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How can we explain the dynamics of nonconventional struggles such as the Gaza flotilla case of May 2010? Most international relations scholars analyze international disputes using a “chess logic,” according to which the actors seek to... more
Pojęcie interregnum w symboliczny sposób oddaje istotę zagadnień podjętych w ramach niniejszej monografii. Jej przedmiot stanowi analiza XX-wiecznych transformacji ustrojowych, które dokonały się w kręgu euroatlantyckiej kultury prawnej.... more
In recent years, scholars of criminal justice and criminology have brought legitimacy to the forefront of academic and policy discussion. The focus has been primarily – though not exclusively – on legitimacy within policing, with the most... more
Analizira se razvoj odnosa građana i uprave od vremena nastanka moderne uprave do danas, kao refleks društvenog, gospodarskog i političkog razvoja. U radu se analizira šest glavnih uloga građana u odnosu prema javnoj upravi: podanik,... more
How could a state have the moral authority to promulgate and enforce laws that citizens are thereby obliged to obey? That is the problem of political authority. The Consequentialist Explanation of Political Authority contends that great... more
Conclusion générale d’un ouvrage collectif, ce chapitre fait la synthèse des enjeux et des problèmes soulevés par la notion de charisme en sciences sociales. Il revient à la fois sur les difficultés de la conceptualisation du charisme... more
This paper explores the process of legitimation involved in the struggle for secession in Telangana, India. It argues that this was focussed on the securing of justice in a) gaining access to resources (the legitimation of risk) and b)... more
MOREIRA, Felipe Kern. Direito e Legitimidade na Sociedade Internacional. 1. ed. Boa Vista: Editora da UFRR, 2011. 123p .
The U.S. national military hires private security companies (PSCs) to operate in zones of conflict. This article introduces the concept of a legitimacy transfer mechanism to answer the question of how nonnational providers of military... more
Abstract: This is the first of the country-specific European Social Survey topline results reports. Focusing on UK data from the Round 5 module entitled 'trust in justice,'we link people's perceptions of police legitimacy... more
The paper presents a conceptual framework charting the agency of diversity managers in organizational change. Evaluating and critiquing the contemporary models of organizational change management, we identify three concepts, which are... more
In diesem Kapitel werden zunächst wichtige theoretische und methodische Ansätze der linguistischen Diskursforschung vorgestellt. In einem zweiten Schritt fokussiere ich relevante Dimensionen der Kritischen Diskursforschung (KDF), da... more
This essay examines Nader Shah Afshar's attempts to legitimize his rule by dint of his Turkic background. Over the course of his rise to power and reign, Nader consistently argued that his Afshar and Turkman affiliations granted him the... more
This article analyses the unprecedented choreography that governs the exercise of monarchical power under the reign of Askia Muhammad Silla. This power is in fact staged in an ingenious scenographic facility that merges the ancient... more
Aus der römischen Kaiserzeit und Spätantike ist eine große Anzahl von Fingerringen mit einer erstaunlichen Vielfalt an Formen, Materialien, Bildmotiven und Inschriften überliefert. Über den rein schmückenden Charakter von Fingerringen... more
Проблема истории властных отношений и институтов является сегодня одной из наиболее актуальных для целого ряда научных дисциплин: антропологии, истории, политологии, культурологии, философии. Особое значение данная проблематика имеет для... more
In the proposed chapter, I argue that Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law contains its own legal theory of revolution, and this theory can be explained by interpreting the concept of the Basic Norm. According to the Sociological reading... more
本文從文本和圖像資料出發以研究自宋以降漢族與少數民族政權對王朝正統性的不同闡釋。自秦以降,中國王朝多以五行相生來解釋本朝取代前朝的正統性,並同時以五行理論的五行與五色的對應關係來選擇王朝的服色,如宋朝取火運以繼後周之木德,並服色尚赤。... more
Warkentin, Elizabeth Rose. PhD. The University of Memphis December 2018. Looking Beyond the Image: An Exploration of the Relationship between Political Power and the Cult Places of Hathor in New Kingdom Egypt. Major Professor: Suzanne L.... more
This article examines how dynasties applied the Five Elements theory in their respective legitimation discourses throughout the history of imperial China. Drawing on both documentary and visual sources, I reveal that the Liao, Jin, and... more
Al igual que los dos primeros, el presente volumen contiene medio siglo de aportes sociológico-puntuales de Xavier Gamboa Villafranca. Presenta contribuciones de resultados de sus análisis coyunturales, utilizando la visión de la ciencia... more
El presente Volumen XIV tiene 2,190 páginas. Está organizado por fecha y agrupadas por mes. Abarca el texto completo de las conferencias de prensa matutinas que el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador encabezó, entre el 1 de diciembre... more
This paper provides a critical overview of the realist current in contemporary political philosophy. We define political realism on the basis of its attempt to give varying degrees of autonomy to politics as a sphere of human activity, in... more
Gramsci’s concept of hegemony has been interpreted in a wide variety of ways, including a theory of consent, of political unity, of ‘anti-politics’, and of geopolitical competition. These interpretations are united in regarding hegemony... more
Version française de Benjamin Brice, "La forza e il diritto : Raymond Aron di fronte alla questione della legittimità internazionale" in Alessandro Colombo (ed.), Crisi della legittimità e ordine internazionale, Milano, Guerini... more
IR students most probably think about realism as one of the major schools of international relations (Morgenthau, Waltz, Mearsheimer, etc.). But, in fact, there is much more to realism than this. It is actually one of the most significant... more
El presente Volumen I comprende medularmente boletines y notas de prensa oficiales. Fueron generados por el equipo lopezobradorista, entre el día de la elección presidencial federal (1 de julio de 2018) y el evento en que AMLO toma formal... more
DEUTSCH Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Frage zu klären, ob sich aus den Tempelbauprojekten der Argeadenkönige und des ersten Ptolemäers Muster erkennen lassen und zu untersuchen, ob sich aus diesen in Hinblick auf ihre... more
This essay considers the nature and importance of legitimacy in the context of policing policy and practice. On what basis is police legitimacy established, maintained and undermined? What are the implications of the extant body of... more
The shahs of the early Sasanian dynasty faced the challenge of establishing their legitimacy as the rulers of an imperial polity after rising to power through military insurrection. The early shahs of the dynasty sought to locate... more
Автор исходит из постулата, что принцип организации общества — преимущественно родственный или территориальный — как критерий различения государственных и негосударственных социумов весьма значим, но изучив современное состояние проблемы,... more
Öz: Bu çalışma İngiliz filozof John Locke’un doğal hukuk yaklaşımını kendisinin siyaset felsefesi ekseninde ele almaktadır. Locke’un siyaset felsefesi kadar doğal hukuka ilişkin görüşleri de yaşadığı dönemin ekonomi politik gerçekliğinden... more
The government of Iran in the post-revolutionary period may have religious leaders in central positions, but it is far from being a pure theocracy. This paper pursues this topic in the spirit of Michel Foucault’s widely explored notion... more
Marc Champagne argues that the supposedly ‘professional’ style of the analytic
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
The article and its argument are based on a hitherto unexplored Ethiopian chronicle, which offers a uniquely detailed description of a series of enthronement rites. The article explores and deciphers symbolism displayed in these acts,... more
Azerbaijan presents itself as a country fitting in with Western values while simultaneously adhering to Islam and associated traditional values, while also sharing some identity features with Russia and Turkey. This article provides a... more