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Teacher education in England now requires that student teachers follow practices that do not undermine " fundamental British values " where these practices are assessed against a set of ethics and behaviour standards. This paper examines... more
In this chapter, I turn to Deleuze to demonstrate how making sense can become an educational encounter that breaks hierarchies and generates thinking independently of the thinker's knowledge and place in the sociopolitical order. I start... more
En el presente trabajo analizamos, desde una perspectiva comparada, los diferentes programas de alfabetización digital que han sido implementados por parte del Gobierno Federal para dar atención a la educación básica desde 1997 y hasta... more
El propósito de este artículo de investigación es explorar las perspectivas didácticas y los argumentos que utiliza el profesorado de ciencias sociales para desarrollar un currículo competencial de ciudadanía democrática en la escuela... more
Anhand der politischen Bildung fragt der Aufsatz danach, welche Gefahren für die Demokratie im Westdeutschland der 1970er- und 80er-Jahre diagnostiziert und welche Projekte zur Stimulierung individueller Handlungsmuster aufgelegt wurden,... more
Este artigo discute a relevância das redes de políticas públicas regionais para os estudos sobre o alinhamento das agendas internacionais e locais. O isomorfismo das reformas adotadas em diferentes países leva a estudar o fenômeno do... more
In this chapter, I argue that the notion of thinking can shed new light on Rancière’s conception of emancipatory education, as well as on the relation between education and politics in his thought. I show that thinking opens the... more
O trabalho discute o Acordo negociado, desde 2010, entre a Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis e o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento. Em novembro de 2013 veio a público o Proyecto de Expansión y Mejoramiento de la Educación... more
Fortunato, I.; Shigunov Neto, A. (org.) Método(s) de Pesquisa em Educação. São Paulo: Edições Hipótese, 2018.-0 Ivan Fortunato Alexandre Shigunov Neto (org.) MÉTODO(S) DE PESQUISA EM EDUCAÇÃO W Edições Hipótese
Soziale Medien wie Facebook haben einen so bedeutenden Einfluss auf politische Diskurse, dass es einer Adaption von Konzepten der politischen Bildung bedarf. Der Beitrag stellt erste Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojekts an der Universität... more
The Constitution of Colombia of 1991, Article 41, states that it is the obligation of public and private educational institutions, political and civic education of its members; this is since Law 115 of 1994, General Law of Education,... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir aspectos da pesquisa em educação no Brasil, particularmente sobre a importância da dimensão histórica nos estudos de políticas para a educação. Refletir sobre o caráter histórico da pesquisa... more
Compared to the few public higher education institutions in the prewar era, postwar Somalia boasts a large number of academic institutions at the tertiary level, mainly as privately owned universities. Although these community-initiated... more
Although a great paucity exists in scholarly studies on education in Somalia, the scarcity is more evident in the English studies area, particularly English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) (used... more
ABSTRACT In industrial society the massification of education worked well in the progress of society and the individual, the economy and culture. But this fact creates several issues which require urgent solution but are not yet... more
In the United States, corporations and the global elite have adopted "systemic change" as their slogan, a mere symbolic reform pushed forth to adopt policies that will continue to oppress poor working-class communities. The current... more
In The Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez, Rodriguez imagines public education as a path from the privation of family life to the fullness of citizenship. This vision of education is at the center of Hannah Arendt's... more
The primary focus of this paper is the issue of the formation of the citizen in the Rousseau’s social contract theory. To begin with I examine the anthropological basis of Rousseau’s political ideas. These are based on the conception of... more
Mellet, X. & Detey, S. (2021). Global citizenship education in Japanese higher education: a plurilingual and multicultural approach to social justice in a CLIL setting. 65th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education... more
«The Whole Party Is a School». Formative Experiences in the Pci Party Schools in the Seventies. Between 1975 and 1981 the Italian Communist Party considerably expanded its network of party schools with the intention to reinforce the... more
Online-Bildungsmaterialien „Verflechtungen. Koloniales und rassistisches Denken und Handeln im Nationalsozialismus: Voraussetzungen, Funktionen, Folgen. Materialien für die Bildungsarbeit“, (Autor, zusammen mit Susann Lewerenz), hrsg. von... more
This issue of KIU Journal of Social Sciences focuses on Political Education, Social Psychology, Human Resource Management, Educational Management, Entrepreneurship Studies, Disaster Management, Counseling Psychology, Peace and Conflict... more
Faced with increasing threats to fundamental values such as peace, equality and human rights, there has been a strong focus in recent years on the promotion of citizenship education, with several countries changing their official... more
In the present paper we analyze the approach that sustains that history´s study is useful for the political activities improvement. Nowadays it is considered that the historian must not elaborate his works thinking to achieve an influence... more
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Zusammenhänge zwischen Bildung und Antisemitismus erörtert, mit dem Ziel, Perspektiven einer erfolgreichen antisemitismuskritischen Bildungsarbeit aufzu­ zeigen. Dafür wird zunächst der Frage nachgegangen,... more
Pendidikan politik merupakan proses belajar; bukan hanya untuk menambah informasi dan pengetahuan saja akan tetapi lebih menekankan kemampuan mawas situasinya secara kritis, menentukan sikap yang benar dan melatih ketangkasan aksi atau... more
According to many governments and educationalists, education should aim to develop dispositions conducive to political participation and solidarity, because democratic citizenship presupposes participation and solidarity. But there are... more
Throughout American history, political (re)education has been closely intertwined with sound. Concepts of democracy and citizenship with their entailing values such as liberty, individualism, and justice have been mediated (a) through the... more
La stupefazione degli studiosi di politica educativa in Brasile, che avevano al meno un senso di critica e persino di buon senso, esplose durante la campagna di Jair Bolsonaro, del Partito Social Liberale (PSL) per la presidenza della... more
Context of the interview : November 2014, the First International Conference on Education and Politics took place at the Faculty of Education of Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). In order to publish the results of this Conference, the... more
Based on a 3-year qualitative case study of political education projects within an urban teacher-led grassroots activist organization, this article explores the formation of grassroots political education and how it mediated the... more
Proposals for legislation on political foundations in the German political system including a definition of political education. The author proposes to exclude political foundations from registering if they do not openly and actively... more
O objetivo desta coletânea é o de apresentar e discutir as implicações teóricas e metodológicas implícitas ao ato de planejar, tanto em nível nacional quanto internacional. Em âmbito nacional, a obra confere especial destaque ao Plano de... more
Este artículo intenta acercarse a una elaboración teórica de la relación entre espacio virtual y subjetividad. En primer lugar, aborda el concepto de espacio virtual como ámbito político. A continuación, describe sucintamente el devenir... more