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The “living quality” provided by well-made things seems to combine the experience of fully satisfying services for both users and providers, and the way they spread delight and a feeling of wholeness in the world around them. The... more
Pattern language can be used to describe transformative ways of resolving disparate forces in complex contexts, making explicit the ancient practices of holistic architectural design, creating new forms with living quality. Discussed... more
Doğal sistemleri anlama biçimimiz, özellikle son yüzyılda gerçekleşen bilimsel gelişmeler ile birlikte oldukça gelişmiştir. Farklı bilim disiplinlerinin arasındaki muğlak sınırlar etrafında, doğadaki davranışların, son derece kompleks;... more
Nature-based tourism in protected areas, which is growing worldwide, offers much potential to enhance biodiversity conservation, poverty alleviation, and ultimately sustainable development. Understanding the evolution of protected areas... more