age Öland. Four themes were selected to highlight different... more
Isotopic investigations of two cemetery populations from the Corded Ware Culture in southern Germany reveal new information on the dating of these graves, human diet during this period, and individual mobility. Corded Ware Culture was... more
Este volumen es una guía ilustrada de material microbotánico moderno que sirve como fuente de consulta para las investigaciones paleoetnobotánicas del Ecuador y de otros países vecinos. El trabajo técnico aquí esbozado se ocupa de la... more
Resumen La presente investigación profundiza en las interrelaciones fitoculturales de dos comunidades Huecoide que se asentaron en las islas de Vieques y Puerto Rico (La Hueca y Punta Candelero) hace aproximadamente 2,300 años. Los... more
The Central Andes of South America boasts a rich history of complex societies and sophisticated economic networks. Reconstructing patterns of diet across time is important to understanding the relationships between subsistence and food... more
This paper examines the dietary habits of a Late Chalcolithic-Early Bronze Age (ca. 3200-2800 BCE) population from İkiztepe. Intra-population issues of dietary habits such as possible social divisions (e.g. between sexes, ages, and... more
The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods are poorly understood in northeastern Iberia. Most of the information comes from the sepulchral structures rather than habitat settlements. The high number of individuals usually recovered from... more
The site of Payre (SE France) is presented as a case study to decipher possible changes in subsistence and land-use strategies during the middle Pleistocene in Europe. This study applies carbon and oxygen isotopic data (d 13 C and d 18 O)... more
El tema central de este libro es el estudio de arqueológico de la organización geográfica de sociedades cazadoras recolectoras que habitaron ambientes de la costa y el interior de Patagonia meridional. A tal fin hemos realizado trabajos... more
El Prado es uno de los escasos yacimientos al aire libre del Neolítico Antiguo de la mitad norte peninsular. En la excavación arqueológica han sido documentadas cincuenta estructuras negativas asociadas a un poblado del Neolítico Antiguo... more
Teeth and bones of fossil vertebrates can preserve a record of Quaternary terrestrial environments in the form of the isotopic compositions of carbon (13C/12C), nitrogen (15N/14N), and oxygen (18O/16O). These isotopic signatures in teeth... more
This is the second volume I have edited on paleoethnobotanical research in the Northeast. The first, published as Current Northeast Paleoethnobotany, New York State Museum Bulletin 494 in 1999, was based on a symposium held at the New... more
Stable isotope studies of early human populations in Remote Oceania, the last major region to be settled by humans, have the potential to shed light on our understanding of dietary adaptations to small island environments. However, little... more
Easter Island (or Rapa Nui), internationally renowned for its megalithic statues, is the most isolated inhabited island of the Pacific. Archaeological surveys undertaken fromthe end of the 19th century led to the discovery of the remains... more
Hoy en día, el campo de la investigación arqueológica recibe cada vez más la inestimable ayuda de la tecnología, pudiendo realizar tareas que hace años le serían impensables, como observar algo con miles de aumentos, saber de qué se... more
The Gravettian site of Předmostí I in the central Moravian Plain has yielded a rich and diverse large mammal fauna dated around 25-27,000 14C years BP (ca. 29,500–31,500 cal BP). This fauna includes numerous carnivores (cave lion, wolf,... more
Angle M., Altamura F., Brilli M., Catracchia F., Cavazzuti C., Mancini D., Ottati A., Pino Uría B., Rickards O., Scorrano G., Sebastiani A., Tagliacozzo A., 2012. Seppellimenti: tombe e fosse rituali nel sito preistorico di Pantano... more
ABSTRACT: Analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes from soft or mineralized tissues is a direct and widely used technique for modeling diets. In addition to its continued role in paleodiet analysis, stable isotope analysis is now... more
The Paleopathology course (8 days/16 classes, 2 times weekly, 6.4. - 29. 4. 2021.) aims to provide students with basic and applied training on paleopathology and the techniques on which diagnoses are based on their different projections... more
Analyses of faunal remains from archaeological excavations and historical documents indicate that the protein component of colonial South Australian diets was dominated by meat (beef and mutton) and marine foods (fish and shellfish).... more