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Career development is the lifelong process of managing, learning, work, leisure and transition in order to move towards a personally determined and evolving preferred future for the youth. The increasing level of unemployment in... more
Dirt is evoked to signify many important facets of mountain bike culture including its emergence, history and everyday forms of practice and affect. These significations are also drawn upon to frame the sport's (sub)cultural and... more
The “living quality” provided by well-made things seems to combine the experience of fully satisfying services for both users and providers, and the way they spread delight and a feeling of wholeness in the world around them. The... more
In this paper I will explore the oceans as Thingspaces, and analyze the current Plastic Pollution of oceans within the long history of resurfacing objects from the sea. From the specific history of oceans as “Places of Away” and “Places... more
Auch Objekte haben eine Biographie. Zwischen Herstellung und Verfall durchlaufen materielle Artefakte verschiedene Stadien. Hierbei wandeln sich Besitzer und Funktionen der Objekte, es verändert sich ihre Bedeutung und nicht zuletzt auch... more
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) utilizes an alternate arrangement of programming language than old procedural programming dialects (C, Pascal, and so forth.). It is a methodology which is essentially centered on the way objects... more
Autorizada la reproducción y distribución sin fines de lucro de este texto íntegro y con sus créditos. No se permite la modificación. El viaje del Penacho de Moctezuma Edith Llamas Camacho Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UNAM El 10 Julio... more
The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature
EXTRACTİON OF DETAİLS İN THE CİTY CENTER BENEFİTİNG FROM REMOTE SENSİNG İMAGES USİNG BY OBJECT-BASED CLASSİFİCATİON METHOD Nowadays, reference maps should be updated constantly for the reasons of preventing on the illegal, unplanned... more
Zētēsis, No. 1 has both a booklet (uploaded separately as Vol 1.5) and a volume of writing (this uploaded version here). Please read both together! From the Preface: Preface We Libidinal Economists! Daybreak, Version √2 With... more
Most entities studied by archaeologists share the same basic necessary conditions. They are limited spatiotemporal units which are continuous within a human frame of sensorial reference. These entities cannot dissolve into their... more
In the development of 21st century life skills, specifi c activity-based learning approaches could be helpful. This article describes the Trialogical Learning Approach, considered from the point of view of its interpretation and... more
“The Consolation of Objects” takes seriously Nietzsche’s call to embrace what is, to love necessity. Amor fati for him entails the ability “to see what is necessary in things as what is beautiful in them.” Stephen Dedalus, in Joyce’s A... more
The book Object compiled by Václav Janoščík in 2015 from twelve studies was created in connection to the exhibitions of Return of the Object and the Disorder of Things in the Prague Gallery Kvalitář (11. 9. - 6. 11. 2015). In the... more
Extant research tends to adopt a community perspective when examining value creation in consumer collectives, which limits the understanding of how value is created in loosely organized, dynamic, and heterogeneous networks. This study... more
By way of generative critique, this article considers the premises, potential, and consequences of object-oriented ontology (OOO) and object-oriented rhetoric (OOR). To do this, it moves through four progressive and accumulative sections:... more
Pattern language can be used to describe transformative ways of resolving disparate forces in complex contexts, making explicit the ancient practices of holistic architectural design, creating new forms with living quality. Discussed... more
Flood control operation of reservoirs can play a major role in alleviating flood losses. Flood control management system for reservoirs, an important non-structural measure, will benefit to make full use of the flood control capacity of... more
The project we propose is a console-based, multi-player game in a client/server environment with a political theme. The server application will act as the referee/moderator and alert players when a new player arrives and a challenge of... more
Mind Alone For many years psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy was singularly centered on the unconscious mind and conscious mind. There was only mind and the mind could become aware of its own self and its own representational... more
This article is part of a broader study focused on the perception of functional domestic objects. We propose the analysis of user perception of said objects, through literary revision of key authors and concepts, and also via an enquiry... more
"The poetic machine by Wojciech Bruszewski and Stanisław Lem. The post-humanist reflection" The article is an attempt to analyze the issue of the autonomy of objects in context of the relationship and subsequent communication between... more
"The lesson of the machine. Cases of the poetry of the Czech avant-garde" This book constitutes a proposal for a new reading of the most important trends in Czech avant-garde poetry from the years 1913-1926 via the prism of the struggle... more
Spatial thinking has constituted an area of growing interest-mostly known as 'spatial turn'-among contemporary art, academia and society, yet such a fascination does not constitute an ephemeral trend. Humans tend to think spatially;... more
The mathematical description of object oriented language has already been developed by Srivastav et al. The authors have already published papers where they have shown that it is possible to describe programming language such as C, Java... more
In today’s process-centered business organization, it is imperative that enterprise information system must be converted from task-centered to process-centered system. Traditional software development methodology is function-oriented, in... more
« Every meal is a lesson learned ». Le dicton victorien prévient du risque de sanction que tout convive encourt constamment. Ces sanctions portent souvent sur la manière dont on s'approche, on sélectionne, on manie les couverts sur la... more
Despite increasing the number of studies for mapping remote sensing insect-induced forest infestations, applying novel approaches for mapping and identifying its triggers are still developing. This study was accomplished to test the... more
This book is a significant re-thinking of Duchamp’s importance in the twenty-first century, taking seriously the readymade as a critical exploration of object-oriented relations under the conditions of consumer capitalism. The readymade... more