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In You Are the Universe, the contemplative endocrinologist Deepak Chopra and the MIT physicist Menas Kafatos offer a groundbreaking, lucid work on consciousness that is refreshingly accessible without relying upon mathematical language or... more
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon III. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007. (300 p. ; ISBN... more
The book offers a fresh look on man, cultures, and societies built on the current advances in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum philosophy, and quantum consciousness. The authors have developed an inspiring theoretical framework... more
The charged quantum geometry of mass-ENERGY-Matter - developed from the foundational postulate that quantised angular momenta of Planck's constant is in fact reflective of an equilateral mass-energy geometry from which all 2d immaterial... more
Contextuality and entanglement are valuable resources for quantum computing and quantum information. Bell inequalities are used to certify entanglement; thus, it is important to understand why and how they are violated. Quantum mechanics... more
The fundamental holographic principle is first proposed, then demonstrated in its validity and viability through a thought experiment and then finally derived. The Heisenberg uncertainty relations are shown to follow from this fundamental... more
While the slogan "no measurement without disturbance" has established itself under the name Heisenberg effect in the consciousness of the scientifically interested public, a precise statement of this fundamental feature of the quantum... more
Reports on experiments recently performed in Vienna [Erhard et al., Nature Phys. 8, 185 (2012)] and Toronto [Rozema et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 100404 (2012)] include claims of a violation of Heisenberg's error-disturbance relation. In... more
In this paper we have tried to deduce the possible origin of particle and evolution of their intrinsic properties through spiral dynamics. We consider some of the observations which include exponential mass function of particles following... more
Quantum entanglement, a term coined by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935, is a mechanical phenomenon at the quantum level wherein the quantum states of two (or more) particles have to be described with reference to each other though these... more
En este ensayo nos ocuparemos del problema de la “indistinguibilidad cuántica”. El mismo puede formularse en pocas palabras: al parecer, las entidades cuánticas pueden ser distintas sólo número. Es decir, la ‘Ley de Leibniz’ es... more
In this presentation we tried to focus on basics of superdense coding, EPR paradox, measurement of entangled bits.
This survey treats the Hilbert Book Model Project. The project concerns a well-founded, purely mathematical model of physical reality. The project relies on the conviction that physical reality owns its own kind of mathematics and that... more
The solid experimental evidence for the violation of Bell's inequalities is widely interpreted as a definitive proof of the impossibility to describe quantum phenomena in terms of a local and realistic statistical model of hidden... more
Elise Crull (Found Phys. doi:10.​1007/​s10701-014-9847-4, 2014) claims that by invoking decoherence it is possible (i) to obviate many “fine grained” issues often conflated under the common designation of measurement problem, and (ii) to... more
Delayed-choice experiments in quantum mechanics are often taken to undermine a realistic interpretation of the quantum state. More specifically, Healey has recently argued that the phenomenon of delayed-choice entanglement swapping is... more
It has been stated that "nobody understands Quantum Mechanics". That is no longer the case. The concerned reader is invited to share the viewpoint of the author while reading this note and then stay sharing it during, say, one day.... more
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) posits that there are several fields (electro-magnetic, gravitational, Higgs) that permeate space throughout the universe. A disturbance in one of those fields causes a wave of energy to be generated. In the... more
A more correct way to understand De Broglie in terms of equivalence instead of duality. We regard two things to be equivalent if they are quantitatively identical while being qualitatively different. This definition is not given in the... more
It is argued that the components of the superposed wave function of a measuring device, each of which represents a definite measurement result, do not correspond to many worlds, one of which is our world, as assumed by the many-worlds... more
The theory of dual numerical means of random and experienced variables is briefly described in the framework of the new theory of experience and the chance that arises as an axiomatic synthesis of two dual theories — the Kolmogorov theory... more
Dorst recently concludes that the measurement problem of standard quantum mechanics (SQM) dissolves if we accept Humeanism about laws of nature. In this Comment, I argue that his analysis of the so-called nomological gaps of SQM is... more
A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more
In this paper we review Castagnino's contributions to the foundations of quantum mechanics. First, we recall his work on quantum decoherence in closed systems, and the proposal of a general framework for decoherence from which the... more
I know about the universe because it influences me. Light excites the photoreceptors in my eyes, surfaces apply pressure to my touch receptors and my eardrums are buffeted by relentless waves of air molecules. My entire sensorium is... more
Have we finally found a way to bring together gravity and quantum mechanics in a unified theory? This article looks at the latest research against the backdrop of historical physics experiments, some re-visited with our latest technology.
Founding conscious mind's quantum collapse phenomenal reality QM Foundation and discovery: The quantum collapse of the wave function to the relative observation of conscious consciousness is first-hand evidence of the direct "natural"... more
I show that the momentum operator in quantum mechanics, in the position representation, commonly known to be a derivative with respect to a spacial x-coordinate, can be derived by identifying momentum as the generator of space translations.
The true test of entanglement is not Bell’s inequalities which is founded upon faulty assumptions. The true test is whether so-called entangled particles can affect each other at a distance. To demonstrate this, one particle must be... more
The University of Cologne and the international community of researchers in foundations of physics mourn the loss of Peter Mittelstaedt, who passed away on November 21, 2014, after a short period of illness. Peter Mittelstaedt held a... more
John Stewart Bell (1928-1990), a truly deep and serious thinker, was one of the leading physi-cists of the 20th century. He became famous for his discovery that quantum mechanics implies that nature is nonlocal, ie, that there are... more
Quantum physicists have made many attempts to solve the quantum measurement problem, but no solution seems to have received widespread acceptance. The time has come for a new approach. In Sense Perception and Reality: A Theory of... more
The principal issues concerning the foundations of physics are how to solve the puzzle of the apparent discrepancy between the theoretical frameworks of classical spacetime physics and quantum microphysics as well as, in particular, how... more
The No-communication Theorem has been seen as the bar to communication by quantum state collapse. The essence of this theory is the procedure of taking the partial trace on an entangled, hence inseparable multi-particle system. This... more
Recently, the problem of the infinite square was reexamined by using the self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator and the momentum operator, instead of postulating boundary conditions. The solutions so obtained are free from those... more
An introduction to Tetryonic theory - the unified theory of mass-ENERGY-Matter in motion
The electron of an Hydrogen atom, orbits the nucleus in discrete orbits as described by the Bohr model. But we know from the theory proposed by de Broglie in 1925, that all particles of matter can be associated with a certain matter wave.... more
In-principle restrictions on the amount of information that can be gathered about a system have been proposed as a foundational principle in several recent reconstructions of the formalism of quantum mechanics. However, it seems unclear... more