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From Text to Political Positions addresses cross-disciplinary innovation in political text analysis for party positioning. Drawing on political science, computational methods and discourse analysis, it presents a diverse collection of... more
This essay seeks to explore the expressions of power and persuasion in Tony Blair’s victory speech in 1997. Firstly, a theoretical framework about power and persuasion in political discourse is demonstrated. Secondly, the context of... more
This article contributes to the theoretical and methodological discussion on textual-contextual analysis in political communication and media research. It argues that taking into consideration both text and context throughout an analysis... more
This study aims to explore the rhetorical and persuasive strategies employed by a political leader to propagate his ideology using language. It intends to critically analyze the victory speech of Pakistani Premier Imran Khan (IK)—the... more
Данная статья посвящена изучению цикличности российского политического дискурса. проведенный анализ показал, что в современном политическом дискурсивном пространстве прослеживается цикличность не только на уровне коммуникативных событий,... more
This article deals with identity political discourse in situations of cultural movements, precisely in situations of migration. It addresses the question of migration through the interpretation of past and in the making events. In this... more
Discourse is a constitutive element of politics as a social practice. This chapter analyzes a political propaganda video released during the 2010 presidential election in Brazil during the final week of the runoff between Dilma Rousseff... more
Définition de l'épreuve par le texte officiel En histoire, l'analyse d'un ou de deux document(s) Cette analyse doit permettre au candidat de faire la preuve de sa capacité à comprendre le contenu, l'apport et la portée du ou des... more
Il discorso, la comunicazione verbale e paraverbale e il media training dell'intervista a Le invasioni Barbariche (La7) di Matteo Salvini e Pippo Civati messi a confronto, evidenziandone analogie e differenze. Ne emerge un quadro che... more
Populism is sometimes conceived as a 'thin-centered ideology' by political scientists (Mudde, 2007). However, in discourse analysis we conceive of populism as a set of discourse strategies used by both left-wing or right-wing politicians... more
Action-­sentences about states, such as 'North Korea conducted a nuclear test', are ubiquitous in discourse about international relations. Although there has been a great deal of debate in IR about whether states are agents or actors, the... more
The main aim of the article is to discuss the opinions on enlargement in Poland after 2004. Polish public opinion and elites expressed very high level of support for the Polish membership in the EU and after 2004 high level of positive... more
This article exemplifies an approach to analyzing political arguments and press deliberation on the issue of climate change and oil policy. I apply political discourse analysis to examine an oil minister’s press conference presentation of... more
What happens in authoritarian regimes following natural disasters? In this article we explore how authoritarian leaders use language strategically to shift blame and reap any possible benefits from the state’s response to the disaster.... more
The paper is entitled “Representations of War in Official Discourses Given by British Diplomats” and it is a case study of Sir Edward Grey’s Speech before the House of Commons, dated the 3rd of August 1914. I have chosen this speech... more
espanolLa mediatizacion del discurso politico en redes sociales ha reavivado el debate en torno a las transformaciones que estas nuevas practicas discursivas introducen en las formas de hacer politica. En este debate, se enmarca la... more
Los discursos políticos de rompimiento tienen el mérito de haber cuestionado el dogma neoliberal que elevó un paradigma económico, de entre otros posibles, al rango de ciencia exacta, por encima de consideraciones políticas o sociales. A... more
В монографии впервые в отечественной лингвистике представлено систематическое исследование инаугурационных речей российских президентов и их посланий Федеральному собранию. Анализ ведется преимущественно в когнитивных и риторических... more
Resumen El artículo pretende contribuir al estudio de los textos retóricos del clasicismo chino, presentando traducciones directas del chino al castellano. Se ofrece aquí la primera versión íntegra del capítulo 3 (Nán yán) del corpus... more
מחקר זה מתמקד בטוקבקים התגובות שישראלים כותבים באתרי אינטרנט, ובמונח המתאר זירה תקשורתית זו. לאור ניתוח פרשני של תגובות כאלה בעשר השנים האחרונות המאמר מתחיל בתיאור הפוטנציאל הקרנבלי הקיים בטוקבקים. אלה יכולים לממש את הקרנבל הבכטיניאני,... more
Compte-rendu de : Léo Löwenthal et Norbert Guterman Les prophètes du mensonge. Etude sur l'agitation fasciste aux Etats-Unis (1949), La découverte, collection Théorie critique, 2019, 250 p.
It is now more than 30 years since the publication of Edward W. Said’s seminal text Orientalism. With his discourse analysis of an astounding number of academic, bureaucratic and literary texts from the colonial period, Said was able to... more
Ohne eine vergleichende Analyse, die mehrere Diskurstraditionen berücksichtigt ist nicht zu bestimmen, ob (Be-)Deutungaspekte von Metaphern universal oder sprachspezifisch sind und inwieweit sie von historischen Faktoren beeinflusst... more
Resumen: Nayib Bukele asumió como presidente de El Salvador el 1° de junio de 2019. Con su triunfo se puso fin a la alternancia bipartidista entre el FMLN y ARENA, que primó por treinta años en el país. El presidente latinoamericano más... more
In this paper, we will be reviewing the Discourse analysis as a qualitative and quantitative multidisciplinary approach that allows studying a discourse in a precise way. We will see two of the main methods to analyze a speech, the... more
Koncept EUROPA jest jednym z centralnych pojec ukrainskiego dyskursu społeczno-politycznego. Ten aksjologiczny koncept jest wrazliwy na oddziaływanie kontekstu socjokulturowego, zwłaszcza w okresach gwałtownych zmian społecznych.... more
Introduzione L'affermazione di partiti e movimenti « populisti » in Italia è piuttosto recente. Le prime riflessioni di studiosi e osservatori che iniziano a impiegare apertamente questo termine appaiono con l'affermazione della Lega Nord... more
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
Using a case study of official representation of communism in Romania, this article addresses the rhetoric of historical representation and some of the ways in which the collective memory of communism is managed in the context of how... more
Persuasive privilege speeches are heavily relied upon by Filipino senators in dealing with their constituents and fellow politicians. Through a privilege speech, Filipino senators promote their advocacies, defend their work and... more
A key pre-election spoken genre in several modern democracies is unarguably the manifesto launch speech. Yet, it has surprisingly received either very little or no scholarly attention. Consequently, from a rhetorical perspective, this... more
This work looks at the political discourse of Marshal Ion Antonescu from the perspective of international relations theory, specifically realism and idealism. There is no agreement yet among historians and political scientists regarding... more
The article explores the prospects of regime assessment based on political discourse in terms of increasing the accuracy of assessment results. The urgency of the issue is conditioned by the decrease in the efficiency of classical... more
This paper studies Nelson Mandela's speech at Harvard University with a view to investigating tropes and figures of speech. Figures of speech are one of the prominent stylistic devices that make a speech more effective. In the analysis,... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
On 23 January 2013 Prime Minister David Cameron gave a speech1 on the future of the United Kingdom (UK) in the European Union (EU), announcing that an in-out referendum will be held in 2017 if another Conservative government is elected in... more
"Vocabulary of Political Polish Language", review of  “Słownik polszczyzny politycznej po roku 1989” by Rafał Zimny and Paweł Nowak, Journalism Quarterly Research Review 2012, nr 1/2012, pp. 94-97.
If your library has access to Springer Link a full version of this book can be downloaded via: . This book focuses on the discursive processes that allow activists to make sense... more
Occupy Wall Street was a movement of many faces. Its impact on the public debate was significant, sparking support and criticism from a variety of sources. The occupation of the park, a ‘privately owned public space’, awoke the interest... more