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Please consult the book's 2nd edition, above Three prints of the 1st edition were sold between April 15, 2014 - July 31, 2015. The book went out of print and its adventures in publish-land are discussed here:... more
Drawing on Marx's analysis of the rise to power of Louis Bonaparte, in this (Hebrew) article I analyze Ariel Sharon's rise to power in 2001 and the policies pursued by his government until his incapacitation in 2005. Sharon was elected... more
Unpublished review (1989). "Rather than intelligible history, what emerges from this book are questions about how a violently aggressive and dishonest personality like Sharon has emerged, retreated in disgrace, and re-emerged in Israel’s... more
Abstrakt Artykuł omawia działania 38. Ugdy Cahalu dowodzonej przez gen. bryg. Arie-la Szarona podczas wojny sześciodniowej. Opisuje przebieg działań tego związ-ku taktycznego oraz rolę jego dowódcy w osiągnięciu zwycięstwa nad egipską 12.... more
Good human rights reporting, such as The Accused, a BBC documentary on Ariel Sharon, can do little to stop those intent on pursuing hatred through violence.  But it can put them on notice that witness and justice will not remain quiet.
The path for the Likud's establishment in the fall of 1973 was a weighty reference point for right-wing emergence in the State of Israel. The initiative to expand Gahal originated from different sources from within the Israeli political... more
מלחמת שלום הגליל היא אחת המלחמות השנויות במחלוקת בחברה הישראלית. הנרטיב הרווח קובע ששר הביטחון אריאל שרון הונה את ראש הממשלה מנחם בגין ואת הממשלה כולה. מנחם בגין והממשלה אישרו פעולה מצומצמת שנועדה להרחיק את הארגונים הפלסטיניים כארבעים... more
This article seeks to add another dimension to the growing and extensive research on right-wing Zionism, by returning to an era when the Likud was first created. I will examine the major difference between processes that have led to the... more
Drawing on Marx's analysis of the rise to power of Louis Bonaparte, in this (Hebrew) article I analyze Ariel Sharon's rise to power in 2001 and the policies pursued by his government until his incapacitation in 2005. Sharon was... more
The Israeli settlement movement began after Israel's decisive victory in the 1967 Six-Day War in which Israel gained control of the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank. Despite the fact that the Geneva... more
The 1967 Six-Day War was a turning point for the Middle East. No longer fighting for its survival, Israel became an occupying power on the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula to the banks of... more
This article seeks to add another dimension to the growing and extensive research on right-wing Zionism, by returning to an era when the Likud was first created. I will examine the major difference between processes that have led to the... more
"Nunca ha habido una buena guerra ni una mala paz"
Benjamín Franklin
... that its position is contrary to the position of the 'great majority of other participants in the ... the DoP Israel remained in a position allowing her to exercise effective, even if not direct or full ... Israel and the PLO and... more
המאמר מנתח את הדרך להקמת הליכוד בסתיו 1973 כנקודת ציון משמעותית בתהליך צבירת הכוח של הימין במדינת ישראל. היוזמה להרחיב את גח"ל הגיעה מגורמים שונים במערכת הפוליטית בישראל, משורות המפלגה הליברלית ומהאופוזיציה הפנימית בתנועת החרות. דווקא... more
His aggression spawned rightwing militarism in Israel and its neighbourhood.