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During repeated archaeological investigations of the Krogsgård area near the city Esbjerg in the period 2002-2010 a farm complex, consisting of at least three simultaneous farm units from the Roman Iron Age and a cemetery from the same... more
The religion of the ancient Germanic people is largely unknown to modern historians. It exerts signs of being the predecessor to the later Norse religion, as well as the successor to the proto-Indo-European religion. Using ancient... more
Funde der Przeworsk-Kultur in ihrem sekundären Verbreitungsgebiet werden seit der erstmaligen Entdeckung als Hinweise auf eine Wanderungsbewegung aus Polen nach Westen gedeutet. In drei Regionen finden sich kleine Gräberfelder, auf denen... more
The paper deals with the basis of the Pre-Roman Iron Age chronology in Southern Scandinavia. It was established during the 1950'es as a typologically based three-period system with an almost findless middle period. While from the 1950'es... more
The silver cauldron from Gundestrup allegedly manufactured by Celts or Thracians on behalf of Celts remains a unique and enigmatic object until today. Since its discovery in Denmark in 1891 and first publication in 1892 the Gundestrup... more
This is a compilation of what is known about the Germanic people of the north during the Pre-Roman Iron Age (500 B.C - 100 A.D). Using ancient primary sources as well as other disciplines such as archaeology and linguistics I address... more
The vast cemetery of the Przeworsk Culture at Kleszewo yielded over 100 graves dated to the Late Pre-Roman Period and ca. 150 graves dated to the Early Roman Period. What is striking is the fact that only four burials were... more
Legacy of Scythians and Celts.
The Archaeology of the Iron Age in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
Szolnoki Régészeti Tanulmányok 1.
Archaeological Papers of Szolnok 1.
Szolnok, 2016.
Papers from an international conference on the chronology of the Pre-Roman Iron Age held at University of Copenhagen 1992. With contributions from Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Contributors: Ryszard Wolagiewicz, Horst... more
The paper aims at demonstrating a southeast European origin of the Gundestrup cauldron and at giving its origin and way to Denmark a context. It is argued that the cauldron was brought to its final resting place along routes that have... more
SUMMARY · Hide has long been recognised as an essential component of shield constructions of the Iron Age and Viking Age in Northern Europe. Despite many well-preservedshields finds, however, several fundamental questions regarding the... more
Chapter published in a book: "The Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the early Middle Ages", vol. 4: "500 BC - 500 AD" (ed. A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz), Warszawa 2016, pp. 71-110.
The paper presents the weapon finds from the Pre-Roman Iron Age on Zealand and in Scania and discusses typology, chronology and interpretation within an Northern European context. It is suggested that the finds represent a longue duree of... more
The chapter written together with M. Rudnicki and A. Strobin in a book: "The Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the early Middle Ages", vol. 4: "500 BC - 500 AD" (ed. A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz),... more
The paper deals with the problem of establishing a "northern extend" of the Jastorf culture. The problem is reviewed historically showing a disagreement between German and Danish researchers on the problem. While German archaeology tends... more
After 10 years of research and the discovery of the greatest concentration of pre-Roman inscriptions in the Alps, the Valcamonica rock art site of Loa (Berzo Demo) is now entirely published. The book, beyond the catalogue and full... more
At the end of the Hallstatt and in the beginning of the La Tène period (Lt A), a gradual depopulation of Silesia can be observed. In the mentioned time, the region was inhabited by local Lusatian and Pomeranian culture communities, which... more
In: Holger Wendling et al. (Hrsg.), Objekt • Depot • Motiv. Kontext und Deutung von Objektniederlegungen im eisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa. Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 95 (Langenweißbach 2020) 51–62.
Review of settlements and settlement archaeology in Scandinavia with special focus on the Pre-Roman Iron Age. Settlement archaeology has taken different paths at varying paces in different regions of southern Scandinavia. Until recently... more
Gegenstand vorliegender Arbeit ist der Versuch, in neuer Weise den Wandel, zu dem es am Ende des 1. vorchristlichen und zu Beginn des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts im uns interessierenden Gebiet kam, zu betrachten und zu... more
Die Latènekultur kann gut als Einheit beschrieben werden, jedoch basiert eine Definition für die ältere Latènekultur auf anderen Grundlagen als die für die jüngere Latènekultur, welche auch als Oppidakultur bezeichnet werden kann.... more
Unpublished paper in English about the research of prehistoric trade routes seen from a Danish perspective.
The chronology and distribution of the lentil shaped shield buckle is discussed as well as the chronology and origin of the weaponry from the Hjortspring weapon deposit. Basing on recent finds from Scandinavia it is sugested that at least... more
The paper deals with the LT C and LT D brooches found in Poland, which can be seen as a trace of close relations with the 'Boian' zone of La Tene culture. Imported specimens, as well as local products are discussed. The first ones can be... more
The paper revises the chronology of the weapon burials in Scandinavia in the light of the new Pre-Roman Iron Age chronology of Jutland suggested by the author in 1995 (see Praehistorische Zeitschrift vol. 71.2, 1996, pp. 217-243). This... more
Paper presented at the Przeworsk conference september 21st-23th 1992 in Lublin. Since the discovery of the Kraghede site the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age of North Jutland has been assumed to have a special relationship with the Przeworsk... more
A review of fortified places in Northern Central Europe and Scandinavia dated to the Pre-Roman Iron Age. It is shown that only very such places have been investigated, but that the diversity in spite of this is great. In Denmark two... more
The subject of the present analysis are bronze rings (bracelets/armlets?) decorated with a cord ornament, known in archaeological literature as type Șimleul Silvaniei and Rustoiu 3. The paper starts out with an overview of past research... more
Settlement hierarchy in the Pre-Roman Iron Age in Jutland is discussed and sites like Borremose and Hodde are being interpreted as founded by and seats of magnates or regional chiefs.
The transition from the Early to the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age in Northern and Northern Central Europe is analyzed from the view point of the North Jutland cultural group. The archaeological record of the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age is... more
Die Przeworsk-Kultur prägt in ihrem polnischen Kerngebiet und mit ihrem Ausstrahlen in benachbarte Regionen die jüngere vorrömische Eisenzeit (Ende 3. bis 1. Jhd. v. Chr.) im östlichen Mitteleuropa. Bislang wird sie fast ausschließlich... more
Se presenta la primera edición conjunta, tras autopsia, de los esgrafiados sobre cerámica hallados en el yacimiento lacetano de Sigarra, bajo el actual municipio de Prats de Rei (l’Anoia, Barcelona). [This paper offers the first... more
During the last two centuries BC, iron became the most frequently used metal to produce armaments and tools and various dress accessories on Polish territories. Objects made of bronze are relatively scarce for most of the Late Pre-Roman... more