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In 1992, an archaeological survey of Marawah Island conducted by the Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey identified two significant Neolithic settlements known as MR1 and MR11. Both sites are constructed on prominent rocky platforms... more
le mot "perles", même s'il est difficile à éviter à propos de certains articles de propagande, comporte aussi le risque, en raison même de la réputation de futilité qui l'entoure, de leur permettre d'échapper à la critique qui en certains... more
First of an ongoing series from Danna G. Hallmark taken from a forum thread on ISG Website: 1. "If You Don't Know History, You Don't Know Squat" introduces the reader to the inefficiencies of pearl evaluation and classification today. 2.... more
La conquista romana del Mediterráneo oriental y de Egipto amplió los horizontes de los mercaderes ítalo-romanos como nunca antes. A los pocos años de ocupar el territorio, eran cientos las caravanas y barcos que partían anualmente hacia... more
Pearl is a valuable item produced by pearl oysters.
Pearl-forming molluscs, both freshwater and marine, have been identified from the South African archaeological record.However, no pearls have been recorded.The lack of pearls in the archaeological record and the fact that many... more
This paper uses archaeological and historical data to explore the formative impact of pearl fishing in the Persian Gulf, focusing on migration and population growth, and changes in material culture. The observable role of Gulf communities... more
In this paper, the market situation of the pearl industry is examined and changes in its structure are related to new technologies. Differences in the industry’s socio-economic impacts are explored, sources of market supply are specified... more
Compte-rendu de la deuxieme journee d'etudes consacree aux objets de luxe importes de l'ocean Indien dans le monde mediterraneen. Cette etude aborde le cas de deux produits fournis par la mer : les perles naturelles et... more
The taxonomy and biogeographic history of the bivalve family Margaritiferidae are controversial because previous molecular studies did not provide a well-resolved phylogenetic framework for these enigmatic freshwater mussels that have... more
For this radiocarbon study, 7 saltwater pearls and 3 shells from pearl oysters have been analyzed. The declared ages of the samples range from the mid-19th century to very recent formations. The analyzed data show the potential of the... more
The Impression of Blue Jewelry Collection
A Project by ABK Jewelry and Rosettes
The Preslav gold treasure (adornments from gold decorated with enamel, beads of gem minerals and pearls: diadem, bilateral necklace, medallions, several earrings and earcaps, rings, buttons, appliqués and other small finds) was found in... more
Las conquistas de Macedonia y Siria por parte de Roma, posibilitó la expansión de la misma hacia el Mediterráneo oriental y acumular una serie de riquezas derivadas de los botines de guerra nunca antes vista en la ciudad. El... more
The pearl world radically changed when a Japanese entrepreneur decides to dedicate all his life to fulfil a dream: to adorn the necks of all the women in the world with pearls. He succeeded in generating the first whole cultured pearl in... more
Compte-rendu de la deuxieme journee d'etudes consacree aux objets de luxe importes de l'ocean Indien dans le monde mediterraneen. Cette etude aborde le cas de deux produits fournis par la mer : les perles naturelles et... more
Born in the wombs of shells and polished by mother nature herself, pearls were regarded as gifts from the gods. For millennia, the creation of pearls was credited to the tears of heavenly creatures or the formation of sun-touched... more
Most materials of practical interest are neither completely wetting nor completely non-wetting. Through careful design, it is possible to alter the natural wettability of a surface to be more omniphilic or omniphobic. This is principally... more
Summarised proceedings of the 1st Pearl Symposium hosted by DANAT, the Bahrain Institute for Pearls & Gemstones, on 14–15 November 2019 in Bahrain, a few days before the CIBJO Congress in Manama. This scientific event was promoted under... more
The pearl trade in Rome is attested in early imperial period. The seller of pearls or margaritarii was responsible for the luxury trade. They are the last link in this interprovincial and transoceanic trade.
The United States may not be the first country that comes to mind when it comes to pearl production but it has notable historic importance as a producer of natural freshwater pearls and contemporary significance as a supplier of shell... more
This paper uses archaeological and historical data to examine the formative impact of pearl fishing on the Persian Gulf region, including migration and population expansion, urban growth, and changes in material culture and consumption... more
Carl Linnaeus succeded in culturing freshwater Pearls in Sweden in the 1740s but the Discovery did not result in any production and the Pearls are now in the Collections of the Linnaean society in London.
This is the second in a series of somewhat whimsical, but serious articles and comments by Danna G. Hallmark on the subject of Pearls. Elaborating on the subject of the inefficiencies and inequalities of the modern classification and... more
How can pearl jewelry can keep up with modern trends