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Considerable quantities of Nordic/Baltic amber occur in Irish later Bronze Age deposits. This exotic material reached Ireland through exchange networks that may have stretched all the way to the coasts of Denmark. This paper reviews some... more
The present text concerns the social implications of the material world, focusing on the sociality of materialities rather than their possible meaning and symbolism. It is argued that the interpretative approach only permit things and... more
The relations between archaeology and anthropology have been debated from time to time over the years. There has been both antagonism and repeated calls for collaboration and theoretical exchange between the two brothers in arms. From an... more
C. AD 800–1200
Abstract: We hereby emphasize the good possibilities of analogy/comparison from the block of information available for the castra of Dacia. Despite the fact that the research of these is not so advanced as it is generally argued by many... more
In this book the concept of mobility is explored for the archaeology of the Amazonian and Caribbean region. As a result of technological and methodological progress in archaeology, mobility has become increasingly visible on the level... more
A room with many well-preserved artifacts was excavated at Tell Halif in a level associated with Ancient Judah. By using analogy the use of these artifacts can be compared with that of other similar objects. Analogy is at the heart of... more
Analogies are an important tool of archaeological reasoning. The Kalahari San are frequently depicted in introductory texts as archetypal, mobile hunter-gatherers, and they have influenced approaches to archaeological, genetic and... more
In this comment I argue that ethnoarchaeology is not the only means for an archaeological engagement with living traditional communities. I suggest that some practices can be better labelled ‘archaeology of the present’, due to their lack... more
This article is focus on an endscraper made from quartzite of Tušimice type, which was found in 2009 at the bank of Seč dam (Seč district). The endscraper dated to the Mesolithic period is a linking element of a fictional story, by which... more
Analogy is inextricably linked with human perception, discovery and cognition (Edgeworth, 2003, pp. xiii, 13). Analogical reasoning is a form of inferential logic whereby likely relationships are implied between similar entities with... more
Traditional debates on analogical thinking, which is at the root of all knowledge about the past, were founded on the scientific-methodological postulate of the striving for increased control of conditions that affect the research... more
El sitio arqueológico de Malagana, en el suroccidente de Colombia, es ampliamente conocido por la gran cantidad de piezas de oro y cerámica muy elaborada provenientes de contextos funerarios, así como por las estructuras de tierra de... more
Book review in Fornvännen 2015 (2): Kerstin Eidlitz Kuoljok, Den samiska sitan och vinterbyarna. En utmaning. Institutionen för kulturantropologi och etnologi, Uppsala universitet 2011. 105 s. ISBN 978-91-506-2181-5.
The analogy has been used to establish relations between past and present since the birth of archaeology and ethnology as scientific disciplines. The repeated incursions of archaeologists in the territory of ethnologists will lead, at... more
The archaeological site of Malagana, Southwestern Colombia, is well-known in the archaeological literature for the outstanding quantity and quality of grave goods, recovered from looted tombs, and the monumental earth structures... more
Abstract: In this work, it will be analyzed to what extent the archaeology of the Mayan culture can be useful to clarify the debate about the organization and political interaction on the island of Crete during the Neopalatial period.... more
As a methodological principle analogy is present in all scientific disciplines even though, from a logical standpoint, strictly observed, it does not satisfy the criteria which would qualify it as a reliable means of deduction. The... more
As riverine and lacustrine environments expanded across north tropical Africa during early Holocene times, certain characteristic fishing or " aquatic hunting " strategies became widespread. This paper investigates one such strategy and... more
The question of the relation between a correlation and a causality in archaeology is addressed shortly.
Ethnography describes most Hunter-Fisher-Gatherer (H-F-G) as egalitarian societies in which sexual division of labour is a consequence of the biological features of women and men, or a technical strategy based on the complementarity of... more
Analogical reasoning has played a great role in architectural design, manifesting and manipulating form, structure, and function from ancient until our modern and contemporary/visionary architecture as well. It has been inferred in... more
Europe in the Middle Palaeolithic would have been an unfamiliar world. The landscapes which we reconstruct for this period seem almost alien - often shrouded in ice, occupied by extinct fauna, such as mammoths and woolly rhinoceros, and... more
У статті запропоновано історіографічний аналіз проблеми залучення етнографічних аналогій у первісній археології. This article is dedicated to the historiographical analysis of the question how to use ethnographical analogies in... more
In the following discussion, I overview ethnoarchaeology’s historic relations to positivism and argue for an explicit redefinition of how we understand the sub-discipline’s core objectives. Ethnoarchaeology was charged by the New... more